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Welcome to The Library. Randomness happens, Studyees. |
Good evening Studyees. Hello, and what is up? It's an interesting Friday night here in The Library, so take off your fun pants, roll 'em in a ball and toss 'em in the corner, and let's get it on! Try as hard as I might, funerals are no fun. Pop Diesel even skipped out (it was my stepmom's sister, and since my stepmom is off with someone else, dad must not've felt the need to be awake and drive across town for the 11am, ummm, ceremony? reception? gathering? family meat market? Even if it was right down the street from me. God bless that man.) and I skipped out on the after-party down the road. Free food at a great local restaurant is a great thing...but not when I'm surrounded by a half-family that's sobbing and wheezing and causing me general uncomfortableness. I'm all about family, but geez, I can't take it. And I loved my aunt, but I don't do death very well. I never have, and I don't know if I ever will. So then I decided to try to get ready for work, but I dillydallied and went in late, a head full of thoughts and crap. Sat through an entirely overdone meeting led by the creepy chick that transferred in from another store, who had my position there and is now getting paid the same amount to be under me. You'd think that she'd just ease up, throw in some insight, and be done with it, collecting her checks and coasting. But no, this, um, person (?) was brought in and management wasn't clear on what they were telling us. She had to be told more than a few times that I'm in charge, everything goes through me, and that's that. In her eyes, we do things wrong, hence the meeting. I've held the position for barely a few months, so I'm going by what I know. My training wasn't all that great, but still, I shouldn't hafta be sitting through her "presentation" just to have most of her ideas shot down by the rest of management present (which I took some solace in). And she doesn't even want to run a photo lab! At the end of it, she remarked to more than one person that she hopes to be working in the pharmacy by the end of the year! How wrong is this, um, person? Her name is Robin, by the way. So I've taken to calling her "Boy Wonder". As in Robin, Boy Wonder, Batman's sidekick. She's got more scars on her forearms from cutting herself than I have scars from anything I've ever done, physically or emotionally. It's gonna be like the 4th of July when I actuallly slip up and call her that to her face. But she's got it coming....calling some of the things we do "unprofessional"...Boy Wonder PLEASE...like your weird tats and your tight pants and your lack of personality have anything to do with "professionalism". She's about as professional as a Suicide Girl in church, with the personality of a doorknob, only the rusty doorknob that's about to fall off will sound better hitting the ground than she will. She may know what she's doing, but her attitude is certainly not flying with anyone else in my department, and it's wearing thinner than her scars on everyone else. So what else? Came home after a boring day at work and began to map out my contest. Yes, this is happening!! BLBLBLBLBLBL!!! (and I know you're trying that out loud...I hear it every time I get a text, cuz I'm a dork like that). Still figuring out the final entries in my tournament. And how I'm gonna allot my prize booty. Y'all stay tuned, cuz when it's on, it's ON. Like Donkey Kong. It'll be a project, and I'll be on all you Stoggers to not only spread the word, but to get your entries in and up to date. Remember, it's not just about me, but about all of you too. So when I drop the say-so, y'all best be gettin' those fun pants you rolled up in a ball and threw in my corner back on, because we're gonna tourney like nothing WDC has ever documented. Unprecedented, dare I even say it. Studyees, that's all I've got for tonight. I've got a new Facebook friend I'm gonna bother for a little bit right now *wink wink*. The power of The Library is validated and always reaching out for more. So with that, spread love and stay safe kids. I'm out. GOODNIGHT NOW!! |