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Rated: 13+ · Book · Fantasy · #1587689
a story that is on going just one i made up
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#662017 added August 3, 2009 at 9:16am
Restrictions: None
the first part
Katherine-Isabelle Savopoulous

I sat at the window, waiting for his return. I was 12 then and didn't fully understand the cruelties of the world. The longer I sat the more anxious I became. 'What wonderful gift will Daddy bring home this time?' I had thought to myself as Dominick entered the room.
Silently, he sat down on the stool next to me, peering out the other window. The clock chimed in the fourth hour as Christalee walked in to the room, perfect timing. With a nod from the two of us, she sat down and began playing the grand piano.
It was my mother’s tune. Apparently she taught it to Christalee before she passed away in labor with me. My father like to say I was the last thing she saw, but I’ve heard otherwise.
I was lost in the song when the telephone rang. Dominick jumped to answer it. Quickly, he ran to the other room, “Savopoulous residence, Dominick Dame speaking.”
After many “yes, I understand” s he walked back into the room, a dismayed expression crept over his face. I knew then that something was wrong, “Dominick, what is it?”
He didn’t respond. He stared down at my ruby ring, then looked at the diamond cross that was around his neck. Christalee must have understood that we needed a moment alone, because she left then.
He looked up at me when she had left and fully closed the door behind her. “Our fathers- Katie, there’s no easy way to explain this…” he began with a tear in his eye.
“Just say it! Tell me what’s wrong.”
“Our fathers,” he began again, “They’re … away” his saddened voice didn’t even help me understand. I was in denial.
“I know they’re not here. But they’re due home any minute!”
The doorbell rang then. I assume Christalee answered it. Within seconds King Arvik of the fairfolk walked in. “Have you had time to explain?” he looked over at me. I understood then.
A shock went through me as I realized I’d never see my father again. I searched my mind for the last words I’d said to him. I was absolutely sure they weren’t ‘I love You”,
Between tears and sobs I asked every question imaginable that began with ‘why’. “Why him? Why both of them? What at such a young age? Why did he have to leave me? Why?”
Arvik was still looking at me. “It was his time.”
“No, it wasn’t!” I screamed back as I ran to my room. I tore open the door and let myself fall to my bed.
As I laid on my satin pillow I stared up at my canopy, his last gift to me. Dominick walked in and looked at me with both, shame and guilt. His bright blue eyes no longer looked lively, but twenty years older. Silently, he turned my music on and sat down beside me. He reminded me of my father. His dark brown hair swept past his shoulders and onto my face as he began to lean over.
I thought he was going to kiss me, but instead his face sharpened more than usual. At that point I thought hw was going to scold me, but instead he said nothing. He just sat there, staring at me, as if trying to get a good look, thinking I was next.
I was the one who broke the silence, “D, you mad at me?”
“No, not really. I’m more mad at myself for not telling you straight out.” He paused, “ You know my birthday’s tomorrow.
“Mine too.” I said in a joyful tone, until I saw him gaze down at my ring.
“Katie, there comes a time in one’s life when everything fails. That’s now, at least for me. I understand that you have Christalee, so maybe you do have something, but, Katie, I have no one. I’m not going to make you be on my side, but I hope to your father in the world above that you’ll come to me when I feel I need you most.”
I nodded, but said nothing, “Your father, the Creator of both the world above and our land, changed my life. The second I believed in him I was a new person.
“D, I’ve heard this all before. Where are you going with this.” I asked, my voice stressed.
“My father was one of the most powerful men that your father Created, yet he didn’t fully believe in him.—“
I interrupted, “You mean to tell me that Father Dame had little to no belief in my father? Father Savopoulous not only Created this world, but cared for it. HE was the one who forgave Father Dame each time he would wrong us. I know of the times when he would curse you for seeing, caring, and eventually, loving me. I know darned well that if the father had to pick their son’s lover, then I’d be his last choice, but-“ my voice rose with each word.
This time he interrupted me, “Would have been, Katie, would have been! It doesn’t matter what he thought. What matters is my initial question. Will you live with me? You’ll live like a Savopoulous but will become a Dame.” He was flustered, I could tell.
“Are you asking for my hand in marriage, too?” my tone must have come out wrong, because he got up and headed for the door. “Wait, D, I love you. Yes, I’ll live with you. There is a catch,” I paused, “Christalee comes too.” I wiped my wet face with my sleeve and got up, turning off my music as I walked out the door.
Dominick Dame

That night I didn’t sleep. Instead I tossed and turned until morning. My mind was focused on my loved one, my Katie-Bells. She was no one else’s. It was as if I had already claimed her. I thought all night about her snappy tone when I asked her to live with me. ‘Maybe she doesn’t feel for me the way I feel for her. Or maybe she’d just overreacted. Heck, maybe I am.’ I had thought while hoping that it was option number three.
Christalee woke me from my thoughts, “Good morning, Dominick. Happy Birthday!”
I didn’t want to ruin the good mood, but I couldn’t help it, “How’s the Lady? Is she feeling well on her birthday morning?”
Christalee’s face saddened at the mention of Katie, but her voice was strong, “Katherine demands that under no circumstances is any one to interrupt her. Personally, I believe she’s in mourning and needs a little cheering up.”
“ I will tend to her today. You may take the day off.”
“But what about dinner?”
“We will not be attending.”
“May I ask why? You seem to be doing well with company.” Her voice was quizzical.
“I must return home by tonight, I have work to be done.”
She seemed appalled, “What about the Lady? She wouldn’t want to be abandoned in this time of need.”
I caught myself off guard, ‘You mean to tell me that she hasn’t told you?’ I had almost said, but too much anger was built inside of me to be polite. “Then I guess I’ll have to take her with me, now won’t I?” My tone came out strong, all my anger showed. Christalee turned, set my breakfast tray down on the bed and walked out the door, leaving me to fume in my own anger. I couldn’t believe that I had done that to her, yet I had no strength in me to ask for forgiveness.
An hour passed before I went to look for Katie. A scare went through me when I didn’t find her in her room. Slowly I searched the rest of the castle, top to bottom, and still I didn’t find her. I walked onto the green, but she wasn’t in sight. I had almost given up when I heard a sob coming from the forest. Without thinking I jumped off my horse and ran straight toward the sound. Nothing was going to stop me, I knew that cry by heart. It wasn’t one that I could miss. “Katie, I’m coming!” I screamed. I ran as if my life depended on it, especially after I fell.
When I finally reached her, she was sitting by the creek with her feet in. Nothing looked physically wrong, but with one look you could tell she was an emotional disaster. Her eyes had turned grey overnight and her fingernails were painted black, as were her toenails. The dress she wore was long sleeved and the color of a starless midnight sky. Her corset was sloppy. You could tell Christalee had not helped her. Even her figure looked grim to me.
I approached her with care, using her pet name, “Katie-Belles, you ok?” WHy I had asked that I don’t know. I had already known the answer.
“Oh, Dominick, nothing is right.” That was all she had to say before a stroked her to sleep in my arms. I sat there for several more minutes just letting her frail figure fall deeper and deeper into mime.
As I stood up I sang to her. It wasn’t much but it kept her from waking. I carried her back to her room and packed her bags. I could no longer stand the castle that she grew up in. It was a pure reminder of the joys of love, not just for one, but for all.

Katherine-Isabelle Savopoulous

I woke to the trot of my throughbred, Star. I felt a familiar hand on my shoulder, but didn’t dare open my eyes. “Am I being kidnapped?”
I recognized the touch before I recognized the chuckle. “Dominick, is that you?”
“Calm down, Baby, it’s me. We’re going home.” he cooed to me.
“Where’s Christalee?” A scare went through me as I realized that my life was about to changed dramatically.
“I’m over in the carriage. Now, don’t you worry about me.” Her voice was quiet. I could clearly tell she hadn’t liked the idea of moving.
Star slowed to a walk, we were ‘home’, yet that’s not what I wanted to call it. It wasn’t the free land where there were no rules to follow but your own. There were rules that I had to follow here, as there were rules that Dominick had to follow at my house. The problem with that statement is that is was no longer my home. I had promised him that I’d be there for him and when a Savopoulous makes a promise they mean it.
I slowly got off Star. There was a whole different castle staring back at me. I’d been there before but it felt so different, so unwelcoming.
I must have stood there in a trance for a while because Dominick hollered back to me, “You coming, Katie-Belles?

It was days before I felt like I had climbed out of the hole that had trapped me and engulfed my mind with memories.
--- “Sweetie, wake up,” my daddy had said to me. “There’s someone here to see you.”
Quickly, I aroused myself and dressed in my new pink gown with sleeves. Daddy put my long, thick, blond hair back in a bun and I tied a nice pink bow around it. I looked like a complete princess, put a crown on me, give me a prince and I would have been good to go.
After taking a second glance in the full length mirror I found myself sliding sideways down the spiral banister. I remember thinking, “It’s time to make Mama proud.”
By the time I had reached my father’s formal office, the one reserved for special occasions, the whole ‘family’ was there, maids and servants included.
I stepped into the office, wanting to know my fate. Aleana, the fortune teller was the first to speak, “We’re gathered here today to celebrate Katherine-Isabelle Savopoulous’s seventh birthday. Today is the day her fortune is to be told. Today is the lucky day she will turn from a young, mindless, giddy girl to an adolescent of wisdom and emotion.”
She handed me a locket. For a brief second I was hesitant to open it, knowing that my destined lover’s picture would be inside. As my father nodded to me I began to open it, but before fully opening the locket I took a quick look at the world above, hoping that my mother was watching down on me. I opened it, Dominick Dame’s face was staring back at me.---

ever more,

Peace to ya
and love to all

ever more,

Peace to ya
and love to all
© Copyright 2009 katie bell (UN: translavia at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
katie bell has granted Writing.Com, its affiliates and its syndicates non-exclusive rights to display this work.
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