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6.8.09 I will Blog |
The man to finish the heat pump is coming today. Yea! at last (the temp dropped from 103-107 down to the mid 90's) Still now that it is working what a difference. I can sit in the office and be cool! This morining I went to pick up the shelves for the closet components. Paul is remodling and took the closet components they were going to throw away and we are going to put them in here. Then I went to the Columbia River and sat in the sun and floated in the river to cool off for a few hours and stopped by the Fruit & Veggie "stand" and bought another bag of cucs. The last ones are mushie in the middle and I think they are bitter tasting. Well, that could be just me, because everyone else likes them (except for the soft centers) This time I canned them right away and added alum to the jars and that is supposed to make them stay snappy. My Bread & Butter pickles are to die for!!! And so are the beets, reg & pickled.MMMMM-good Tomorrow we(the entire klan) are meeting in Tacoma. My aunt doesn't want us to bring any food but I am taking her a gift of the canned goods for her and my uncle to eat. I know they will like them.I better charge up the camera just for kicks and giggles. I reveived the first RSVP to my parents 60th annivsary party. We sent out little cards they are to fill out a memory or something nice about them. I felt good |