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This is my first attempt to be a blogger. I hope to type a few items that you will enjoy. |
It's been a month. So sue me! But I am back with the latest in the summer time news. (Pause) (Pause) I'm thinking........... Okay so there is not much to report. I have been working to continue my sign language studies. I cannot believe that in six months I have learned so much. So with a bow, I await appause. I am recycling like crazy. And the house still looks like a tornado hit it. My brother and I are talking a little. He is busy getting number one child into college. But something happened when he went up to east Texas to pick up his girls from church camp. He and a friend went geo-caching. They were at a spot in the road and just finished when 5 puppies came out of the woods. He sat down. Had his picture taken. And then he and his friend dropped a few pieces of food down and LEFT the puppies there. He ABANDONED THEM again. I was shocked when he showed me his picture, sitting there and smiling and told me the story. Excuse #1 the hotel would not let me keep the puppies in my room. Excuse #2 On my way home they would have to stay in a car during the time I had to pick up the girls. It would be hot in it. Excuse #3 The man said that his wife would not let him bring any more animals home. Excuse #4 One puppy had a collar on it so they must have belonged to someone. Excuse #5 Well the economy is bad so someone just had to dump them. My look of shock and thoughts on the excuses #1-5. C _ _ P! My brother immediately got mad at me. This is in no way close to how I felt about him in this situation. Has he called the man to see if he went back to rescue the puppies? No. I am praying that someone with half a heart took them home. I have a kennel in the back yard and would have taken them in a second. Let their blood be on his hands. SUPER-JERK!!!! And now I feel with this situation and no Christmas we are even farther apart as siblings. He no longer feels like a brother to me. Only a man with a body and the same last name. Too bad for him. You reap what you sew! |