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Willa forms plans to defeat evil Barridean's kingdom but things don't turn out as expected |
Fay Warrior, Fay Master Chapter Fourteen Barridean paced the extravagant gilded floor of his kingdom’s castle plotting his next move. He had always gotten his way and this time would prove no different. Though Willa had been seeded by another, he had successfully planted his own soon after. The laws were final. The laws were absolute. Only upon death of her first mate, could he secure her for his own. The only matter of interest now was to locate this human and take his life. His lip curled with disgust. A human…how could she? A human could never compare with him. What creature now grew and festered within her belly? What creature would end up suckling from her breasts where his own heirs should nourish? He would assure the death of the human and cleanse her body from such a disastrous mistake. Her blunder would be rectified but not forgotten. This should not prove too difficult of a task since the human’s dwelling had already been found upon the princess’s kidnapping. And his allies continued to remain by his side so long as he paid for their services. Once he needed their services no more, they too would be dispensed of. More orders formed in his head and he glanced around for his brother. Though younger, Marrabus had established his skills and shown his value during the earlier upheaval when he had helped unseat the true young king. At first, he did not know if he had it in him. After all, Marrabus had wholeheartedly served the young king. But once Barridean had revealed his plot, Marrabus had agreed to assist. He had led the raid himself. Pity they had all died in such a horrible manner, he thought with contempt. They should not have overlooked my worth; they should have made me captain of the Fay Warriors. Instead, the title had been handed to an unworthy…an unknown amongst them not even from the bloodline. “Marrabus! Marrabus! Where are you? I have a task for you to complete,” he called out. “I am here. What do you seek now?” Marrabus answered entering the room slightly winded while straightening his uniform. “There is someone that I wish to have eliminated for treason. He has seeded my bride knowing full well that she has been betrothed to me. Of course, I have filled her belly as well so there is only the matter of securing her once again and finally through his death.” “Who is the treacherous faerie? I will tend to this personally,” he growled placing his hand upon the sword hanging from his side. Barridean did not notice his guarded look. “He is none like us but is a human man.” “How can this be? How has a human seeded her? I have never heard of such a thing!” “Nonetheless, it is true.” “Then why waste your efforts on this female when there are so many others more worthy?” “There are none as worthy or as valuable as this one. Merely her naivety brought this about but I will rectify it.” “I do not understand…this is so unlike you. Who is this Fay woman you speak of?” Marrabus quirked a brow with curiosity. His brother had never been so keen on any female except maybe… “Surely you must know. I have coupled with her before.” “Brother, you cannot possibly be referring to Willa! Does she not despise you?” “A slight nuisance. She will come around. And the Queen, her mother, agrees with the union.” “So she knows her daughter’s feelings?” “I am sure she must but this is inconsequential…” “Inconsequential? How can you possibly say such a thing when you know that you will have to claim her heart, body, and soul? She will have to be Mastered.” “Believe me, I am well aware of that fact but am completely confident that there will be no problem. And why should this concern you? This discussion is finished. I do not wish to discuss my personal affairs with you. Are you prepared for the task?” Marrabus frowned at the quick close to the conversation yet answered, “I am prepared.” “Very well, then,” replied Barridean grinning as he wrapped an arm about his shoulders and gave instruction. He felt sure his brother would end this matter effortlessly…with a little help from the wharf trolls. As Marrabus stormed from the castle, Barridean called for his chamber maid. A young girl entered trembling in fear and her eyes darted about as she neared her master. Barridean lifted a brow. “And whom might you be? You are not my regular chamber maid.” “Excuse me, sire. My older sister had to return home to care for the family for they have been ill. I offered to work in her stead.” He smiled at the effect of his obvious power. “I see. Well, that would explain her increasing disappearances. She must have realized that I need not be bothered with such things.” “Yes, sire. It is of no importance to you.” Barridean nodded approvingly to the young woman. “Very good, then. My bride-to-be needs to be attended to as she is accustomed. I will not have Willa treated any less now that she lives here.” The chamber maid’s eyes widened with surprise then she dropped them to cover her expression. Luckily, Barridean never noticed and continued. “And I expect you to offer her your services the same as you would me. I gather that you have been trained for these duties the same as Merina?” “Yes, Master. There is not a service that she provides that I cannot also provide. I live to serve.” The smile grew on the king’s face and he continued. “Additionally, I desire a gown made of the finest spun silk the color of her unusual hair. There will be a wedding soon and she must carry herself as an equal upon my arm. We are to match in our colors and finery for all the land to see. And fit her well to show off our growing babe,” he ended triumphantly. The girl’s expression froze then she cleared her throat. “Master, when I have seen to Lady Willa’s needs, might I return home briefly to assist my sister? I will not be gone for long.” “I realize that the wedding gown cannot be made overnight. And normally, this request may have angered me…since it is inappropriate of your station to ask such a thing but I feel particularly giving at this moment. As long as her needs are cared for, you may leave for the evening. But upon the rise of the sun, you must return and begin the preparations for the wedding. I will have more details and orders upon your return. And take care not to overindulge upon my kindness.” “Yes, sire. You are most kind. Thank you.” The girl bowed out without further word. It was well known amongst all in the land that Willa had refused him numerous times. What had changed? She felt sure that her sister did not know of this since she remained at the Fayring palace so she had better make haste in her duties. McKinzie S. Heart ~Live to write, write to live~ |