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Rated: 18+ · Book · Other · #1364628
My blog of fun, love, frustrations and me.
#659639 added July 18, 2009 at 2:22am
Restrictions: None
Who are they, and where did they come from?
Seriously. I mean, I know they are my children, but seeing them in a new light boggles this princess' mind I tell ya. First up we have Zak - now being called - Zakariya - his full name. Now I swear we did an experiment a few months back. I called him Zakariya, at the top of my lungs and that kid never showed. *Laugh* But he likes it, so the family are now using it.

Now mind you Zak was not the happiest of kids for about three long years. He hated that we moved and he had to start over in a new school. He loathed middle school, all three years of it. Zak hardly spoke to anyone, about anything. Pretty much kept to himself. So as I've watched him come out of that shell for the past three years, seeing him dancing in public just blows me away.

The boy's got moves

So much so that I made a video of it, and when he asked if I got the picture, and I told him I was recording him, well, the dance only progressed, lol. That boy has some moves and even shook his booty. *Laugh*

Then comes Danny. Now I'm used to seeing him with Nadine, his arm around her for certain shots, since they are only two weeks apart by birth. They have always been close. But this kid, this boy, well, damn I swear he's young. 13, soon to be 14. He spent the entire time we were all together with Siham and Nadine under his arms. Walked that way for miles, they never left his side.

Danny, Siham and Nadine

I thought it was cute for the first 5 minutes, but as an hour past and he still walked around this way, I was a bit stunned. This is my baby. And all I kept getting every time he caught me watching was, "Hi, Mom." *Rolleyes* What a goof! And this is where the question comes in.

Who are they? and Where did they come from?

I ask this often, as I am continually amazed by my own children. God love em.

Today ought to be interesting since the entire family is hitting the beach. It's been two years since all of us could go together. Only Nazik and Issam with be missing since she can't go. They'll spend the day with new baby Dib.

Honeymooners are back and quite happy. Heard the food in Thiland and Malaysia is not that great. Layal barely ate much of anything for 10 days. But, since there was a McDonalds it's wasn't too offensive. I swear, if it weren't for Mickey D's, people would stave to death. *Laugh*

Got a genuine Nancy Ajram CD for 10,000 lira. Hot damn! I am too happy about that. Now all I have to do is hunt down the other three I want. I have this one in the states, a copy, not the real deal, and let me tell you, it sux ass. Songs don't match the titles, they are cut off, etc. So I couldn't pass up the chance to get an original for a few dollars. No one believed it was an original for that price, but good gawd I lucked out. So we popped in the CD and jammed on the way home from one mountain to another at 1am. My MIL was impressed that I actually knew the words in Arabic. Well, I do practice them, then make the hubby translate them if I can't find it on the net. Nothing beats a good song, I tell ya. Without music, I'd be one unhappy Princess. *Wink*

Well, I'm off. APS had to be taken back, and with no alternative power source, I'm too paranoid the electric will go off before I can post this entry. Besides, I gotta wake up the house so we can pack and hit the beach.

~~~T heads off to work on her tan~~~

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