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6.8.09 I will Blog |
Today started as usual at 5:00am. I rolled out of bed and dressed. Before I could leave the house I had to make Paul's lunch, and luckily he didn't finish his taco salad so I reboxed it and added some jello and a nutrition bar. I knew he would have a good breakfast because that was where we were headed. I had to take the scooter again. In my Viper jacket and my pink "duck" shoes, I was off on my red scooter to the Campgrounds just about 3 miles away. When I got there, Paul was already laying out the bacon and after washing my hands, retrieving my apron and an apron for the old man who thinks he is in charge, I was ready to start the sausage. I put on four short rows and watched to make sure the grill wasn't too hot. In came the cook in charge. He brings a few of us a Starbucks every morning (almost). It was good after that cool ride this morning. It started to get busy as the rest of the crew checked in and began their duties. The sticky buns were rising, the french toast mix was being assembled; real eggs, Saigon Cinnomon, sugar, nutmeg and nothing less than 40% whip cream and half and half. My scrambled egg mixture is a little less complicated. It consistes of homoginized liquid eggs and what else? of course whip cream and half and half. We would normally just use the regualar whipping cream but we used the 6 cases we had at the beginning so now it is the heavy stuff. The sausages were mostly a golden brown all over except for those little buggers that didn't want to turn ever so much to get and even tan. Then of course they "pee" on me. All of the sudden the casings get a hole a juice spews out and it is ususally aimed at my chest or waist. Paul puts down 3 bags of hasbrowns and drizzles pure melted butter in 3 thin rows across the rectangle, then he takes his breakfast to go and heads for work. I monitor them. At the right time I take a pizza cutter and make 4 inch cuts from bottom to top all the way across the hasbrowns and one right down the center right to left. When they are brown and stuck together I flip the sections over and wait until they are cooked through and done. In the mean time I just don't stand and wait. I have an electric skillet turned on to 275degrees and a 1/8 cup (small salad dressing dipperfull) of melted butter greasing the bottom. Into the heated pan I pour my egg mixture and wait for a few minutes then stir or push the cooked mixture around in the pan until it is fuffy and cooked. I lift them to a round pizza style pan; regrease and add more egg mixture for a new batch and I am off to the serving line I go to dump them into their new home. Besides eggs, sausage, French toast and bacon; there is a pot of oatmeal cooking and the best is the sausage (sometimes he adds chopped bacon) gravy. Cream is heated and to that a roux (butter and flour) is added to thicken the cream. Then the meat is added with salt and pepper and voila' we have a artery clogging sause that is ladled over homemade biscuits or even over hashbrowns. People come each year for their butter fix! as well as the homemade whipped cream/cream cheese/berry/ desserts. I wouldn't even begin to list them all. I make some of them. Not to be disheartened, we have ennumerable fresh salads of fruits and veggies! They are artistic masterpieces as well as colon cleansing ruffage. They are presented with such artistry that any TV chef would look at the display and be proud! I know I am! Now that I have divulged my daily activities on a normal day, I have to add one escape I made today. I went to a botanical garden for a Red Hat High Tea. It was wonderful. Rosehip tea, with a lemon scone. There was a choice of Devonshire cream, or jams. Then came a plate of sandwiches that would tempt the Queen Mother. After that a plate of sweet treats that had I not had my fill already I would have enjoyed more. Do not be sad, I asked for a togo box (they had them ready) and brought them home! Now I am off for the evening meeting and to sing in the Choir. After prayer, we will go home and start the process all over. Saturday is a light day and Sunday is full and the last day so we will clean up all the left overs and distribute to the workers. Last year we bought cod that was wonderful all through the year. This year there are some tiger shrimp that may be left over, I may take a little of that for scampi or....who knows. That is the end of my epistle for today. |