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Rated: 18+ · Book · Personal · #1371715
Welcome to The Library. Randomness happens, Studyees.
#655040 added June 17, 2009 at 11:45pm
Restrictions: None
Life is a picture and I left the lens cap on the camera.
Lo and behold Studyees, your Master Librarian is back for the second time this week illin' and chillin' and causin' confusion. Or something. A long couple days, but I have a story I want to share in a not-so-"Battle-Of-The-Sexes" kinda way.

Ladies of The Library, listen...if you wake up and you're in a bitchy mood and will be for the entire day, men appreciate the frame of mind you have if you apologize early.

Gentlemen of The Library...yo- sometimes, this is not enough.

We had a jam-packed day of shopping for Alex's birthday/hanging out with friends yesterday. Jess woke up and was already in a bad mood. Nothing seemed to be going right. She was in that mood. She warned me. A preliminary apology, if you will.

Then the snappage begins!! The PMS eminated off this woman like I've never seen...shouting at me in stores, lackadaisical walking when we should be in a hurry, irrational thinking...

Example: We had no intention of going to Target. Remember this.

At Best Buy, we were looking for accesories for the mp3 player my dad was going to buy him. Sansa Fuse. Fuze? Fuse? Whatever, it's a Sansa. anyway, they didn't have hard cases for it. So we looked at alarm clock/docking combo thingeys. Something he could plud that joint into if he didn't want to use the headphones. Prices start at $50. She freaks. "I got Josh speakers for his iPod and it was like $20!! <insert scowl and scream here>". Yeah, well, Josh ruined his iPod. And I bought speakers for my first iPod for less than $6. And that, dear Stoggers, is why that iPod was my first iPod, and I am now on my second...buy crap for your good stuff and it turns your good stuff into crap. Plugged my iPod into those speakers and it was never heard from again.

So we go to Target...an unplanned visit and, while not really out of the way physically, time-wise it was. We saw a nice combo on sale for $70 by a decent name (she refuses, like me, to buy electronics with cheap names or store-brand names...the quality is almost always shit). I recommended it. She brings me on these missions because I used to work for a respected local retail electronics company, and I know my shit. Then she balks. She can't afford it. Doesn't want to spend the money. Still has to buy groceries for the gathering of a few of his friends. Hates life. Gets confused. Freaks.

I find one accessory that will work for his Sansa. A plug-in usb wall charger. She panics and doesn't know what to do. I tell her I'll buy it and to calm the eff-you-can-it down. We cash out and I tell her if she doesn't lose the attitude soon, I'm taking her home so she can get the house ready, or curl up in a ball and cry all day, and the kid gets what he gets when I shop.

This shuts her eyeholes up. A little. But not her mouth-hole. If she would've apologized one more time, I still would've taken her home.

Long story short, we went back to Target. After numerous stores. I bought the damn alarm clock/mp3 combo we liked. We basically split the cost, which we were prepared to do anyway. So why the big freakout in Best Buy, when we could've saved time and just got something there? The time we would've saved could've led to much less misery and public breakdowns. It all got done. The kid's happy. Had a great birthday.

Now what?

The moral, to quote the late George Carlin: "Never trust anything that bleeds for seven days and doesn't die."

On to the point of this blogtastic adventure tonight....I'm gonna put up a few links and I hope they work. Just some pictures off your friend, Facebook. Cuz I can't bring myself to do one or the other. Cuz I'm lazy. And yeah, they're of me and Jess, and of Alex's birthday. Enjoy...



So chew on that for a bit, Studyees. Leave your notes in The Drop Off Slot down below. I'll oblige. And maybe we'll all have a better tomorrow. Except me...I get to work my first Two-Jobs-In-One-Day in a long ass time. And today was hell at Walgreens, but it was to be expected. And it was nothing compared to the day before. Still no word on J's Nonnie. Cool Shit Nicole is in town and I'll hafta find a way to see her soon. That's it, that's all I got.Take a picture; it'll last longer. If not, GOODNIGHT NOW!!

**And for the hell of it, I'm adding this extra special video for a song I heard in the shower the other day of I song that I liked back in the '80's that drove Jess wild.** If this were iTunes, consider this your bonus track to this blog entry.


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