Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/654771-Chapter-3
by Flare
Rated: 13+ · Book · Fantasy · #1565558
The story follows the adventures of a historian traveling through battlefields
#654771 added June 16, 2009 at 11:52am
Restrictions: None
Chapter 3
         Sleep had escaped my weary body only returning after minutes of relaxation exercises, which gave me only poor rapid eye movement sleep. I laid awake realizing that I could not get any good sleep. I felt the aches and pains from riding the tuatara and a nauseating feeling in my stomach. My thoughts began to drift away and restful sleep befell me. Only a short period of time passed until I was awoken by Krisiana to practice.

         I groggily went through the morning routine only to see her huge sword waving in front of me. She told me, “Today we will do a real sword fight between two swords persons." The fighting began, though I noticed she was using only a fraction of her skill against me. She continued to correct me and go through a few exercises that helped tremendously. We finally were taking a break in silence.

         Suddenly Markus woke screaming, “Spirits; villagers are on the way riding tuatara. Get up” He began shoving the others awake. As proof, dark figures loomed near the horizon. They picked up dirt, which built into a large cloud.

         In only a few short minutes, the entire group was mounted and ready to fight. Markus closed his eyes and said mentally, “There are four of them, mounted on tuatara. Krisiana says for each of to take one and Ianoren fight along with Davlamin. I will take one out mentally now.”

         Markus stood staring straight at one of them and nothing. The target continued forth without slowing in the least. Markus then yelled in frustration, “By Gog’s Wouns! What is happening? He must be blocking his mind with his spirit! You think you are so smart huh?”

         Then all of a sudden the Spirit Markus had targeted flung into the air and his tuatara injured his legs. Though it was difficult to see, I believe the Spirit became unconscious, but I could not focus on Markus' target, for one Spirit was heading for me and Davlamin.

         Davlamin sent his spirit at the Spirit ahead of him. While the Spirit copied Davlamin and released his spirit, charging straight at Davlamin’s. The target was completely focused on fighting Davlamin, giving the opportunity to attack his flank. I charged my tuatara forward with my sword pointed straight out.

         The tuatara began to fight each other throwing my aim off. Though I managed a glancing blow that knocked the Spirit off his tuatara. He seemed to be unconscious. The tuatara were still fighting and my tuatara reined up knocking me off. Then both tuatara turned against me in a crazed rage. I tried keep them away with my sword and screaming “back”, to no prevail.

         Then just before my tuatara attacked me, Davlamin’s spirit restrained the lizard and pulled it down to the ground though it squirmed and tried to break free, it could not break his resistance. Then the second tuatara came towards me, but it suddenly went into a laying position and rolled on its back. I was scared wondering why they attacked me, then noticing pain in my leg. A scratch, from riding the sharp scales of the tuatara, ran red with blood. The tuatara attacked because of their blood rage.

         I looked over to see Krisiana finishing her fight by decapitating her opponent’s head cleanly off his shoulders. His spirit, which was between the teeth of her tuatara, faded away. She then hit the Spirit’s tuatara with the blunt side off the blade. The tuatara gave up and carried its master’s body back towards the village. Then I noticed that both Alluvia and Markus were looming over one Spirit over on the other side of the battle.

         The Spirit was the only conscious or alive one left. I ran over to see that they were interrogating him. Markus had his fingers pushing on the man’s temples. If it were not for the Markus silencing him, he would have been screaming his head off. His body trembled in pain and his eyes ran with tears. Finally Markus stopped and asked, “Are you ready to talk, or do you want every nerve in your body to shoot with pain again?”

         After another hour of torturing him, the Spirit gave in, saying, “Okay I’ll tell you anything you want to know!”

         Markus replied, “Great, and don’t forget that I can tell when you are lying to me.” He released the man from his pain inducing mental attack.

         “So what do you want to know?”

         “First, is there any other Spirits from your village that came to attack us, or warn the other villages and towns?”

         “Other than the four of us, there was another group of six that went straight to the capital.” Amazing what people will do to stop pain, betrayal...killing?

         “Good. Next, why is Spirituality at war with the other nations?” Blunt and straight to the point, not very much like Markus.

         “We have not declared war with Synergia! Nor did we ever want war. It was the brutish and stupid Physiques that invaded us. Their land is so poor that they want to take out land. We are simply defending our land! As with the Mentees, they are so...well it’s more of the people that live in Mentality that are so self-centered, they can’t understand other people."

         “Good to see you’re not completely racist when death is staring you right in the eye. And you are wrong, as soon as battles broke out between any nations, then you are at war with Synergia too. Finally the last question is where is the closest village between here and the capital?”

         “Uh probably a large farm town southwest of here. It’s about ten miles from here and fifteen miles from the capital. It’s right off the river of Ulthoran. You can’t miss it.”

         “Great job, you get to go home with the news that you and the other Spirits killed all of us.”

         “I would never lie to the villagers about...” Markus touched the Spirit’s brow.

         Markus said, “When he awakes with the other unconscious Spirits, he will think they won the battle with one casualty and our bodies and tuatara have been eaten by carrion. Now we’ll have to hope and wait that the Spirits will send a messenger back to the capital about our ‘deaths’”

         Krisiana knew what Markus was doing, he was stealing power from her leadership. She had to make a plan in order to win this power struggle. She said, “Sounds like we’ll need more information, seeing as that Spirit only told us a bunch of propaganda nonsense. We will head to the farm town and see if we van get more information about how to sneak into the capital-“

         Markus cut her off by saying, “We can also see if one of the villagers spouts the same nonsense and compare them. I doubt that any of the villagers know how to sneak into a capital that they are allowed to go into freely. We ought to find some chaotic situation, which anybody can get through like-“

         Krisiana cut him off saying, “I’m sure there is some weakness that can be exploited in the capital city. There are huge crowds, lazy guards, carts that can be used for smuggling. It’s a no-brainer.”

         Markus was about to speak but Davlamin stopped the subtle argument, “Enough! We’ll interrogate one from that town then play it by ear,,,literally. We’ll play it by what the villager says.”

         Both nodded in agreement and we finally went on riding before any of the Spirits awoke. All of us rode in complete silence, not even the atmosphere broke the silence. Cold rage ran through both Markus’ and Krisiana’s stares. Alluvia seemed to be bored of the arguments, she didn’t even understand the point to it. We rode only a little way until the tuatara would not go any further. We had made it about five miles since the tuatara were still tired from the battle. Krisiana decided that we would get a break and head into the town under the cover of darkness.

         I decided to pass the time telling my group about the tale of the river of Ulthoran. It started with a brief geography of how the river goes through each of the four nations. It starts in the high mountains of the land of Physiques. It is mostly the snow and ice melting plus all the rain they get in the higher altitudes. It heads southward straight into the capital of Synergia. Then it heads eastward barely into the nation of Mentality. And finally it heads southwest into Spirituality and into the ocean.

         I also told them that it was used to transport many things from one nation down to the next in barrels and how it was also used to transport people in small rafts made from wood. It was cherished by all the people and brought unity among the four nations. Nowadays if you see anything floating in the water it is thought to be a trap.

         The last thing I told them was a tale of the time the river overflowed and threatened to destroy all the nations. More ice and snow then ever before melted and made the river higher then ever. The capital of Synergia, back then just a city not a capital, was on the brink of disaster. But the most gifted Mentee, the strongest Physique, and the most powerful Spirit in the city worked together to hold back the flooding and diverted it into another whole river. The Spirit held the water into place, the Physique created a large trench for the water to flow and the Mentee forced the excess water into that direction. It saved the city and every place where that river would have ran. To this day that small canal still runs and takes any excess water from the river to stop flooding.

         The sun was near setting and the tuatara were happily fed, rested and ready to go. As were we ready to go. Without a real plan on who or how to kidnap, we were going to kidnap. We began riding the last five miles to the farm town called Monk’s Timbervasser. An interesting name for a treeless desert farm that only thrive through irrigation. On the horizon we spotted a small outlier farm. Surprisingly there were still people working on the farm.

         The group kept their distance until night had fallen and the farmers were spreading out. Krisiana explained the plan in hush tones, “Markus and Davlamin will take the nearest farmer. Markus, make sure he can’t move or scream, and Davlamin, bring him over here with your spirit. Ready?” They both nodded their heads and moved in closer.

         Davlamin’s spirit went unnoticed into the crops of milkweed, while Markus was ducking under stalks and staring straight at the farmer. Only seconds passed until the farmer was caught and taken away from the farm. She, yes the farmer was a woman, was just staring at all of us with hate and disgust throughout the walk back to the tuatara.

         Each of us mounted on the tuatara, which we rode miles away from the town, the farmer rode with Alluvia, who securely fastened her on the lizard with rope. We were far from any civilization the next morning and were ready to ask her a few questions.

         Markus went up to her and placed his hand on her temple asking her, “What’s your name?”

         She did not respond in any way.

         Markus asked again, “What’s your name?” This time he stared her right in the eye, the same fashion he did with the Spirit before.

         Still no response.

         Markus looked stupefied and then the group realized she was resisting Markus’ mental attacks. Markus quickly picked up the scraps of his shattered ego and whispered something to Alluvia and Krisiana. Probably about using other forms of interrogation.

         Krisiana said something quietly to Alluvia, who started to grin. Alluvia walked over to the girl and grabbed her finger and started bending it. The girl cried in pain and said, “My name is Desera!” Her greens eyes were filled with tears of pain and weakness. They ran down her golden brown skin.

         Markus was about to ask another question, but Krisiana interrupted, “We don’t want to hurt you, and we won’t if you answer the questions. Okay, next question, why is Spirituality at war with the nations?”

         “We aren’t at war with the nations, we’re just defending our home.”

         “More propaganda phica shi-“

         Desera’s act of innocence was given away by a look in her eyes. Markus stopped Krisiana by saying, “What else do you know about the war?”

         Desera tried to keep the ploy going, “I don’t know any-“ She was cut off in an agonizing scream from her wrist being twisted. Desera gave up saying, “There’s a lot to know about the war.”

         “Go ahead we have all day”

         “Well for starters, we have pushed back the Physiques and moved into their territory so they don’t attack us again. And a huge regiment of Mentees pushed through our lines and now most towns and villages lost half their population to go to that battle.”

         “Where is the battle?”

         “About twenty or so miles northwest of here.”

         “We’ve got what we need” Markus put his hand to her brow. He was trying to brainwash her. He obviously failed. Markus, snarling, said with bitterness, “If you don’t drop your will and let me brainwash you, we are going to have to kill you!” It seemed to work for she fell unconscious.

         After we all mounted and were riding away I said, “What’s going to happen to her?” Tears welled in my eyes for the desert sand and the wind got into it. I rubbed my eyes, but felt nothing in them, but tears.

         Krisiana briefly explained the plan on the swift ride away from the town, “When she awakens, she’ll head back to her village, in the meantime we will head to the battle. From there we can easily disguise Davlamin and myself as two Spirituality warriors and sneak into the capital. No one would think twice of stopping two soldiers. The rest of you will hold back and wait for us. Seeing as we are going to be kidnapping a high official, a safe house like a hole in the sand would be a good place to build for us. Alluvia, wear this loose Spirituality clothing to hide your muscles. Everyone understand?”

         Everyone nodded and the plan was perfect seeing as our stolen clothes matched the colors of Spirituality, orange and green. We would all easily look like warriors of the Spirituality, since many people were so new to the battle; many new warriors would not be wearing any uniform.

         Only a few hours passed until we saw the desert sand being picked up and thrown around. We were nearing the battle. We ran into a few outlying Mentees that were about to attack the flank of the Spirits, who were unguarded by the commoners.

         The Spirits battle technique was simple, they kept commoners up front with shields and spears; while the Spirits were behind the commoners guard. The Mentees battle strategy was far more complex and relied on Mental transmissions from the commanders. They were able to change formation easily and could devastate an army easily. Though unlike the army of Spirituality, Mentality had few commoners in their army, mostly they had Mentees. Even though the strategy of Mentality was superior, their numbers were about half of Spirituality.

          The on foot group of Mentees all turned toward us, then charged. Alluvia and Krisiana led our group towards them, while Davlamin and Markus were holding back. Markus was concentrating hard, and a slight glimmer or bending of light began to envelop all of our group. Davlamin’s spirit launched into the first Mentee, who we all suspected as the leader. Krisiana and Alluvia began to fight the other few.

         I came around and was near attacking the sole remaining Mentee not fighting, but my brain started to hurt and my body stopped. Though my tuatara continued onward and plummeted into the target. The Mental attack stopped and I quickly stabbed the defenseless, young Mentee. Krisiana and Alluvia broke through the ranks. Davlamin finished off the sole remaining Mentee. Markus met up with us and explained how he protected most of us from their mental attacks, though I went out of range.

         Our group continued the charge toward the main battle, that was nearing an end. The Mentees were charging for their final attempt at a push. The Spirituality line stood without a single break. Krisiana ordered us to charge into Mentality lines, so it would look like we were at the battle the whole time.

         The Mentees were getting desperate, and saw a small group away from the main body. They decided to enact their revenge upon us five. A huge wave of Mentees, some mounted on giant female marsupials. The Mentees rode in the back pouch of the animals. Krisiana, Alluvia and I were forming a small line, while nearby Spirituality commoners joined in. Davlamin and Markus, who now carried a short sword taken from a fallen commoner of Spirituality, stood just behind us. Davlamin’s spirit, along with many other spirits, tripped up many of the marsupial riders. Soon the group of Mentees began to fall into chaos, and were easily picked off by Spirits.

         Still a small group of Mentees came forth and attacked the line. A quick glimpse to my right showed Alluvia and Krisiana holding off many Mentees. A glimpse forward showed a huge Mentee, riding a bigger marsupial, coming straight towards me. The giant marsupial fought with its feet against my tuatara. Their battle brought me and the Mentee right next to each other. Thankfully Markus’ shield blocked against any mental attacks. The Mentee soon figured this out and began to physically attack me.

         Our swords clashed multiple times and the fight was in a deadlock until the marsupial landed a major blow against my tuatara. The tuatara, barely harmed by the blow, shrugged it off, but the attack jostled me around. It left me open and the Mentee took advantage of it. He landed a blow into my stomach. His blade did not go very deep into me, but it still did enough damage to harm me. In a blind rage I swung my sword and hit the Mentee off his marsupial. My tuatara smelled the blood from my wound and also went into a rage and bit the marsupial, who retreated. The Mentee was left alone on the ground. I fell off my tuatara, who was now eating the Mentee, and landed onto my back.

         The pain overwhelmed me. My adrenaline wore off and left my body weary and in pain. Davlamin got to me and dragged me back behind the lines. The last thing I saw was a final charge that began with this small group and pushed the Mentees back. Then all I saw was darkness, though I could hear Davlamin telling the group about a change in plans, and how Davlamin and I were to get into the capital because my injury. Krisiana agreed. Then the rest of their talk was inaudible against the loud cheers of victory. And then nothing.
© Copyright 2009 Flare (UN: ianoren at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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