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My blog of fun, love, frustrations and me. |
While driving Danny to school today, I heard the most utterly disturbing thing on 89X. So much so, that I can't even wrap my brain around it. A 19 year old girl calls the station and says that she would have sex for money because the economy is so bad. 19!!!! This set off a wide debate this morning, that is still going strong as people call in to tell stories and discuss this mind boggling scenerio. SEX - should be about love, sharing a connection with someone you care deeply for. Otherwise, it's just a dirty act, a dirty word. Don't we have enough of them already? As women we've come so far. You do not have to sell yourself for money. There are a hunderd different avenues you can take before this thought should even cross your mind. Sex in this day and age is no longer something we whisper about. I get that. It's talked about in all walks of life, openly on TV, among friends, even strangers, plastered all over the internet, in magazine advertising - it's out there. Where are this girls friends and family? Why is it that she feels it's her only option? She is screaming for help, and her little phone call has created a fire storm. I've heard so many stories in that short drive I can't even believe my ears. Girls are doing things in their teens that people my age didn't do until their mid twenties. It's more like a game, no longer degrading, no more saving yourself for that one special person, no feeling dirty. I don't get it. I keep thinking, I'm lucky, I have two boys, I don't have to worry about this. But I do. I am working my ass off to raise two young, intelligent, respectable men. Men who I pray everyday have a high respect for women. And then I realize that no matter how hard I work, instill certain values on them, that when they step outside my door, all bets are off. Temptation is around every corner. Young girls need to wake up, and snap out of this mindset that giving/having oral sex is no big deal. It sure the hell is. It's one of the most intimate acts there is. You might not realize this at such a tender age, but it's true. We no longer have to put up with sexual inuendo at work, in chat, on the street, in the classroom, etc. Time to stand up and call it to attention. If you don't like what someone is saying or doing, open your mouth. Hiding out and pretending it's not going on gets us nowhere as a society. Predators are EVERYWHERE. You pass them on the streets and don't even know it. We are so much stronger when we stand together. It's takes bravery to stand up - especially when standing alone - divided, we fall. Stop sweeping the dirty little secrets under the rug. Stand up for yourself. You are worth so much more than the quickie at the party, the bj on the way to school, the sex talk in chat rooms, the dirty pictures that will surface. Be a strong girl who becomes a woman in control. One who is capable of seeing the big picture and not just the quick fix of the moment. Life is meant to be so much more than 5 minutes of pleasure. In the end, these meaningless encounters will weigh heavily on your heart, and detour you from living the happy, healthy life you are meant to live. Rant over! |