Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/652217-Introduction
by Flare
Rated: 13+ · Book · Fantasy · #1565558
The story follows the adventures of a historian traveling through battlefields
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#652217 added May 29, 2009 at 4:24pm
Restrictions: None

Ianoren’s Journal 56/28/9

I have begun this Journal to spread the common knowledge of the present for those generations of the future. To start off the date system we use tell how many days it has been since the beginning of the date system, also known as the renaissance of knowledge. The first number on the left is the number of days. The second number is the number of hundreds of days and the third number is the number of ten thousands of days. So the current dates reads 92,356 days since the renaissance of knowledge.

The location is currently called Ulthoran, it is sometimes called a world or planet. The ground is called Ulth or earth nowadays. It is believed that on Ulthoran, there is only one giant landmass surrounded by a sodium chloride and hydrogen oxide concentration, better known as salt water. The great landmass of Ulthoran is divided into four territories (Synergia, Mentality, Spirituality, and the nation of Physique). The food consumed by us are composed of only Misquites and Phica. Mesquites are a plant with a leafy green outside and a creamy milky substances on the inside, it is sometimes called milkweed for the creamy inside is very similar to animal’s milk and they never rot. The plant has almost all the nutrients and energies one needs to survive according to the people of Mentality, who developed the plant through a process called crossbreeding. The few nutrients that Misquites lack are abundant in Phica. Phica are huge four-legged mammals with short brown fur and huge amounts of meat, but after time do rot. Those two organisms are the only interaction that we people have with nature, all other plants and animals are left alone or the natural cycle may be harmed, according the people of Spirituality.

Though most people of the time are either government leaders, butchers of Phica, or farmers of Misquites, there are some other professions like historians or scientists. At the current time the four nations are at war with each other.

The nation of Physiques are full of people who are either commoners who support the nation or physiques, people with the power of the fist. The leader is always the strongest of the physiques and is usually the best warrior. They are said to believe n the Gods of War which give the gift of “Physiqueness”, but only if you fight. They enjoy fighting and war, plus the looting of enemies that goes with it. Even the most decorated warriors of the nation take part in butchering and farming with the commoners. They do not claim they have a capital city, but their leader stays in their biggest city, Bloodtrough. They do practice Blacksmithery for agricultural tools and steel knuckles. They despise technology and science. Their nation is in the north part of Ulthoran and has a cold, mountainous tough terrain throughout most of their land.

The next nation, Mentality, is quite a contrast to the nation of physiques. Mentality’s citizens are mentees, people with the power of the mind, and commoners who are loyal to Mentality. They believe in a scientific theory of how the world started and works instead of religion. The government is a counsel of the smartest of the mentees, who decide on most aspects of the citizen’s lives. They are industrialist people who enjoy technology. The leaders are highly respected in their culture while the commoners are looked down upon. The leaders do little common work in their lives, most mentees do not do any work with their hands. Leaving the commoners to do the work for more than twice the amount of workers. The climate of Mentality is mostly tropical rain forest with one giant volcano near their capital city that is known to be dormant, but not dead.

The third nation, Spirituality, is a religious nation made up of commoners who strongly believe in their religion and spirits, people withe the power of the spirit. Most of the nation are monks and nuns and a few very faithful, peace loving commoners. The religious leaders were also the leaders of the nation. The capital city a giant temple where twenty percent of the population lives. They are a peaceful nation that despise war, but will go fight if necessary. Their climate is very dry so they have mostly deserts, shrub lands and to the northern border, grasslands.

The final nation, where I live, is Synergia. It’s citizens are of all races, mentees, physiques, spirits, and commoners who dislike war. Synergia is the strongest of the nations, militarily wise, for it has all the different races working together in combat; even commoners. Commoners go through special training in order to fight for this nation and survive against other races. The government is a republic of elected officials. The citizens are allowed to believe what they want, but most believe in an omniscient creature known as the watcher. The watcher is the one to judge your life and decide on your afterlife. People get a decent education in Synergia so that ignorance does not create easily corrupted citizens. Synergians fight in this war to put an end to the war and establish peace among the nations once again. Synergia is in the middle of the other three nations and sends soldiers to barricade borders of the other nations, to stop any fighting. The climate is a nice temperate forest and their capital city is called Elpis.

The mentees power of the mind, not only causing super human intelligence, but also is a powerful and deadly weapon to both the prey and predator. They use brain waves to target their enemies mind and attack it, causing severe headaches that create confusion to the prey and may even cause the prey to turn on its own. The physiques are strong and powerful people who can kill with one well hit of their fist. They never use weapons because they break in their grip! Instead they use steel knuckles. They have brutish, but militaristic tactics in war, usually involving a deafening war of an army of voices charging at the enemy. The spirits are quite unknown to me for I have not spoken to one yet, but it is said they fight with their spirit and use their willpower and faith to control it. The training of the commoners, only practiced in Synergia, to fight in combat is excruciating and long. They are trained to use weapons so they can defend against physical attacks and are trained to resist mental and spiritual attacks.

The war started about one thousand days ago, but a fight-less conflict has been going on much longer. The direct conflict between the nations has been limited by interference of Synergia. Though there is no definitive proof of why there is war, there are rumors. It is said that the three races have too different ideologies and they can no longer work together or even live together. Others say that conflict arose because the nation of Physiques invaded both Mentality and Spirituality, but not Synergia.

Before the war, all people, no matter their abilities were together. Also Synergia used to be a city, but since the beginning of the fight-less conflict, the population grew and it became of nation. The city was then renamed Elpis, meaning hope in an old dead language. Those that migrated to the Synergia were people who wished to help end the war.

I have decided to go on a mission with a party of four, they are secretive groups of Synergians that go on specific missions, that is going to Spirituality to find the reason they are in this war. I have decided to go see the war with my own eyes not those of others for it is known to be glorified when it reality it is disgusting. Anyone who reads this, whether it be future generations or the enemy, please learn two lessons. First learn the past for history is known to repeat itself and second the darkest places in the afterlife are reserved for those who maintain their neutrality in times of moral crisis.
© Copyright 2009 Flare (UN: ianoren at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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