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Welcome to The Library. Randomness happens, Studyees. |
OK Studyees...in honor of my iPod going beyond 7000 songs (and having nothing interesting to say otherwise), I'm rehashing a very, very old blog entry and updating it. Get your groove on!! iTunes shuffle quiz: The next time you stand up in front of a group of people, you'll say... Song: Headed Fot The Future Artist: Neil Diamond Comment: Off to an interesting start... Your favorite thing to say when drunk is... Song: All Your Jeans Were Too Tight Artist: American Music Club (No Alternative compilation) Comment: I must have intimacy issues. Your message to the world... Song: Words From The Chief Rocker Artist: De La Soul Comment: Nicely done. Your deepest secret... Song: Brothers Gonna Work It Out Artist: Public Enemy Comment: Refreshing. Your innermost desire... Song: Drive My Car/ The Word/ What You're Doing Artist: The Beatles (Love cd) Comment: That's like a trifecta. Somewhere in your wedding vows, you'll include... Song: Liquid Swords Artist: The GZA Comment: Oh hell yeah! On your deathbed, you'll whisper... Song: Accordingly Artist: Chris Whitley Comment: Nice. Your friends say behind your back... Song: I'm The Man Artist: Anthrax Comment: And that's why this iPod is going to love me. You say behind your friends' back... Song: Addicted Artist: Hawksley Workman Comment: Whatever peels your banana (Shameless Nicole plug, because she reminded me when I told her about me doing this iPod Shuffle Form again that I never mention her and her being Cool Shit...so there you are Nicole...peace to the Carolinas of your soul). When you wake up in the morning, you mutter... Song: Two Of Us Artist: The Beatles Comment: That's kinda cute, cuz it's true. If you found yourself lost on a desert island, you'd yell... Song: Dead In Motion Artist: Antipop Consortium Comment: Ummm...ok. Right now, your feelings are... Song: Born To Kill Artist: Mathhew Good Comment: Super. Or something I don't know about. The day you fall in love will be the day that... Song: Head North, Turn Left Artist: Big City Dreams Comment: What, I elope? I flee to Canada? At least it's a local band. You scream during sex... Song: The Youngest Was The Most Loved Artist: Morrissey Comment: That's creepy. What do people assume when they first look at you? Track: Slow And Low Artist: Beastie Boys Comment: That's just effing cruel, iPod!! What will be a big challenge in life for you? Track: California Girls Artist: The Beach Boys Comment: How many time zones away is Cali? What's your career path? Track: Being For The Benefit Of Mr. Kite Artist: The Beatles/Across The Universe Soundtrack Comment: I'm screwed. Are you a good boyfriend/girlfriend? Song: The Good Life Artist: Weezer Comment: I guess so! Do you have a secret admirer? Song: Main Man Artist: The Ramones Comment: Holy wow, so not gay. Will you ever become manically depressed in your life? Song: Stand By Me (live) Artist: Oasis Comment: Guess so. How will you die? Song: Don't Wake Daddy Artist: The Tragically Hip Comment: Wonderful foreshadowing. What's for dinner tonight? Song: Jesus, Etc. Artist: Wilco Comment: Peace be with you...and also with you. What's your excuse for reposting this? Song: Radio Friendly Unit Shifter Artist: Nirvana Comment: Like I need an excuse! Your life's soundtrack: Song: Lovers In Japan (Osaka Sun Mix) Artist: Coldplay Comment: Must be my man-candy talkin'. Your farewell message to the readers of this: Song: Alive On Arrival Artist: Ice Cube Comment: Told ya. I'm intrigued as to why some of the artists in the ending stretch of this exercise were almost all the same. I need a Stogger to Google this and figure out why these patterns exist. It was kinda fun and kinda humbling at the same time, searching back through old entries to find the original template for this one. I should do this more often. In fact, I may do it on Facebook just for slaps and tickles. So here's where I put on my Cosby sweater and drop the moral on y'all, Studyees...sometimes it's not a bad thing to look back at your past, cuz you might learn a thing or two. I'm gonna sweat out the results of my drug test for Walgreens, having been offered a position as Head Photo Specialist with a rate of pay at the maximum they could offer me, take a nap and go to dinner at the Mexican joint we love before going to J's neice's softball game. And look forward to a tomorrow where I can tell you all the good good news for certain. So with that, I bid you all a GOOD DAY NOW!! |