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Rated: 18+ · Book · Personal · #1371715
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#650700 added May 20, 2009 at 12:00am
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Meet the new boss. Same as the old boss.
Good evening Studyees...it's been too long. I have to admit I've been cheating on you with a younger, sexier Facebook. There, I admitted it, and admitting is the first step toward getting into heaven. Now if I could only work on those other admission requirements...anyways...

So more than a few weeks ago, I threw quite the shitfit when J asked me to come early to pick her up at work and apply for a position with a company I'll just refer to as "The Wall" (not-so-subtle attempt at sublety) on their fancy computer system. While I huffed and puffed and treated it like shit, she hustled all of her inter-company contacts to find out who needs what where in their world. Then some of those people got fired for doing things with minors. And I was left in applicant purgatory, bitching about "how effing great an idea was", "what a waste of my time", and "I don't want to work for a company that drags its feet in wanting to snap up an applicant this qualified". Which I must say, led to one or two very lonely nights on my side of the bed.

Then it turns out that a store near us is actually interested in my services. Well then, I guess people actually are hiring in these troubled economic times. She-the-woman-I-love-so-much called the manager of that location at the precise moment he was perusing my app/resume and he was going to call me. She said he seemed excited about me, and I should call him to set up an interview. So I did.

This dude has a funny name that I can't seem to remember, and maybe that's because I keep referring to him by names I can remember. Names like Abe Vigoda and Gore Vidal. And when I called him, he didn't seem so excited. Just name your time, he says, and come in. That simple. I fear that. I do not know why. Is he so busy that he can't be polite on the phone? Oh well, I suppose I should stop bitching, since it is a full-time job. But really? With a big corporation with its hands in so many pockets??

He noted to J that I worked as a management person for another pharmacy and wanted to know why I didn't want to go into management training. That right there is another red flag in my blue-state brain. She told him because of our car situation it wouldn't be prudent right now, not knowing where I'd be sent and stuff. When she told me this, I snapped "Or maybe I don't want to be a manager and don't want the stress and bs of it all again!" To which I was snapped back with some kind of "job-friendly, professional" talk about how she "said the right things to make it look better" and "get me in".

Oh yeah, when she talked to Mr. Vegomite she also referred to me as her "Fiancee".

I'll wait a minute to type the next few lines once my balls recede themselves from my throat.

I understand why she did it...because she doesn't want herself to be looked at as some slut who wants to get her new piece some stable work. But damn, that's some pressure, and now it may turn into a lie that I have to uphold. Not that I have doubts about the status of our relationship, but I've been employed in pharmacy retail before where I had to color my personal doings a different shade because I was dating someone in the store/company and duck the gossip-mongers. And it appears I will have to do it again now, for the time being, just for the sake of a steady job.

If only Borders had a sweet opening, I'd be all set. Instead, I'm trying to make a dollar out of maybe 12-16 hours a week and busting ass at a job that I not only absolutely love, but am actually pretty good at. I won't bore you Stoggers with details and stats, but let's just say I'm good.

The bright side is that the job I'm interviewing for tomorrow is their "Photo Manager" position, which should be a cakewalk for me, given my experience running a photo lab for Eckerd back in the day. I like that kind of work...you get a customer base, your day is kind of set and metered, you have minimal responsibilities, you get a decent pay for decent work...but I have my insecurities about the whole situation.

So wish me luck tomorrow afternoon. I guess. I know I'll be wearing a tie and it'll be the first time since Easter that I've shaved. That'll be one fun process.

Other fun tidbits:

*Bullet* I finally retired the old black Nike sandals I bought maybe 12 years ago, and got a new pair. But they're brown. Oh well. They'll still match my summer motif of clothing.

*Bullet* I must buy a good cd soon. The next one I load on my iPod will put me over 7000 songs. Maybe I should just find the few cds I can't find between two apartments and just do it that way. Or I could buy the new Dane Cook cd that I was supposed to buy me yesterday. Or, who cares?? Feel me on 7000 songs. Six-hundred-something albums. Most with cover art. And one partially neglected significant other.

*Bullet* My lil bro is now on Facebook! More time for me to waste!

*Bullet* We had good news over the weekend regarding geting a place to live. J's sis and bro-in-law offered to co-sign or help us out. Only thing is, we have to find a place, and Bro-in-law wants us to get a duplex so he can put us in charge of things (tenants, rent, maintainence, and such). Basically, he wants to invest and make a profit while we do the work. Which isn't totally a bad thing, since he'd be willing to work with us on the big things that could potentially go awry (like a furnace, or windows, or siding, or roof, or other big things). Of course, he was also drunk off his ass after the horse race this weekend, and wanted to show me the new issue of Playboy. His wife was non-plussed, and no need for me to shop around when I've got the good stuff at home. *Wink*

So that's the basic rundown for ya, homies. I'm out and about. Leave me a good take in The Drop-Off and I'll feel ya back. Peace and love. GOODNIGHT NOW!!

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