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My blog of fun, love, frustrations and me. |
It's official. I'm enrolled to start taking classes come August at HFCC. Damn scary I tell ya. But I am determined to do this, so here I go. Had to take two placements tests - reading and writing. Now I admit to being stunned by both scores. Reading off the charts, a solid 94, not too shabby. But writing, well let's just say not so hot. ![]() If I decide to finish my Associates of Liberal Arts degree, I'll have to retake Physc since the professor gave me an "E" instead of dropping me like all the others did. What a crock. At least I have 16 credit hours and I'm not starting from zero. Something is better than nothing. Query is a nightmare. Rejected three times now. Just can't seem to figure out how to best word that damn book to make it appealing. Was going to work on it today, but I've changed my mind. Better to walk away and give it 24 hours. So today I'll be reivewing and trying to move closer to the 1,000 mark. Oh yeah, the boys were awesome yesterday. What a game, and nice bonus Mother's Day present to Mistress T. Woots. Now all they have to do it win tomorrow night, and we'll only have 8 games to go for a back to back cup. It can happen! Mother's day was nice. Got some smokin hot threads for summer. And....wait for it, wait for it....not one thing hubby bought me was purple. ![]() ![]() Zak's driving is getting much better. Seriously, how bad is it when your kid is behind the wheel, turns to you with a straight face as says, "Mom, seriously, you don't have to put your brake on so hard." I felt so bad, was trying to hide that, guess I didn't do a good job. Saturday he drove up to the garage, got to see his car, sit in it, get a feel for the Audi. After that we practiced parking in a vacant lot down the street, and then he drove to his friends house. By the time I picked him up and he drove us home, I noticed a significant change in his driving. The boy got some much-needed confidence. Woots. Is it possible I won't have to drive Zak and Danny to school next year? Could I hope for such a wonderous thing? ~~~T baby keeps her fingers crossed, hopes and prays for that oh so happy day~~~ At 6am, hubby and I were walking the hood. So strange to be out and about that early, but we were. The sun was barely coming up. We'll see how this new added exercise helps with the weight loss. Besides, my MIL is adamant that she is making a dress for me for Layal's wedding. We've told her a number of times that I bought three outfits for the wedding, but that isn't good enough. She wants to make something for me. I even told her she would only have 5 days to do so, knowing she could pull it off in two, but she doesn't seem to care or mind. And I am not to dye or cut my hair before I go because they want to take me someplace there and get that done as well. Not so sure I'm looking forward to a make over at this particular time. I have no problems going to see the Pegster and fixing my hair before I take off. I'll have to see what happens in the next few weeks. Maxine, not so impressive. Hope she gives me something good for tomorrow. Music Wars..there is someone in particular that I post these for. Not that you can't figure it out.....lol http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kdMlZGoD5_o http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VfXEeBj6u-Y&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AAk5jOcIH7k Tis all I have. Off to review. LIVE ~ LAUGH ~ LOVE ~ ![]() |