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Rated: 18+ · Book · Action/Adventure · #1559194
A fun happy princess is about to run out of fun...
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#649169 added June 2, 2009 at 4:50am
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Chapter one : Guards!? Guards!!
"Take care my princess! They are coming thick and fast through the vale, we should bottle neck them at the cliff side!" The guard looked flustered and tired, his armour was battle torn and a few dry trails of blood adorning his face. A small woman, looking worried came to the guards side "Hang in there, I need you to ready the troupes, your battle tactics have yet to fail me Milano" The guard smiled a little his pride showing through the pain "Understood, your highness" the guard struggled to his feet and began to make his way to the barracks in the east. The woman turned, the sound of destruction meeting her as she did so, a large frenzied looking bear was tearing it's way across the vale, kicking up boulders as it did so, before she could think she was crushed under a boulder it's weight crushing against her body, she let out a small shriek as the pain kicked in, the bear closed in, a crazed look in it's eye and foam at it's mouth, it let out a roar and stood on it's hind legs and lifted it's upper body high into the air, it's claws almost glistening in the sunshine.

"Fear not my princess, this one is mine" From behind, a silhouette of a familliar noble came floating gracefully down from the sky his eyes shinging like daimonds, his sword was in hand. He fell to the ground his movements showing he was shiething his sword once more, he looked towards the trapped princess "Are you alright? I trust you are unharmed?" The princess frowned and looked sarcasticly towards the noble "I have a freaking boulder on top of me, do I LOOK fine!?" The noble chuckled some as he pushed the boulder off the woman his chiverlry kicking in once more as she came to a stand "I'm sorry my princess, are you alright now?" The woman still frowning some, pouts "You could have come a little faster y'know?" The noble nodded and hung his head some "my appologies, it wont happen again" The noble drops to one knee his hand out stretched to take the hand of the princess "Please, forgive me?" The woman crosses her arms for a moment, her head turned away, after a few moments, she opens one eye and looks toward the noble followed by a sigh "I suppose you are one of the only loyal ones left... And I guess you DID save me after all" The woman allows her hand to be kissed by the noble "I thank you my princess Kiyana" going slightly red Kiyana looks away "Now then Kehet... We need to get to the cliff side, Milano is going to build a bottle neck tactical formation or something..." The noble nods, coming to a stand once more, he offers out his hand to the princess "Allow me to bare the burden of getting you there quickly" Kiyana takes the nobles hand hand and braces her self.

As the noble launches himself into the air, the bear suddenly falls to the ground in peices, all limbs severed neatly with ease, Kiyana was holding on for dear life as the noble lifted higher into the air, he looked about for a few moments before setting out his wind wall points, his crystal white looking eyes now shifting to a pale green, he looks towards his first marker and boosts strait for it, as he nears, he shifts his weight so that his feet are to hit first, he lands, his body stopping and changing direction as he stands on his marker, he launches himself again towards the next one and continues to do so till he hits the top of the cliff where a small ground troupe is gathered, the clashing of claw and steel quickly came into earshot as they landed, the nobles eyes became crystal white once more and his sword was drawn almost imedeatly, he dissapeared into the onslaught leaving Kiyana to find Milano...

From what Kiyana could see, the troupes had moved boulders to either side of the cliff leaving only enough space for one or two monsters to get through, at each side behind the boulders was a group of troupes armed with lances killing any creature that ventured over top the boulders, meeting the monsters in the middle was a group of the Vale's finest, strongest and generally all round well trained soilders, their stance precise and their attacks accurate leaving little to no chance for a retaliating strike. Lending a hand was Kehet, he too was trained as the warriors were only, he had a certain grace to his strikes... To the wall side of the cliff sat Milano, his armour heavily damaged, his face showing how broken and damaged he was behind it.Kiyana runs to him a worried look on her face as she came close "Milano? Milano!!" the guard looks up, his face showing his pain "My lady? ugh... What are you doing here?" Kiyana pulls out a small bag and reaches into it "I'll make the pain go away, you'l see Milano, be strong!" her hand emerges from the bag holding a blue powder, she lightly dusts it over the guard, his face seeming to relax a little as it did so "Now then Milano, do we have any clerics alive up here? You need some proper treatment..." Milano, pulls himself to his feet, his sword becoming a walking cane "There maybe one or two left? I... Really don't know" Suddenly there was a huge crashing noise and screams of some of the guards, Kiyana races back to see one of the boulders falling down the side of the cliff with some limp bodies flopping down with it, Kehet had moved into it's place, striking with such speed, it seemed as if he was hardly moving at all. A shriek breaks Kiyana out of her daydream as her farther lands behind her on a strange looking almost griffin, centaur mixed creature, it's body mainly looked like a lions with a peacock's tail, two massive egale's wings on it's back. The torso was covered in feathers and it's head was bird like, it had crossed arms and looked very stern. The king hopped off and headed directly towards the battle, purposly ignoring his daughter Kiyana.

The griffin took flight once more and headed towards the king becoming his aide for battle, his sword was massive, letting out shrieks and whistles as he swung, the creatures seemed to be blown away by each blow and some seemed to let out hows of pain as strange red looking lightning sparked from their bodies, he was using the vales strongest sword ever forged the "Vierleasta" Kiyana came to her knees, for his farther to use such a blade, he must have killed his wife, the queen, when the sword was forged, a pact was made with the goddess of the vale Kaineth, the sword was to be used only when the queen's soul was unable to rest meaning she had to be dead and unable to go to the goddess... Kiyana in a blind rage rushes towards her farther, pulling out her short sword "Koutatsu" she drew near to her farther screaming from the agony of knowing her mother was dead and plunged her Koutatsu deep into the back of her farther. He fell to one knee his sword keeping him up-right "Ugh...... Kiyana... I'm... Sor-Ack!" Before he could finish Kiyana pulled the sword across finishing her farther for good, the Vierleasta fell to the ground the magic runes on the sword fading, Kiyana fell to her knees once more her clothes now drentched in blood, she was crying, not of sadness, but of rage, her tears were sparking a golden sheen of lightning occasionaly. From behind, she could feel a gental wind blowing, soothing her heart, causing her to weap gently, as she turned, she came face to face with Kaineth her smile was gentle and reassuring "My dearest Kiyana, a terrible day you have suffered today, I... Will help you, take up the Vierleasta..." Still sobbing Kiyana does as the wind godess commands "Now then, raise your Koutatsu and the Vierleasta into the air, I will give you the power to avenge this day..." Kiyana slowly brings her self to her feet, her farthers blood pooled at her feet and on her clothes "As you say, your greatness..." Kiyana raises both swords into the air, her eyes closed as she does so, a small glowing tear dropping to the floor, as it hit, a streak of green lightning crashes out of the sky striking the swords, a bright flash of light followed and what was in Kiyana's hands now were not the original two swords in her hands now were two cutlass looking swords, shining a bright gold with embroided hand guards, Kiyana's eyes opened, they had a different look in them now, a golden occuli and a glow from the edges, she was empowered by the godess.

Kiyana spun on one heel, her target the rest of the creature's who had nearly killed every one, only a few of the ground troupe were left, Milano was dead, a cleric lay atop his body also dead, Kehet was struggling, there was just too many creatures for him alone to handle, the bright skies began to cloud over rapidly, rain drops begining to drentch the battle field, the once green grass now stained a beautifull blood red, for a moment Kiyana stood there, a moment she would regret for the rest of her life, as she stood, a strange looking creature swung at Kehet and connected sending him flying, the wound was massive, his clothes burning away around the wound, this creature was likely a Chimera, an abomination of nature created by humans as "experiements" to create super powerfull weapons. It's attention came onto Kiyana, It had scorpion's claws and tail, the body, abdomen and legs of a spider, where the eyes and mouth would be was a human head "You... Will DIE HERE!!!" The Chimera swung it's claws with intense speed at Kiyana, without a second thought she leaped into the air avoiding the claws, she was out of reach of the tail and had a moment to guage the monster somewhat, as she scanned the creature, she noticed small openings in the creatures carapeice around the joints, she smiled a little, untill she looked towards Kehet who layed still against the wall, his body nearly beyond recognition. Her smile turned to rage and she began her decent, a streak of lightning was all the creatures could see as she weaved in and out of every creature, she landed at the bottom of the cliff her feet touching the blood red grass, she shiethed her swords and began to walk towards the palace once more, the griffin over head following her intently. The creatures began to give chase, the Chimera runs down the cliff and rushes towards Kiyana, just as the creatures come within range, Kiyana turns looks sadly towards the creatures, a strong wind blows and the creatures begin to fall apart in a bloody mess "You are nothing more than a blood stain now... A stain that will likely stay with me... Forever..." Kiyana turns around once more her movement gracefull and soft as she walks towards the palace once more. The clouds begin to subside and beams of light begin to shoot through, as one of the beams hit's Kiyana, a single tear could be seen glistening from the light, the creatures had won the fight this time...
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