Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/649163-chapter-3
by ftc021
Rated: 13+ · Book · Action/Adventure · #1559179
Vampyers as an explanation of why Julius Ceaser crossed the Rubicon...
#649163 added May 11, 2009 at 7:40am
Restrictions: None
chapter 3

Chapter 3

It had taken three days to sail to Egypt; his meeting with Pompey kept playing out in Julius's head. They would meet in Alexandria where Pompey would no doubt have heard that Caesar was a hero to the rest of the empire. Pompey would realize the hopelessness of his situation and beg his old friend's forgiveness, to which Julius would respond by accepting Pompey with open arms and welcoming him back into his good graces. Together they would restore Rome and drive the Vampyres from the Republic, freeing the populace and ensuring the aristocracy was free to govern Rome as was proper without the hidden agendas of an evil race.

His mood was such that when he tripped upon stepping ashore, he did not take this as an ill omen, instead he laughed and cried "Ah Egypt I embrace you, as you will embrace me"

As he stood and dusted himself off, he spotted a group of Royal courtiers sent by Ptolemy to welcome him. Surely this was a good sign. Pompey had made known his intentions to renew his allegiance to Caesar and had even convinced the Egyptian king to send gifts.

He prepared himself standing as tall and regal and he could make himself appear, anxious to be done with the formalities and reacquaint himself with his old friend turned enemy. The Egyptians approached smiling and presented him with a box of finely carved ebony large enough to hold a tidy offering. Caesar nodded and they opened the box to show him its contents. The Egyptians knelt and a shrouded figure appeared to glide to the side of the box.

For the first time in weeks Julius's mood soured. To be met by emissaries of Egypt who showed deference to this Vampyre... He held his breath as the creature reached into the box and withdrew Pompey's head. From the depth of the creature's cowl came the words "A gift from Egypt to you Caesar, may our two kingdoms enjoy peace" The head was placed back into the box, the lid closed, and the box laid before him. Too appalled to speak he watched in silence as the procession retreated back into the city.

Overwhelmed Julius collapsed to the ground and wept. His old comrade had been denied the opportunity to repent of his selfish actions, thus denying him of the chance to welcome Pompey into his graces and finally have someone with which he could share his secrets. He remained alone. Who now could help him conduct the secret war he had been planning? Who would he confide in? Who would share the horrors he had been subjected to?

Caesar arose, resolution firmed his motions. The Vampyres would answer for this. They could not take all that was dear to him and expect him not to make them pay. He was the greatest general the world had ever known and once he had delved their secrets the Vampyres would be wiped from the earth. Being descended from Venus herself ensured the favor of the gods. Fortune had followed him despite the constant interference of the damned. There would be a day of reckoning and evil would tremble before him.

Donning his Consular toga Julius gathered his escort and entered the city. These creatures would not cow him. He would set up residence in the royal Palace to remind Egypt it still owed its allegiance to Rome and he was the true master here.

Upon Gaining entrance to the palace Julius Requisitioned a wing for himself and set up offices. His first order of business was to send for reinforcements; next he sent word to Ptolemy and his sister Cleopatra that he wished to meet with them and settle their dispute over who governed Egypt. The late king had left the land to his two eldest children as was the tradition and some how the 13 year old Ptolemy was in control while his 21 year old sister was in hiding. Julius was sure Vampyres were behind this and was determined to know why.

Late one night as he was reviewing correspondences from Rome, not the least of which was the confirmation that he was to be named dictator for a year now that the year of his consulship had come to an end, there came a gentle knock on his door and a strange old man entered carrying a carpet bag slung over his shoulder.

"I don't know why you were allowed to get this far" Julius said "but whatever you're selling I am not interested. It would be in your best interest if you were to see yourself out immediately" At this the man set his burden gently on the ground, and began to unfasten the cinch at the top of the bag. Julius rose in alarm and reached for his sword. Wearily he watched the man prepared for whatever may happen next. As the cinch was released and the bag dropped around its contents Julius's alarm gave way to awe. Out of the bag stepped a beautiful young woman. "You must be Cleopatra" he said "Rather unusual entrance don't you think?"

"Yes my lord" she replied "I must apologize, this is not how I would have our first meeting, but I saw no other way" her voice was soft yet commanding. Even stepping out of a carpet bag in rags she seemed regal. She projected her presence with assurance beyond her age, and seemed in control of the situation. This of course was absurd given the fact that she was carried in like a peddler's goods and stood before him in rags, yet he knew instantly that this was a woman not to be taken lightly. He felt protective of her as he did his own daughter Julia who was now some years gone. "Could you not have made an appointment and come to see me during the day as would be appropriate" he said as he cleared his throat to give himself time to take in the situation and the overwhelming person who stood before him. "No my lord, I am afraid I never would have gotten close to the Palace had my brothers magicians known I was coming."

Magicians? Did she mean the Vampyres? Perhaps she knew something that would be of more use to him than he had anticipated. "Surely you do not fear magicians" he began "I would not expect such superstition from one who has been so well educated"

Cleopatra dismissed her servant with a wave of her hand. He exited quickly closing the door silently behind him. "Nor am I superstitious my lord, but these Magicians are real. I have seen their power. They use my brother as puppet; they have taken my kingdom and seek to deny my rights as the Eldest in the royal line."

Surely they spoke of the same creatures. Julius anxious the find out what she knew but forced himself to proceed with caution; he never knew what was really going on when Vampyres were involved. "Tell me of these magicians then." he said "What power do they have and why do they rob from you and seem to give so generously to Ptolemy?"

"He is weaker then I am. They only seem to give to him. He is but a tool for them, something to hold before the people while they carry out their own agenda, an agenda that would appear to include you my lord." As she spoke this last part she gave away her nervousness with a wobble in her voice and a twitch of her eyes, this would be one of the few times Julius ever saw her lose her composeur and it lasted no more than a second. "Really?" he asked "What would these plans be, and how is it that you know them?"

"I know only what my spies in the palace are able to get to me, and that is not much. I know that there are places deep under the Palace where they would have no one go. I also know that when it was discovered you were on your way to our shores, they grew excited and commanded that your enemy's head be presented to you as a show of their good faith. My advisors counseled me not to come. They said you would be under the sway of their magic, but I know the great Caesar would not bow to such filth." She stood waiting for a reply. Julius was filled with shame. He had done the bidding of Vampyres for most of his life. He sat behind his desk and looked at her; he knew this would be an important decision. How much could she be trusted, how much did she need to know? "I believe these Magicians are the same creatures that I have been fighting my entire life" he began. "So far as I can tell they have secretly ruled Rome for many years, perhaps from the beginning. They are mysterious and powerful and I have been searching for their secrets. I do not believe they are human perhaps they once were, but they have been transformed or they never were, I do not know." Julius paused seeking the right words, he must only reveal enough to win her confidence and draw what he could from her. Before he could begin a commotion began in the outer rooms. He opened the door to his bed chamber and waved her in. After securing the door behind her he settled himself at his desk, his sword within easy reach, to wait whatever was next.

The door flew open and Ptolemy strode in flanked by three Vampyres in the costume of Magicians or maybe ancient priests of a long forgotten god. Julius smiled, not bothering to stand. The young king appeared to be upset and was on the verge of speaking when one of the Vampyres placed a hand on his shoulder and stepped in front of the boy. "Welcome to Egypt Caesar" it said. It spoke Greek with an unknown, but heavy accent. "It seems those whom you represent are to be the new power in Rome, and perhaps the world. Our kind has been kept as advisors in Egypt for far too long, we seek to... enrich our status here and share in the glory of Rome. It was expected that your handlers would have spoken to us by now, was our gift not enough?"

"You do not know what you speak of Magician." he said with a sneer. "Those you speak of are not my handlers, I have no master"

The Vampyre stepped back in surprise. "Oh?" It said "I think not. You will ensure they know we desire a meeting. The king is willing to submit to Rome provided he is made a full citizen and given governorship of all Egypt. Rome will share her glory" All three Vampyres turned as one and exited the room leaving the boy king to catch up red faced and humiliated. Moments after one door shut the other opened. Cleopatra stepped out from his bed chamber. "I believe there is more you have not told me. If you choose to have the future queen of Egypt as an ally, then when next we meet we will exchange all we know, there can be no secrets between such as us Caesar" With that she scooped up her carpet bag and left through the door her brother had vacated minutes earlier.

Julius dismissed all his servants from the outer chambers, sat at his desk, and waited. His selection of rooms had been intentional. There was no way in or out except the front door. This could be problematic in the event of an uprising in the palace, but it ensured he would have no unwanted visitors. After what seemed hours of waiting the door opened and a Vampyre silently entered, seeming to move from the door to the desk instantly. "You have had some visitors" it said "The girl was here for some time. Was she entertaining?"

Julius stiffened. His protective feelings for Cleopatra already ran deep. Before he could answer, the Vampyre smiled. "That is not important. We have been watching these Magicians as they call themselves. We are not pleased with them. You will not back Ptolemy or his Magicians. These greedy upstarts wish to partake in the spoils of what we have so fastidiously worked for. The glory and benefits of Rome will stay with those who have created them, not be given to beggars who come too late in the game."

Careful to still his features, Julius paused as if considering his orders. Finally their aims provided a way for him to have an ally, with whom he could plan their downfall. "So you would like me to back his sister's claim to the throne?" he asked. "If that pleases you." came the response "Just ensure your new plaything renders unto Rome what is ours." The Vampyre smirked and turned. It seemed to appear at the door for an instant and was gone the door left open a crack behind it.

Julius arose from his seat and mechanically moved to the door shutting it gently, his mind overflowing with possibilities. Ambling around the room he straightened wall hangings, moved furniture and paced. I must be careful, he thought. If she knows some things about them that I don't, this alliance has the potential to give me what I need. They must go on believing that my fascination with Cleopatra is nothing more than a distracting dalliance. I can not give them more things to hurt me with. Plans must be made. I must win her to my side, bring Egypt fully into the republic and ensure she rules here. To make this plans we must be alone, no Vampyres, no servants or potential spies....

Days went by, no word from Cleopatra came. Julius had no way to contact her and was unsure what his next step should be. Once the next step was taken the rest would fall into place, but how to begin? The events of the third night made his decisions easier. As he was preparing to retire for the evening he felt he was being watched. Glancing around he saw no one, eventually however as the feeling persisted he sat at his desk and waited. Time dragged until he at last spoke. "What is it I can do for you now?" He asked. "Or am I to be watched while I sleep?" A few seconds later a Vampyre stepped from the shadows. This was the one, the strange one from Britannia. Something was different. The Vampyres hood was pushed back and its features plainly visible. It moved to the chair opposite his desk in a deliberate manner. Staring at him the entire time as if deciding his fate, the Vampyre sat. Yet it still did not speak, only that sad and quizzical stare. Julius sensed something was amiss and waited for the Vampyre to begin.

"It is ones like you cause me the most concern Julius." It said. "I see in you both the bright hope and the dark horror of humanity. Most humans are helplessly lost, just trying to survive as long as they can on this world. The few exceptions can mostly be lumped into two categories. The altruistic hero and the selfish, the selfish may seem benign but they always manifest their corruption in the end."

"And which am I?" Julius asked. "What does your kind think of me?" The Vampyre sighed "My kind? Save for one other I am alone in this world, but that is for another time." it paused in thought and began again. "What you need to know is what I think of you. You are among the very great, those few in humanity with the potential to shape the world. Those few are always enigmatic, brilliant, egotistical, altruistic, and selfish." The Vampyre nodded towards Julius and stared onto the depths of his soul. "What remains to be seen is how you will manifest in the end. Will your selfishness and ego win over your love for mankind, or will your affection for your kind stay your ego and self love, keeping in check the monster you could become?"

Julius laughed. "You speak of monsters as if you were not one yourself. You accuse me of horrors I have not committed while you drain Rome of blood to sustain your evil plans. Who is the greater enigma?"

"I have much to answer for young Julius, and my conscience weighs heavily. My struggle has been long and may never end, but do not confuse me with those who have dominated your life for so long." The Vampyre looked as if it were about to leave, seemed to struggle with a decision, and began again. "Over a Millennium ago I was a mortal man like you, a leader among my people. I have seen many things since that time. The world grows larger, yet it gets smaller at the same time. Those who lead, lead more people and govern more land than ever before. Your actions affect so much more than one small community of tribes. The origins of the Vampyres are my burden one you need not know. What you need to know is this. They are not magical. They are not immortal and the can be killed. Their life span is far greater than your own. Their strength, speed, vision, hearing, and sense of smell are so far beyond what you experience, that you can not imagine. These strengths are also weaknesses." Once again the Vampyre's voice trailed off. When it spoke again its whisper was barely audible. I left my home in Cymry, a part of what you call Britannia, to try and bring balance to Rome. I thought perhaps after all these years, the Vampyres here were ready to listen, to see reason. I now realize I was wrong, the greed and corruption lay as deep as ever. I will return to my home soon, and await the time when things can be made right." Once again that piercing stare burned right through him. "I have given you what you need to help Rome free herself from the bonds of slavery she was founded in. I have never so openly aided man in this struggle. I can only hope that your actions will bare the desired fruit. I will leave you now to use what I have given you as you will. Beware of your dual nature Julius, do not let glory and selfishness rule your destiny." The Vampyre rose as if it shouldered a heavy burden walked slowly from his chambers.

It was a restless night for Julius. The strange Vampyre had revealed much and claimed it had given him what he needed to free his people of the Vampyre's yoke. What did he know? Their lived long lives, how long? This did not help. They were stronger faster and in all ways superior physically to man. How did this help? What was he missing? Caesar struggled all night to find the key he had supposedly been given. As dawn broke over the Nile Julius at last began to form a plan.

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