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Rated: 18+ · Book · Biographical · #1372191
#643271 added April 1, 2009 at 11:48am
Restrictions: None
I don't have Twitter, so that's not my excuse.


1. List two facts about the last person you kissed.
Well, (a) he's the first person I know personally who has been affected, really, by the crappy economy. The firm where he was going to work this summer, and earn thirty-one thousand dollars on which to live in the coming school year, canceled their summer program (as many firms these days are doing, the ones that aren't dissolving completely, that is) and offered him a five thousand-dollar concession instead. So he'll be in town this summer, which is a slight relief, but he's incredibly bummed out, so I am, too. And (b) he makes great margaritas.

2. What was your first thought when you looked in the mirror this morning?
As a rule, I never look in the mirror before I take a shower.

3. Do you believe there's always room in your heart for your first love?
Apparently there is. It's sort of all about trial and error, so I'm thinking you have to keep Marcus close enough to remember where you went wrong with him. Otherwise you'd just do it over and over again.

4. Have you ever worn the opposite sex's underwear?

5. Where is the next place you will travel to?
New York, maybe? It was my intention to see Tina and Meg this weekend, to drink endless sake and meet Meg's new kittens, but then yesterday I overdrew my account, and now I have to figure out how I'm going to pay my utilities before my first paycheck, instead. So that probably won't happen.

6. Do you want to get married and have kids one day?
Definitely, yes. (I realized, as I was typing the question, that every time I answer this question, I do so sarcastically, as in, Ugh, no way, so that infrequent readers could make the mistake that procreating isn't the most important goal in my future. So I thought I'd mix it up and tell the truth, this time. I want twenty babies, or, probably, two.)

7. Do you curse a lot?
Maybe more than I should.

8. Have you ever kissed in a pool?
One time, I think, but it was a kiss of gratitude, rather than one of romance. Justin dove to the bottom of his best friend's pool to see if he could find my belly button ring, which had fallen out while we were swimming, and he didn't, but I kissed his cheek anyway.

9. Do you have long hair or short hair?
It's not what anyone would describe as a "short" cut, but it's not as long as it used to be, either. A little past shoulder length now.

10. Do you like ice cream?
Only when there are other things in it.

11. What's your favorite color?
I'm in the market, as it were. I used to say it was green, but I was only saying that because it made me feel closer to Marcus. Now I think I like purple, but that feels so cliche. There isn't a color that really speaks to me more than any other. I just like the ones with interesting names: indigo, cerulean.

12. What does the last text in your inbox say?
Too sore to go looking for my cell phone.

13. Are you open about your sex life?
Relatively, I guess so. If you ask, I'll tell. If I thought Justin were a prude who preferred that no one knew what we did in bed, I'd shut up about it, but he's pretty swellheaded about it, so, yeah.

14. Have you ever lied to protect someone's feelings?
Daily. I think people who don't, who tell the truth no matter what because truth is just that important to them, more important than people's feelings and the subtle nuances of human coexistence, are mostly assholes.

15. Are you hiding something from your parents?
The nice thing is, they're finally sort of letting go and not treating me as some sort of satellite child. This February marks the first time they refrained from asking to see my grades, and they've stopped checking up on me with regards to rent payments, et cetera. So there's nothing left to really hide, but the feeling of wanting privacy remains. When my mother comes over, ostensibly to visit but really just to report on the state of my apartment, I automatically start hiding things in drawers, just because it's what I'm used to.

16. Do you get jealous of other people easily?
I used to, but lately I'm learning that if you look closely enough, you'll find that there's always some reason you've got it better than your neighbor.

17. What's the best thing about having a boyfriend/girlfriend?
It's subjective. The best thing about having Justin is that every time we're together, I laugh and smile so much, my cheek muscles hurt by the end.

18. Have you ever been asked "does size matter"?
I feel uncomfortable about the placement of those end quotation marks.

19. Oh, there was no eighteen.

20. Are you of great importance in someone else's life?
Yes, in four of five of them, I think.

21. What's your favorite saying?
I'm shockingly bad at remembering sayings.

22. Is there anybody that knows your deepest, darkest secret?
There's nothing really deep or dark about it, but my biggest secret, no. No one knows it. That's why it's allowed to call itself a secret.

23. Could you?
I believe I could.

24. Who taught you to tie your shoes?
The aforementioned Miss Mulcahy.

25. Do you usually sing while showering?
Generally, no. My thing in the shower is thinking through whatever tough conversation looms soonest in my future, so that I wind up lathering, shaving, etc., with this frown of intense concentration on my face. I don't know what it is, but it's routine. There's something about hot water that compels me to start scripting every dialogue I don't want to have. I can almost hear Justin's and my mother's voices whining at me from the faucet.

26. What's something that really grosses you out?
That would probably have to be this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EWB_COSUXMw&eurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww%2Ecracked%2Ecom...

27. What is the oldest person you would date right now?
Barring Justin, I don't think I'd go older than maybe thirty, at the moment.

28. Do you stick up for what you believe in?
Sort of halfheartedly, most of the time. I actually rarely encounter anyone who disagrees with anything I really believe in, and when I do, I am reminded that nothing ever comes of disagreeing with anyone on principles.

29. Is there anybody you're really disappointed in right now?
Not really.

30. If you could go back in time, would you?
Maybe. Only if I could use the knowledge I'd acquired the first time around.

31. Do you use your middle finger often?
Almost never.

32. What's annoying you right now?
Canker sore on the left side of my tongue, making it impossible to eat or talk without incredible pain. It's been lingering since Sundayish. It's weird: A wound of the same size on any other part of my body would be totally ignorable; I'd cover it with a Band-Aid and forget about it. When it's in your mouth, though, it feels like it's about a thousand times its actual size, and makes you want to die.

33. Are you a really understanding person?
I'm okay.

34. How many people have you kissed in your entire life?
In a romantic or sexual way? Um, counting...I think nine? Yes, nine.

35. Do you know anyone who's addicted to any drugs?
Fortunately, no. Except for those who can't fall asleep without pill aid anymore.

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