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My blog of fun, love, frustrations and me. |
Last week I got to have my first 'official' Mamogram. Had one about ten years ago. Yes, it's changed drastically in that time. I never expected to be called back in a few days later. It irks me that they call, giving very little info, and expect me not to worry. Seriously, I was raised by a woman who always works her mind into the worst case scenerio. Being her daughter means I've picked up that habit. Sux, but it's true. I made the appointment two days ago for today, was the first one through the door. And I asked the tech, "Did anything show up last week?" And she informs me that, yes, on both breasts, and this time around we are going with magnified views, 3 of each. Oh goodie. More stretching and smashing for me. She also told me that they tried to get the pictures from ten years ago, but since that hospital moved is facility, and they were a decade old, that they wouldn't help now. What a bunch of shit. Seriously. If they would have given the xrays to me, you can bet your ass I'd still have them in my possession. Since the tech was different than the last one I had, I knew she would be doing things a bit differently. She took two of each side, and then I got to wait as she reivewed the ones from last week, measured some things, and then took the last one of each.When she was done, I had to wait. She took them right to the Radiologist. My mind was a bit hazy, jumping through each possible scenerio, from best to worst. What I didn't expect, was that they would send me on my way with nothing.They will contact my doctor, and I will get something in the mail or another call for additional views. I have a scheduled appoitment with the witch that calls herself my doctor tomorrow, but I don't expect her to know anything. She never does. So now I am truly playing the waiting game, and hating every second of it. I have no focus, whatsoever. And that is something I just hate. Trying to stay positive only lasts for so long. My sister will be traveling to Nash with me. I am looking forward to that, more than I thought I would be. We are in desperate need of a bonding session, and this is a good time to do it. But, Miss Michelle doesn't like to fly. Could be very interesting indeed. ![]() BCWW1 has begun. What is this you ask? Very simple. Blog Comment World War 1, as Renee True: Shadow Queen ![]() ![]() ![]() If you're interested in seeing the insanity, be my guest.
MAXINE SAYS Some people shop at several gorcery stores to save money. I do it to make a meal out of free samples. |