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Rated: 13+ · Book · Fanfiction · #1521191
See history through different eyes. 2002 MOTU cartoon fanfiction.
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#632414 added January 27, 2009 at 9:46pm
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S1E1: The Girl with No Name
Season one, Episode One: The Girl With No Name

The Dark Hemisphere of Eternia was Hell. Underground pockets of gas released spurts of hot steam and lava into the air at unpredictable intervals. Hot obsidian and molten rock covered the unstable ground, jutting cliffs and boulders served as safe points of land. It did rain in the Dark Hemisphere; acidic water that was not fit for drinking or sustaining any life.

Deep in the Dark Hemisphere sat the only sign of life. A large, impressive structure left behind from some ancient race. Snake Mountain rose from the craggy terrain and gave shelter to the worst villains that Eternia had ever known. Trapped in the Dark Hemisphere by the powers of the Mystical Wall, the villains waited in the hallowed halls of Snake Mountain.

Waited and plotted for the day when they would break free and pour once more into Eternia.

Deep inside Snake Mountain, Evil-Lynn slumped down on her bed. Day after day, week after week, her life had been dedicated to finding a way out of the Dark Hemisphere. Her gallant leader, the man she had once loved, was nothing more then a crazed shadow of his former self. She could feel the poisons of the Dark Hemisphere working their way into her veins.

"I just don't know what to do anymore," Evil-Lynn moaned. She pulled off her armored breastplate and let it fall to the floor. She undressed and stretched out on the bed, rolling onto her stomach.

"Tell me, Brat, is this all that my life has become," Evil-Lynn asked, turning to a figure in the corner of her room.

A young girl, about five years old, walked from the shadows. Her clothes were tattered and her black hair was in tangles. In her dirty hands she held a small wooden bucket filled with jars of sweet-smelling oils.

"Evil-Lynn is most beautiful," Brat said in her halting way of speech. It was one of the few things that Evil-Lynn taught her. The girl had been born in Snake Mountain, the daughter of her lover's wife. When her mother died, Evil-Lynn took the child in and taught her what she felt were important skills. It was not as if her leader was interested in the girl.

Brat crawled up on the bed and poured the oils onto Evil-Lynn's back. Her tiny hands expertly massaged the oil in Evil-Lynn's dusky-gray skin. Evil-Lynn allowed herself to relax as her child-servant rubbed her worries away.

"Evil-Lynn is most powerful," Brat said. It was demanded that Brat not only serve Evil-Lynn, but compliment her as well. That was all that she taught the girl. That was all the girl would ever need to know.

"Keldor is not the same man he once was," Evil-Lynn muttered. "Not since that awful Randor destroyed his face. I did what I thought I should, and brought him before the might of Hordak. Now, he's a madman. Not the great warrior I loved."

"Evil-Lynn is most wise," Brat said.

Evil-Lynn smiled. She had always wanted a child, and Brat was as good as any. Dedicated to Evil-Lynn, the only person she knew since her mother passed away two years ago. She did not care that Brat was not her child. She was now her servant, and that was the next best thing.

Evil-Lynn had been born Evelyn, the powerful daughter of a sorcerer known only as the Faceless One. Tired of only learning a few spells, Evelyn had left her father's side and went in search of true power. She changed her name to reflect her new look at life. It was in her travels that she met the mysterious Lord Keldor, and joined him in his mission to bring Captain Randor of the Defenders to his knees. The lust for power was only matched for her lust for her handsome leader.

At first, Keldor returned her feelings. Then, they made a mistake in their war against Randor. Keldor kidnapped Randor's twin children and brought the squealing babies to the Well of Hordak. He tossed the baby girl into the well and into Hordak's clutches.

But he hesitated with the boy. At first, Evil-Lynn didn't know why. That hesitation had allowed Randor to find them and take the baby boy back.

A week later, Keldor ordered them to hurry back to his home village. They arrived after the Defenders left the village in ruins and many of the people dead. Keldor's son, a son that Evil-Lynn never knew he had, was murdered. The baby boy was only a year old.

Evil-Lynn was also introduced to Keldor's wife. A woman of Keldor's own people, Kelantho had stood by Keldor's side for many years. They found Kelantho huddled in the ruins of Keldor's home, beaten by the "noble" and "good" warriors. She was also pregnant and nothing Keldor said would convince her to give up the child. She had just watched her son die, and this child was all that kept her alive.

Life in Snake Mountain had not been easy for Kelantho. By then, Keldor had lost his face to a vial of acid and started to change. Kelantho begged her husband to love the child as her health failed, but he refused. When Kelantho died, Keldor demanded that the child be killed.

Evil-Lynn took the child and taught her how to serve her new mistress. Brat did her job, needing the attention she received when she did well. Evil-Lynn was pleased that she had thought to teach the girl the art of massage.

Suddenly, the door to her room slammed open and there stood her fearless leader. The once handsome face of Keldor had melted away, leaving behind a shiny skull. His body was still that magnificent form that Evil-Lynn had first fallen in love with, taunt blue-hued skin over a muscular body. Ever since Kelantho had died, Keldor demanded that no one use his old name. He was now Skeletor, the Evil Lord of the Dark Hemisphere.

"Evil-Lynn, you never reported back from your patrol! What news is there of the Mystic Wall?"

The witch frowned. She truly hated Skeletor with as much passion as she had once loved Keldor. His merest touch now turned her stomach and she dreamed of the day when he died.

"I didn't report because there was nothing to report. The Mystic Wall is still there and there is no life between here and there," she said. "It's the same as yesterday, and the day before, and the day before that. Just as it will be tomorrow, and the day after."

Skeletor growled low in his throat. "I don't care, my dear Evil-Lynn. You always report back to me. Always!"

"Fine. I've reported. Are we done?"

"If I were you, Evil-Lynn, I'd curb my tongue. Just be thankful I'm in a merciful mood," Skeletor snarled and turned to leave when Brat caught his eyes. Turning, he stalked back in the room and plucked Brat up off Evil-Lynn.

"What is this?"

"A child," Evil-Lynn drawled.

"I can see that," Skeletor scoffed. "What is it doing here."

"Giving me a massage."

Skeletor held the child out of the way as he zapped Evil-Lynn with his staff. When Brat heard her mistress scream, she started to fight back against the man that held her.

"Now, what to do with you," Skeletor mused as the little girl swung out and hit him. The tiny fists felt like gnats, more annoying then harmful.

"Stay Evil-Lynn," Brat cried. "Stay!"

"Not much of a talker, are you?"

On the bed, Evil-Lynn struggled to sit up. "Leave her alone, Skeletor. She has nothing to with you."

"Oh, really? Where did you get her, Evil-Lynn?"

Evil-Lynn looked down and bit her lip. It was no mystery where Brat came from. She had the same blue-toned skin of Keldor and Kelantho, and their beautiful black hair. However, Brat did not have their dark eyes. Instead, her eyes were a strange watery blue, possibly the only thing she would ever have of the coward that fathered her.

Skeletor scoffed and dragged the child out of the room. Evil-Lynn slammed her fist down on her pillow. There went her servant! Now who would she get to massage her back and tell her how talented and beautiful she was?

Dragging Brat through the hallways, Skeletor couldn't help but notice how much she looked like Kelantho. The face that turned up to his was full of defiance and fear. The same look that Kelantho had given him on their wedding night. Though she had lost that look, replacing it with respect and a small bit of love, it was the look he had most adored.

Skeletor hauled the girl into the very bowels of Snake Mountain to where Tri-Klops stayed. Tri-Klops had once been a Master Swordsman and now he worked for Skeletor as an inventor, his creations making the Dark Hemisphere just a bit more bearable. His current project was to find a better way to purify the water.

"Lord Skeletor," Tri-Klops said, looking up from the machine he was tinkering under. "I have done it! This machine will purify the water in mass quantities so that even in a drought, we should have drinking water."

"Very good," Skeletor said. "How about bathing water?"

"Lots of that, too. Not as pure as the drinking water, but not as acidic, either." Tri-Klops stood up and dusted himself off. He paused when he saw the little girl at his lord's side.

Skeletor thrust the girl forward. As she fell at Tri-Klops' feet, Skeletor said, "Bath that thing and dress it in something more appropriate. Then, bring it to me in the throne room."

With that, he left. Tri-Klops looked down at the little girl, who cowered before him. He sighed and motioned for her to follow him. When the girl refused to move, he picked her up and carried her.

"What is your name?"


"Brat? What kind of name is that?"

The girl shrugged. Either she didn’t know what kind of name that was, or she didn’t understand the question. Not that it was any of Tri-Klops' business. He did as he was told and filled a small tub with warm water.

"My name is Tri-Klops. Can you say that?"




"Tri-Klops. Try it again."

Brat frowned and tried again. "Ti-Kops!"

"Close enough," he sighed. "You'll get it right someday."

Brat smiled. "Ti-Kops is most beautiful."

Taken back, Tri-Klops stuttered, "Well, thank you. Brat will be beautiful, too, once we clean you up."

Brat batted at the water and giggled. Tri-Klops tested the water to make sure it wasn't too hot. Smiling when he found that it was perfect, he turned to the little girl and took her rags off.

"Just sit there and wait," he said. "I've got to get you some clothes."

Brat sat in the water, watching him leave. Tri-Klops knew that clothes were not something readily available, but there was something he could use. An old shirt of his was stashed in his room. He could use that to dress the girl until they could find a way to make better clothes for her.

He brought the shirt back and placed it out of the way. Picking up a rag, he scrubbed the girl down and tried his best to untangle her hair. When she was clean, he lifted her out and started to dry her off.

"Ti-Kops? Stay?"

Tri-Klops sat back, looking at the girl. "Yes, I'll stay. I won't leave you alone."

Brat smiled and threw her arms around his neck. "Ti-Kops stay!"

Bemused, Tri-Klops dressed the girl. He braided her hair and watched as she laughed in delight at how cute she looked afterwards. The shirt was too large for her, but that seemed to add to her charm.

"Listen, Brat, you're going to see Skeletor. There are some rules you have to follow," Tri-Klops said as he took her hand.


"Try saying Master," Tri-Klops suggested.

Brat stammered a bit, but finally got the word out. This pleased Tri-Klops, who knew that Skeletor would be pleased as well. At least the girl could answer the Dreaded Lord of the Dark Hemisphere.

Tri-Klops took the girl to the throne room. All around the room stood the other henchmen. Trapjaw, Beastman, Evil-Lynn and Merman watched them walk in.

"Hey, cute kid," Beastman scoffed. "She'd make a good snack."

"Never figured you for a babysitter," Trapjaw said.

Merman snickered. "Never knew you liked them so young, Tri-Klops."

Tri-Klops ignored them. He knew that he'd never live this down. Brat, on the other hand, didn't seem to understand what was going on and clung to his side, sneaking shy glances out at the henchmen. When she saw Evil-Lynn, she waved and smiled. Evil-Lynn sneered and turned her back on the girl, and Tri-Klops could see that it hurt Brat.

"Go up to the stairs and kneel," Tri-Klops whispered. "Keep your head down and don't talk unless he asks you a question."

"Ti-Kops stay?"

"I can't. I'll be near-by," he said. "Don't be afraid."

Brat's blue eyes welled up with tears. When Tri-Klops prodded her towards the dais, she shook her head and threw her arms around his neck. "No! Ti-Kops stay!"

Beastman howled with laughter. "Ti-Kops! How adorable!"

The other henchmen laughed as well. Brat looked scared as the laughter bounced off the walls. Tri-Klops felt anger welling up in him as he placed one hand on the tiny girl.

"Enough!" Skeletor's voice boomed from the throne. "Bring the girl forward! Now!"

Tri-Klops brought her up to the stairs and pushed her down to kneel. She was shaking and he knew that she was trying to not cry. He was scared as well. His master was unpredictable these days. One bad move and Skeletor would kill them both.

Slowly, Skeletor walked down the stairs. "So, this is the child. I clearly remember telling you that she was to be killed, Evil-Lynn. Instead, you kept her from me for two years."

"I am sorry, Lord Skeletor," Evil-Lynn said.

"Are you, Evil-Lynn? Not only did you disobey my orders, but you trained the girl to be your personal slave! You had no intention of telling me of her existence - ever!"

"My apologies, Lord Skeletor. I admit to growing used to having the child service me."

"No matter. The problem will be solved now," Skeletor said. "What is the child's name?"

"Brat," said Evil-Lynn. "She answers only to Brat."

Skeletor's eyesockets glowed red. Everyone held their breath, recognizing the first sign of their master's anger. What had angered him was a mystery.

The former lord stopped by the cowering girl. "In my life, I have met two very important women. Both of those women taught me a lot about power and strength." He reached down and yanked Brat up by her braid and forced the girl to follow him up the stairs.

"My mother, Mela, was a strong woman who pushed me to learn all that I could. Kelantho, my wife, stood by my side and supported my mission against Randor," Skeletor said. "You, little Brat, are an insult compared to them! Insignificant! You are not worthy to even lick their boots."

Brat whimpered. Even without ever meeting Skeletor before, she knew better then to struggle and fight back.

"However," added Skeletor, "something can be done about that. You can be taught, and you will learn." He let go of Brat and she immediately sank to the floor and groveled at his feet.

"Brat is not the name for you. From this day, you will be Melantho and you will take your rightful place as my daughter."

With that, Melantho looked up and faced her new destiny.
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