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Ohhhhhhhh. |
...To replace the old MacBook, which unfortunately was sitting vulnerably in the trunk of my car, along with my purse, iPod and other effects, when the thief prowling around outside Justin's apartment building decided to break in and go on a thorough thieving spree throughout the car. When I came down in the morning, chilly from the weather and from Justin's recent weird behavior, I was already feeling anxious because I'd broken my promise to my brother that I would come home the previous night, right after a brief visit to Justin's. That's why all my shit was in the trunk of the car, because initially I'd planned on driving back out to Silver Spring and not coming back to the District till the weekend. But then there were sex and a pomegranate martini, as well as some unreconciled weirdness from Justin, and I wound up unable to leave till morning. So I got in the car, and noticed, almost immediately, that my iPod console was missing. Not the iPod itself, which I usually hide before I get out of the car (because, believe it or not, Dad, I do know better than to leave valuables in plain sight of the untrustworthy masses), but the black cordy thing that connects it to the little cigarette-lighter power source. I don't mind leaving the console visible because, to me, it doesn't look valuable. It's not worth breaking in to steal. But sitting down on the passenger seat had been the leather case containing my glasses and contact lenses. Had been, and wasn't anymore. My mom theorizes it might have looked like a wallet to a junkie walking by in the dark. So even if an iPod console, which doesn't even look that electronic and is useless without an iPod to connect it to, isn't attractive enough to risk a break-in in plain sight, maybe what looks like a wallet is worth it. Also, the "door open" light was flashing in my dashboard display, even after I had climbed in, shut my own door and situated myself to drive. I checked the passenger side door and found it just slightly open. You'd still have had to squeeze the handle to climb in, but to close it, you'd only have had to bump it with your butt. Like that. I closed it, but the light didn't go off, so I got out and discovered the two back doors were cracked the same way. No damage, no evidence of any forced entry (so said the police officer who filed my report), but, of course, when I finally worked up the nerve to check the trunk, where I'd thoughtfully left all the real stuff (again, laptop, purse, iPod itself), all that stuff, of course, was gone. What outraged me the most, about the ensuing two-day period I spent expensively replacing everything the thief had taken, was having to order new glasses. Last year, at Kristin's birthday party, when this girl's purse got stolen, the thief kindly discarded the keys in the parking lot, so the girl could at least get home. I can't blame a thief for succumbing to the temptation to sell my computer for fifty bucks and a nice big dollop of crack, but couldn't he have at least, upon realizing the glasses case was a glasses case and not a wallet, tossed it in a nearby trashcan so I could find it later and see my way home? Justin did a sweep of the perimeter of his building, and even used a flashlight to peek in all the trashcans, and he of course didn't find anything. Anyway, now I have a new MacBook. They come standard with two gigs of memory and a better graphics card, which I don't care about except that it makes the Sims run gloriously fast and with smoother animations. The exterior is gorgeous silver and the accents, keys included, are black. It's a really nice laptop. But it was sixteen hundred dollars I wasn't in the mood to spend this week. That's why I haven't written. Sporadic computer access plus severe damage to my morale. Also, class starts in three days. Thank God FtL does, too. |