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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/625587-Day-22-FORGET-NEW-YEARS-RESOLUTIONS
Rated: 18+ · Book · Women's · #1268197
Drop by drop the snow pack dies, watering the arid lands below.
#625587 added December 22, 2008 at 12:32pm
Restrictions: None
Forget New Year's resolutions - I would like you to come up with goals for the next 1001 days. Don't worry, it doesn't have to be 101 goals, as I have planned, but at least five good goals that you'd like to accomplish in the next two and three-quarter years.
Of course, if you feel inspired, you can always take part in the 101 Goals in 1001 Days.

This is an interesting prompt because I recently started reviewing my 60 Things to do in my 6th Decade. I would also like to do the 101 Things to do in a 1001 Days. My 60 Things to do in my 6th Decade would fit right into the 101 Things to do in a 1001 Days. However, since I seem to be having trouble setting priorities and focusing on anything but worries lately, I’m going to work on the 6th Decade list until it is complete. Then I’m going to work on the 1001 Days list.

I think I posted a version of the 6th Decade list in my port when I turned 60. I have since revised the list and made some of the items more concrete so that I can say specifically when I accomplish them. Sometimes when I set goals, I set them too large without a specific way of telling if I accomplish the goal.

Anyway, here are the goals I’ve set and am attempting to accomplish.

1 Pay off all household debts and become debt free
2 Stay in a Bed and Breakfast
3 Become a published money earning author
4 Earn an equivalent of $5.00 per day from my blogs
5 Take Mom on an Alaskan Cruise
6 Go on pilgrimage
7 Memorize the Long Healing Prayer
8 Memorize the Fire Table
9 Memorize the Long Obligatory Prayer
10 Memorize the Hidden Words of Baha’u’llah
11 Memorize the Words of Wisdom
12 Read the Dawn Breakers from cover to cover
13 Memorize the Prayer of Protection by the Bab
14 Buy a solar oven
15 Buy a hybrid car
16 Get a new stovetop and oven
17Have the driveway and garage floor fixed
18 Put solar panels on the roof of the house
19 Have Mom’s shower fixed
20 Rewire the house
21 Write a poem a day for one year
22 Write a flash fiction story a day for one year
23 Write 10 novels
24 Write 120 short stories
25 Remove all the oleanders from the yard
26 Do the Abundance Project once
27 Do the Double your way to a Million Project once
28 Visit all the Baha’I temples on Earth
29 Read Tablets of the Lord of Host through Once
30 Read the Lord of the Rings from cover to cover
31 Do exercises “In The Palm of Your Hand”
32 Ride on the top of the Duce up and down The Strip
33 Ride all the Roller Coasters in Las Vegas
34 Eat Prime Rib in every casino restaurant in Las Vegas
35 Get a new lap top computer
36 Get a digital camera
37 Upgrade my writing.com membership to premium
38 Get a new refrigerator
39 Get Mom a designer dress
40 Send Mom to visit Tom and Sylvia in Colorado and Frank and Eva in California
41 Find my daughter
42 Take Mom to visit Faye and Greg in Sparks
43 Hold Spiritual Services in our home
44 Attend a First Friday Poetry Reading
45 Get a new Toaster Oven
46 Do exercises in “Creating Poetry”
47 Play 1,000,000 games of Free Cell
48 Read “Call to Remembrance”
49 Read “Spiritual Being a Users Guide” and do exercises
50 Ride a Harley Davidson
51 Publish a chapbook of poetry
52 Get Mom and I a new pair of glasses
53 Go to a Doctor about my right knee
54 Host a family reunion for one of Mom’s upcoming birthdays
55 Ride on the Las Vegas monorail
56 Unclutter the house
57 Write my memoirs
58 Ghost write Mom’s memoirs
59 Find my father’s grave and put roses on it
60 Find my half-sister

I’d also like to visit the “Lill’ali Inn” in Nevada.

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