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Rated: 18+ · Book · Other · #1364628
My blog of fun, love, frustrations and me.
#624763 added December 17, 2008 at 8:41am
Restrictions: None
Quick Update
It's been pure craziness around the abode. Just how it is.

Health -

Well all over the counter meds and the crap the bitch that calls herself my doctor has prescribed are not working. My mouth is a big old mess all over again, and I'm really pissed about that. Who comes to save the day?? Mo, hubby's friend who was in Lebanon for a week. Lucky for me he sent a text and wanted to know if we needed anything. HELL YEA! I need Nexium. He brought me two boxes, not knowing that it's only a two week supply. No biggie. I will clear up my mouth, make an appointment and tell that witch I NEED NEXIUM and only NEXIUM. I will yell, scream, and threaten, whatever I have to do to get the right meds to keep the friggin ulcers at bay. So hate it when my tongue looks like a geographical map. *Cry*

On the hubby front. He's over doing it. Shocker. NOT! The man will not listen, so I sit by and watch, and complain, and get louder when I complain until I throw my hands up in the air and give up. I give up! He wants to wind up in an early grave...who am I to stop him? When he ends up in worse shape the next time, I will smile and happily sing the tune of...."I told you so..."


Shipped the laptop off to HP yesterday....AGAIN. I demanded that they fix it this time, and even told them what to check. How this became my job, I have no clue. So I yell and Z and D and make D return his pc to his room since I just shelled out $70 of my stash to fix Z's pc that he didn't take care of ( long story ). Plug in Z's thinking all I have to do is upload the virus protection, add the printer and he's good to go and......that friggin thing won't boot up. Says there's an error. I've been assured by Staples that the problem was fixed. The RAM was coming in, but we didn't need it to use the pc. Well, hello, it won't work. I call, speak with one tech, ask for Jamar, who knows me by name.......how sad is that?.... and am told he's at lunch and will call me back. Well I'm still waiting. *Angry* I have the recovery disks. I just paid Staples to find the issue and they MADE me pay for the recovery process using MY discs. Now, I ask anyone. IS THIS FAIR??? Simple answer, HELL NO. It's bad enough that I have no pc, with writing deadlines fast approaching, and a group that needs updating. Hard to get online at work. R can't stand that. Well three people fighting for on pc is going to get ugly and fast.


The G left yesterday back to France. Now I've moaned and complained enough about him to many people, so I'll keep this brief. Saying he's the houseguest from hell is putting it mildly. The man gives me the creeps, and I don't believe he's any kind of friend to R. Think R has even seen the light (most likely due to my non-stop bitching *Wink* ) So I took him to the airport, was so happy to be rid of him, grabbed a bag, knew I'd do the quick hug thing, maybe the Lebanese alternating kiss thing (which I so wanted to avoid) and then drive off to home. Well, as he says good-bye, we hug for all of a second, and as I turned to give him my cheek, that ass moved with me and kissed me on the lips - TWICE! ~~theresa races to find puke bucket....returns~~~

Good gawd, what do I have to do? What in the hell is wrong with him? I spent a week in my room hiding out, avoiding him. By Sunday, I couldn't even look at him, nor did I want to. And then, in walks karma, and I sit here laughing my ass off. It snowed last nite. Started around 5ish. G's flight was due to leave at 6:10. Well, he didn't leave until 9:10. Missed the connecting flight in Philly. Got rerouted to London. And as of right now, they have lost his luggage, and he has no flight to Paris. Bahahahahahahahah *Laugh* I know I shouldn't take such joy in this, but I honestly can not help myself. Karma, it's an ass kicker I tell ya!


Big family party this Saturday. I've done no shopping whatsoever - except to spend money on myself. *Bigsmile* I feel rather deserving for some reason. R is supposed to take me to Tmoblie to get my new cell phone tonight, but while finally baking cookies last nite, I get the feeling he's going to put that off, and I will be really pissed if he does. My phone now is a nightmare. Works when it wants, the battery is crap, blah, blah, blah. All I know is, we have to start getting our booties in gear......like YESTERDAY! Which reminds me, damn it, I still haven't ordered the Turkey. OOPS, my bad. Guess I should make that phone call now.


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