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Rated: 13+ · Book · Romance/Love · #1505899
Everyone spends their lives looking for The One', but will Hayley ever get it right?
#624453 added December 15, 2008 at 7:45pm
Restrictions: None
Chapter Four: Revelations
Chapter four

         After one rather wild night on the town, Alex and Hayley found themselves organizing the day. Continual groans found themselves creeping out of Laura's and Leo's throats.

         “Oh, my head is throbbing so badly!” moaned Laura as they stepped into the sunshine.
         “That's called having a hangover, saucepot.” Alex told her dryly.

         “Hayley, couldn't we just stay in the hotel, please?! I'm really not up to this.” Leo perpetually pleaded.

         Hayley and Alex eventually got fed up with the constant whining. As they left the hung-over duo in Laura and Alex’s single bedded room, they were already contemplating with glee the day free of moaning and groaning.
         “Just sleep and get rid of your headache in time for dinner,” Hayley instructed Leo, kissing him on the forehead, their problems subdued for a while.
         “And you, Saucepot.” Alex told his sister affectionately.
         “Yeah, just go and let us sleep.”
         “Have a good time!”
The feeble and simultaneous replies were called as Alex and Hayley made their rushed and thankful way out of the door.

         “Yeah, we will.” Alex muttered as he shut the door.
         “So,” Hayley said as she inhaled the smell of fresh air. “What shall we do?”
         “Well...” Alex began, trying to sound as if it were a fresh idea, “Seeing as there's just the two of us, we could go for a ride in a gondola. They only let people on in pairs, you know.”

Hayley looked doubtful.
         “Isn't that meant to be rather... romantic?” she said dubiously.
Alex hurried to dispel the thought from her mind.
         “Only in the evening!” He stated, thinking fast. “In the daytime it's a good way to see the...um...sights!”
Hayley's face then lit up with enthusiasm.
         “Okay, then! That's a wonderful idea, Alex.” she said appreciatively, pulling out her map and planning the way to the nearest gondola rides platform.
Alex sighed inwardly at how awkward he had found the situation, hoping he’d be able to keep his discretion going all day.

*  *  *  *  *
Hayley leaned back in her seat. She was having such a good time. She looked over at Alex who was sketching the lovely cathedral they were slowly passing.
         “Wow! That's fantastic!”
Alex frowned doubtfully at his work.
         “You think?”
         “Yeah! Even Leo can't draw like that.” She looked in awe up at the magnificent building and down at the equally magnificent image on paper.
Alex grinned, almost shyly. He watched her as she began playing with a gold chain round her neck.

         “Do you ever take that off?” he blurted before he could stop himself, wishing he could take back the words. ‘She’s going to know I’ve been watching her now,’ he scolded himself.
Hayley looked up at him in vague surprise.
         “This?” she said, holding out the necklace so that she could peer at it, and also to verify that it was the topic of his last statement.
         “Yeah.” Alex replied shortly, still a little embarrassed.
         “No.” she answered firmly. “My father gave it to me as a sixteenth birthday present before he died, and it means more to me than anything I own.” She thought carefully for a moment. “Except for maybe my cat, which incidentally, my dad also gave me.”
         “Oh I see.” Alex said carefully. “How did he die? Your father, I mean,” he added, still recovering from his unnoticed rush of heat to his neck and face.
         “Heart attack.” She replied simply. “Worked like a mad man, my father did, although he always had time for me.” She shrugged easily, as if she was mostly over the hurt, but now had the maturity to enjoy her memories. “I guess the pressure of running a business, keeping a family and trying to appease his wife just got to him. He was always weak of heart.”
         “Do you miss him?”
She nodded instantly, touching the chain around her neck unconsciously. “Yes.”

Alex nodded in understanding. An easy silence settled over them for a few moments, and then Hayley leaned back and sighed.
         “You know, if we were going out, this would be so romantic,” she commented, smiling gently. Alex's head jerked as he looked up at her, startled. But Hayley was staring into the water’s surface; and now she just leant further back, trailing her fingers in the water. He settled back down to his sketch as Hayley began talking again.
         “Leo never thinks of anything like this - except of course coming to Venice in the first place.”

Alex chewed his lip. He wanted to tell her that if he was her boyfriend, he'd take care to see that there would be a lot of romance in her life.

They were quiet for a while after. Then, as if realizing that there was an unusual tension in the air, Hayley splashed the water around her fingers at Alex.
He felt the cold touch of the water on the back of his neck, and sat straight up, once again startled. He put his drawing down and reached into the water as well, splashing Hayley who was looking away as if not knowing anything. What Alex didn't know was that on the face that he couldn't see, her lips were curved in a wicked grin and a mischievous glint haunted her eyes. When she in turn felt the water make contact with her bare arm, she turned round and lunged at him playfully.

In those few moments, they were wrestling like young children; neither could get the upper hand as the boat rocked precariously. It only ended when Alex began to tickle Hayley, who dropped her guard and fell backwards, Alex lunging ineffectively at her. They stopped, short of breath as Alex fell on top of her, hands flat on the floor either side of her neck, his face blocking out the rest of the world from view.

The silence was uneasy as they stared into each others eyes.

Hayley was the first to avert her gaze. She swallowed nervously and slid out from under him. Alex bit his lip, the sign of his uneasiness. Neither spoke for the rest of the ride.

*  *  *  *  *

         Once they had exited the Gondola boat, they wandered the streets, buying trinkets of souvenirs and postcards. The tension between them was easily dispelled, and they teased each other freely about taste in clothes, drinks and anything that could be made fun of.

After a few hours of this, they found themselves in a large park, walking around under the large and beautiful trees. This was where Alex chose to bring up the subject of Leo and his coldness towards his girlfriend.

         “Was Leo always like this?”
Hayley turned to look at him.
         “Like what?”
She seemed genuinely puzzled. Alex sighed.
         “Like... cold and unaware of what you feel.”
Hayley was quiet for a moment, and Alex began to fear that he had offended her in some way.
         “Well,” Hayley began thoughtfully, “he was always a bit blunt and sometimes even thoughtless, but he was never as unaffectionate and unfeeling as now.”
         “So you two were in love?”
         “Yes. I suppose you could call it that.”
Alex swallowed.
         “What about now?” he asked, fearing and hoping for the answer at the same time.
         “I don't know, Alex. Sometimes, I think we're still at the stage we were before we came, you know, really serious about each other. Yet, sometimes I can't help but feel that we just aren't the same people the other fell in love with...” she trailed off.
         “What was it that made you fall in love with Leo?”

Hayley leaned down to pick a flower at her feet. Twirling the stem, she stared at its flying red colour.

         “I'm not sure. We'd known each other since I was about thirteen, when Mum and I moved into the house across the street from his. He'd come over to say hi, and welcome us to the neighbourhood. I think he was under his mum's directions, because everything he had to say was so carefully thought out. Yet, his smile never faltered, and I can remember thinking that he was the most handsome boy I'd ever met. I think I was half in love with him already.” she smiled at the memory. “We didn't get together until my seventeenth birthday party when we were all mucking about and playing ‘spin the bottle’. I didn't want that kiss to end, but it did. When we pulled away, I can remember noticing that he looked as if he felt the same way.” Again she stopped and paused for a moment, letting the memories wash over her.
         “I think that was the turning point for us. We snuck out of the room together after a few more minutes of the game. We didn't return. I think I was in love with his laugh. He was always so optimistic. And he took such excellent care of me as well. Always such a gentle man. But I think what I loved most was the way in which when we were together I could feel that he loved me. It was as if there was just the two of us, and no matter what we would be together.”
She glanced at Alex.
         “Ever felt the same way?” she asked dreamily.

         Alex shook his head in a gesture of no. How could he compete with all that she had just told him? It sounded as if she was still very much in love with her blue eyed dream-boat. But he had to be sure.
         “I take it that you still love him then?” he inquired, clearing his throat.
Hayley looked at him with a soft surprise in her eyes.
         “Of course! I know we're going through a rough patch at the moment, but it'll sort it's self out. I know he hasn't taken much notice of me, but it's partially my fault.”
Alex frowned.
         “How is it your fault?”
She looked at the ground, her hair falling in front of her face.
         “I wouldn't sleep with him.”
Alex raised his eyebrows in surprise. He'd been sure that they'd slept together. Most of the couples that he knew their age did. Yet...
         “He shouldn't be pressuring you into sex!”
Hayley looked up, distressed.
         “Oh no, it's not like that! I can understand his frustration, it's just that... Well, it’s not like we haven’t… before… it’s just… I just want things to be solid again before we go back to that level of physical stuff.”
         “He shouldn't be angry with you because of that!”
She winced.
         “It's not just that, Alex.”
         “Then tell me.”
She hesitated.
         “Oh alright. I think it's that he fancies Laura. I'm used to him flirting, but it's meant to be our two year anniversary honeymoon. I've been acting rather coldly towards him, I think.” she finished, chewing her lip.
Alex didn't know what to say. He thought the same, but how could he say so without hurting her? They walked on in silence, but it was a companionable silence.

As they turned to go home, Hayley turned to Alex and gave him a hug.
         “Thank you.”

*  *  *  *  *

         Back at the hotel, Laura and Leo were beginning to recover from their hangovers, and were in the process of getting ready for that night's dinner.

         “Leo,” Laura called through the bathroom door as she came back fully dressed for that night, “I don't have any hair spray. Does Hayley?”
         “Um, she might do. Check the cupboard.” Leo called back.

Laura rummaged around in the wardrobe. She didn't find the hair spray, but she did find a velvet red box. 'Ah ha! Wonder what type of jewellery Hayley's into?' Laura thought, aware at the back of her mind that it was no ordinary jewellery box, that it was more than likely private, and that she had no shame. She opened it.

         Staring with wide eyes at the ring inside, she took it out and looked for an engraving. Sure enough there was one; 'To the future Mrs. Jones, love Leo'.

Just then, the owner of the ring came out of the bathroom.
         “Did you find the hair spr...?”
He broke off as Laura turned round and silently showed the ring she had found.
Leo's expression turned soft.
         “Yeah, that's the ring I was planning to propose with… until all this argument stuff happened.”
He looked regretful. Laura replaced the ring and silently put it into his jacket pocket.
         “You have to give it to her. Don't give up on your relationship, Leo.” She told him.
Leo frowned.
         “But it's not working, Laura! How can I?”
         “Then you have to make it work, Leo. At least try. Maybe she thinks you don't want to take this relationship seriously?”
Leo frowned doubtfully at her.
         “Do you think that's it?”
         “Y-yes.” Laura told him. She thought he was cute, and would have liked him for herself, but she didn't want to be the reason for a perfectly good relationship to break apart. Leo took a deep breath a smiled.
         “Then I'll make an effort now, and hopefully I can ask her next week.”
Laura smiled back and went to give him a hug.
         “That's my boy...” she teased. Then she pushed him away and went back to the wardrobe.
         “I still can't find that hair spray...”

*  *  *  *  * 

         Rome was… a busy town. The sun was strong on the backs of the four companions, but they had made up their minds to see the Coliseum, and they would. But first…
         “God… I am dying for the toilet!” Laura whined.
Alex sighed.
         “Wait ‘til we get there, Laura.” He replied with more than a hint of frustration and annoyance in his usually calm voice.
Laura made a voice.
         “I’m trying.” She snapped.
         “Cool it.” Leo said, laying a hand on Laura’s arm. “Don’t worry, I need it too. Mind if we catch a cab to the nearest facilities, and catch up?” he glanced casually at Hayley. She seethed even as she smiled and waved them off.
‘Oh, what is he trying to do to me?’ she thought in anguish as she blinked away hot tears.

The Coliseum itself was magnificent. ‘Magnificent,’ Hayley realised, ‘a touch of beauty, even Grand, perhaps, but not…lovely.’ For there was beauty in the fierce, overwhelming power of the stacked and worn stone… but it was not lovely, no. It was a place of pride, of drama, of terror and excitement. Hayley sighed with the extremity of the amphitheatre, and looked over at Alex. ‘Now.’ She said to herself, unable to tear his eyes away from the young man, ‘there is an example of true loveliness.’ And it was true, she realised, for all her misgivings. His soft smile, golden hair and sturdy profile highlighted by the sun shining on him, fairly took her breath away.

As if feeling her intense gaze on him, he turned, causing her to smile charmingly, automatically. Sighing theatrically, he ran a hand through his hair and touched the worn stone.
         “There’s just so many stories here.” He said dreamily, a glazed look coming over his face. “I can just… feel it.”
         “I know.” Hayley agreed, never taking her eyes off his overwhelming masculinity, peppered with the gentleness of a rose petal. Breaking her stare suddenly, she searched for words. “Why… why don’t you tell me one?”
         “One what?” Alex came sharply out of his haze, his startling eyes sweeping over the girl in white and black. ‘She looks so classy. Like a Star out of a black and white movie…’
         “One story, of course.” Hayley sprinkled her laugh over the tension in the air, breaking it down to nothing.
         “Well…” contemplated her bright eyed companion as he leant against the stone walls, “maybe I will.”
Hayley shook her long hair out of her face, and scratched her arm impatiently, whilst he stared off into the distance in thought.
         “Imagine this place full of people.” He began, his voice soft and dramatic, as he lifted an arm to point at the royal stand. “The Emperor sitting there, two lions behind those bars…”
Hayley sighed as the wave of drama swept over her. She heard the crowd’s rumble of excited chatter, the growl of the lions…
         “And,” continued Alex a little more forcefully, “a young girl pushed by soldiers into the ring.” His beautiful eyes unfocused as he gazed into his world of stories and excitement. All of a sudden, he pushed himself away from the wall and shoved Hayley roughly, but not harshly, into the centre of the deserted tourist attraction, pretending the deserted rings were actually the dissolved stage.  “Like so.”

Hayley’s eyes sparkled as she looked back at Alex. Acting had always been her flair, and she loved the way Alex seemed to take control and force her to participate in his world. She watched in lively interest as he lifted his arms dramatically and turned to the empty stands.
         “People of Rome!” he roared theatrically, and just realistically enough to the invisible crowd. “I bring before you this girl…” he pointed at Hayley as she hung her head, in character. “-who has shamed herself, her family, and her friends.”
Alex grinned at Hayley, who lifted her eyes to meet his with a twinkle. But she kept her head down.
         “For this insult,” continued Alex, “she will be awarded one hundred lashes of the whip, and then left for the lions.”
He pretend to leer nastily, and Hayley bit back a giggle of reality; and a gulp of fear for her character. Playing along, she struggled against an invisible guard. Alex looked at her, noting with pleasure her Prima Donna acting. He remained silent for so long, that Hayley again grew impatient.
         “What happens next?”
Alex snapped his head round the auditorium, losing his glazed look.
         “The whip is raised,” he lifted his right arm, “and the first of the lashes is given.” He struck in a downwards movement, and Hayley pretended to flinch and cry out.
Suddenly, Alex ran to one of the stone steps leading into the atone corridors, and rushed back towards her.
         “And,” he called, running, “her one true love, the man she was found with, comes rushing out of the crowd, throwing off guards left and right as he does,” he cried, nearing her and losing himself in his world of love and reckless drama.
         “A real hero,” Hayley smiled, thinking how perfect he seemed for the part.
         “Of course.” Replied Alex, before going back to his story. “He runs forward and scoops her into his arms…” He paused, before recklessly abandoning his inhibitions; catching the opportunity to be romantically close to her, and running with such a chance.
The girl gulped almost audibly as she was engulfed by Alex’s strong arms and pressed against a warm and solid chest, all of which were all too real.
         “And then,” murmured the lost young man, “he takes her and lifts her up to the awed crowd…”
Hayley’s eyes widened and she bit her lip in a smile as he lifted by her waist and smiled softly as her long dark hair tickled his face and framed hers. He lowered her slowly, caught up in the moment of drama, intensity and her innocent beauty. His head began to bend towards hers, and with a beating heart and an almost incoherent mind, it dawned on Hayley what may very well be adding to her own true life story. Alex was going to kiss her.

And what was more; she wasn’t doing anything to stop him.

Abruptly, Alex released her, as if realising what he was doing, stepping back and away from her with hard breaths and a receding of the wild look in his eyes. He looked away, leaving Hayley confused and dry mouthed, with a strange weakening in her knees. It was nothing she had ever felt before to such a degree… although, she realised, it was something like the feeling she had in her stomach at Leo’s smile. But yet, to feel this so sharply…
         “I’m sorry,” Alex broke into her thoughts with a suitably contrite tone, yet managing to sound as if the only thing he was sorry for was the fact that he had not followed through with his actions.
         “Err… Um, well - ahem.” Hayley cleared her dry throat. “I mean, um… what for?”
The indecisive, wild look and manner was gone from his stance – he looked like the respectable, wise young man Hayley had associated him with when she had met him.
         “Well then,” Hayley answered, lifting her chin and flicking her hair over her shoulder. “Shall we explore the upper stands?”
         “Yes. Let’s.” He replied, managing a suitable sparkle in his eye.

*  *  *  *  *

Hayley didn't eat very much that night. However, she kept a charming smile on her face, a smile that showed off her innocence and made her so irresistible. Alex found himself nervously dropping knives, forks, found his palms getting sweaty, and that his heartbeat was thumping away madly in his chest the whole night.

         He'd never seriously been in love. Oh, he'd kissed them, even gone further, but he'd always found himself curiously unsatisfied. He knew he was good-looking; he'd had no trouble in getting all the girlfriends he wanted. But he'd never felt as if he needed desperately to impress a girl. He'd never felt nervous around one. And here he was, feeling his eyes being drawn to the girl opposite him. He'd not even given her much of a second glance when he'd met her, but now she seemed to be so beautiful! He couldn't see how he'd missed it, now.

He shook his head, bringing himself out of that listless thought. She had a boyfriend! Albeit, he wasn't behaving like much of a boyfriend, but she was still spoken for. And with one last longing look, he told himself that what he was feeling was only as strong as it was because she couldn't be his, unlike all those other girls.

Yes, that must be it.

         “Look, Alex!” Laura squealed. “They're showing us how to dance Latin!” And with that, she jumped up, grabbed her brother and pulled him into the crowd of the dance instructors and other dancing people. Soon enough, a dance instructor came over to assist them. There seemed to be so many, waiting to teach! Hayley cocked her head at her boyfriend.
         “Shall we?” She suggested pleasantly. Leo smiled and held out his hand. Together, they stepped onto the dance floor. Only, they already knew how to dance Latin. As they whirled and twirled, moving smoothly to the music, they seemed reunited. But only for a while.
         “Um, Hayley, the dance instructor wants us to swap, because Alex is too tall for me.” Laura interrupted, unabashed. Hesitatingly, Hayley obeyed. Alex had been already well instructed before hand in England in the arts of dancing, and expertly and gently guided her on a lively and enjoyable dance.
Laura beamed at Leo, and tried hard to follow his signals. They succumbed in laughter, and eventually gave up, and danced jive to the lively music.

Then a slow song came on. Leo pulled Laura to him for the number. Alex spun Hayley professionally to his chest, to dance slowly. His heart was beating so fast, so wildly and loudly, and he wasn't sure how to hold her at first. But Hayley quickly dispelled all doubts by laying her head on his shoulder, and sighing contentedly. Alex rested his head on hers, one arm round her waist, his other hand clasping hers to his chest. And breathing in her expensive and sweet perfume, he knew.

He was falling in love.

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