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Rated: 13+ · Book · Romance/Love · #1505899
Everyone spends their lives looking for The One', but will Hayley ever get it right?
#624451 added December 15, 2008 at 7:38pm
Restrictions: None
Chapter Two: Make Up
Chapter two

         The flight had been mercifully short and uneventful. Hayley had slept for most of it, whilst Leo had busied himself drawing her. There had been no arguments, little friction between the two of them, and as Hayley tucked her hand into the crook of her boyfriend’s arm, she allowed herself a relieved smile. Two months was a long time to be in the company of only one person, especially when that person was the one you argued with most… but they were on their best behaviour. And it was working.

It was a long walk to the lobby, pushing their trolley in front of them, and with Leo’s arm round Hayley’s shoulders, they found a crowd of people collecting around a large floating sign with the block capitals ‘CRILLO ART WINNERS HERE’ and an arrow pointing downwards. As they drew closer, the woman holding the sign approached them. She was an attractive native Italian, her short black hair tied in a ponytail and wearing khaki green shorts with a white T-shirt. The clothes she wore completely contrasted from the girls around her who all wore summer dresses or mini skirts. Leo and Hayley were the last on the list to arrive.
         “Leonard Jones?” she asked in a strong Italian accent.
         “That’s me,” he said with a flirtatious smile. Hayley dug her elbow into his ribs and smiled sweetly at the woman.
         “Buena. You are the ‘plus one’? Your name is…?” she said to Hayley, writing on her clipboard.
         “Hayley Cherél.” She replied quickly, spelling it out so that the woman could write down her name.
         “Sorry,” Leo mouthed at her. Hayley raised an eyebrow with an unrelenting pout.
         “Everybody, be quiet please!” the woman yelled over the noise.
The small collection of people stopped short, turning their attention to the dark haired Italian. Hayley smiled at an elderly couple standing next to her, eager and bright eyed to enjoy their trip.
         “My name is Marianne,” the exotic tones of her voice lifted above the hum of the airport. “The coach will be here in a few minutes. I will give you your information packets, and you will find that your pass for the museums and your travellers checks are in there. There will be a coach on the last day leaving the hotel at ten in the mattina. Morning. Sono spiacent (I’m sorry). Please be ready to leave.”
         “Leo? Leo Jones?” A voice called from behind, distracting the one called from Hayley’s smile. He turned, and saw a man he barely recognized.
         “Do I know you?” he asked, confused.
         “We were at the same summer camp in Dorset about five years ago. Don’t you remember weedy little Alex?”
         “Alex? Alex Dean-Smith?” he said, this time with more certainty in his voice. “Well! You have grown!” he teased. Alex grinned. “How old are you now? 21?”
         “Yup. Same as you.” Alex smiled. Out the corner of his eye, he suddenly noticed the strikingly pretty companion hanging onto Leo’s arm. Not wanting to be too forward about Leo’s obvious beau, he stumbled around another way of getting introduced to her. “Oh, yeah, meet my little sister, Laura.”
         “Nice to meet you.” Leo said, shaking her hand. Alex watched as Laura’s eyes raked in Leo’s tall, lean profile, with his dark hair and blue eyed smile. He felt a little apprehension settle in the bottom region of his chest.
         “And this is my girlfriend, Hayley.” Leo was saying, breaking into Alex’s reverie. ‘And, jack pot!’ Alex thought to himself. Then, much surprised with his own thoughts, he focused back onto the blushing young lady.          
         “Hi.” She smiled shyly and shook hands with both Alex and Laura.
         “So!” Leo clapped Alex on the back, and led him to the side. “I didn’t know you were into art… you always were the swimming type…”
         “How old are you?” Hayley asked, turning to Laura, not oblivious to the admiring gaze the girl had fixed upon Leo. Hostility iced her voice.
         “Eighteen. How about you?” Laura replied with sophisticated frankness, choosing not to notice the cold edge to Hayley’s tone.
         “Nineteen.” Hayley answered dismissively, her eyes already following after her boyfriend’s laughing profile. “Oh, look!” she added, pointing towards the glass, automatic doors of the airport. Laura followed her gesture, and saw that the coach had just pulled up and everyone, including Leo and Alex, clutching their information packs, had started piling towards the door.

         The five winners and their companions hurried to grab seats on the mini bus. Leo leaned over to Hayley when they were seated and kissed her gently. She smiled and snuggled up to him, as his arm draped round her shoulders.
Alex also put an arm round his sister. Laura smiled excitedly, looking up at him with a sparkle in her light blue gaze.
         “Did I mention that you are the best brother in the world?” she asked him.
         “Just a few million times, but I never get tired of hearing it!” he laughed lightly. Laura reached up and patted his dark blonde hair reassuringly.
         “Don’t worry, brother dearest, I won’t forget to say it every now and then.” He smiled at her. Neither sibling could say that they looked anything like the other, but it did not stop them from being extremely close. Laura tilted her head and watched as Alex leaned his head back on the head rest and shut his eyelids, closing over his contrasting greeny brown eyes. ‘He must have got that from Dad,’ she mused. Not for the first time, she compared their appearances. ‘His nose has a stronger profile… mine’s more of a snub really. And obviously the hair. How did he end up with blondish gold when the rest of us have dark brown locks? And curls?? Where did they come from?!’ Smiling to herself, Laura remembered that it didn’t matter what they looked like. She could still tell him anything, and she knew that he felt the same.

        The journey to the hotel was short. Everyone immediately clambered off the mini bus, chattering excitedly. The sun was setting, and the four young adults followed the rest of the group, trudging up to the front desk of the hotel, and dragging their luggage behind them. They presented their slips, found in their packets, to the receptionist at the desk, and received the keys to their rooms. Hayley retrieved her key and looked at the red plastic key number quickly, kissing her boyfriend on the cheek.
         “What room have you got?” Laura asked Hayley excitedly.
         “26. What about you?” Hayley replied, a happy expression on her face as she flicked her dark hair over her shoulder. She smiled teasingly and blew a kiss at Leo as he began helping the bellboy load up the trolley with the luggage. He winked at her, following the action with a cute grin. She giggled, turning back to Laura, who was waiting for her attention with a smile.
         “We’ve got room 34. Do you want to spend tomorrow with us?” Laura asked, practically bouncing with excitement.
         “Ok.” Hayley said, forcing as much enthusiasm into her voice as possible. She was tired, and had wanted to spend the time alone with Leo. But from the look of things, Leo was already arranging to spend time with Alex and Laura anyway. So, after making time arrangements to meet, she smiled at the younger girl as a gesture of ‘goodnight’, and began making her way to the lift.

*  *  *  *  *
         The bellboy opened the door to room 26. Hayley gasped as she stepped into the room. It was not even just a room! It was a whole suite. The walls were a warm shade of peach, with cream furniture and light coloured wood. Even the lamp shades were the perfect peachy colour to set the room in a soft, cosy atmosphere. The bellboy put their luggage down and, after receiving a small tip from Leo, left. Hayley ran ahead to inspect the bedroom. Leo was fast on her heels. But Hayley’s smile faded slightly when she saw the sleeping arrangements.
         “Leo,” she said, “You did request single beds, didn’t you? Like Mum asked you to?” she looked up at him. He avoided her gaze. Hayley looked back at the double king-sized bed.
         “Oh, well.” Hayley said brightly. “Never mind. I’m going to take a shower.”
She grabbed one of the towels on the bed of the bed, unzipped her luggage to get her nightdress, and hurried to the bathroom. It was beautiful, made of black marble, with a misty glass shower stall. There was even a hairdryer. All the hair products and toothbrushes were neatly stacked on the marble around the gold basin. She got undressed, put on the dressing gown from the back of the door and took her clothes back out to put in a cupboard. Smiling at Leo, she went back into the bathroom, turned on the shower and began opening her wash bag. Catching sight of herself in the warmly lit mirror, she pulled a face. Tugging her limp hair, and leaning forward to inspect the unbecoming bags under her eyes, she sighed. ‘Ugh. Travelling obviously doesn’t agree with me.’

Turning on the shower, she turned back to the sink and squeezed out the toothpaste onto the brush. As her mouth filled with the minty, fresh taste, her thoughts turned back to the bedroom. ‘Did he purposely ask for a double bed?’ she thought to herself, rinsing and spitting into the black marble basin. ‘Would he do that? Even though my mother threatened to break both his arms and legs… which is no small threat?’
She wondered if she really minded. She had thoughts of his arms round her as they slept, waking up to his kiss. No, it couldn’t be that bad. In fact, it could be very, very pleasant. With a small smile at her flushed reflection, she untied her dressing robe and stepped into the shower.

Mean while, Leo took off his over shirt, leaving just his white T-shirt on, looked into the full length mirror on the cupboard and said to his reflection
         “Tonight’s gonna be a good night, mate.” Then, after smoothing his brown hair, he turned on the little radio by the bed, and began looking for the perfect music.

*  *  *  *  *
         Half an hour later, showered and dried, Hayley walked back into the bedroom, putting her towel over the chair and brushing her blow-dried hair. Leo was sitting on the bed, with a mischievous smile on his face. She smiled back and went to sit on the other side. Setting down the brush, she gazed around the lovely room, taking in the couch at the end, the wardrobe, the desk, and finally, her favourite song floating in the air from the silver stereo set at the end of the room.
         “Wow. You’ve made the room atmospheric.” She commented lightly, turning her bright gaze to his. He just leant towards her, steadying himself with one hand, and wrapping the other round her waist. Hayley closed her eyes, expecting the normal, cosy kiss. Instead, he drew his arms around her sharply and pulled her towards him, kissing her more passionately than she had ever experienced. Softly, he laid her down, and moved slowly on top of her, his mouth locked onto hers. Hayley could have drowned herself in that kiss. It was strong, passionate, and electrical. It was perfect; right up to the moment he ran his hand lightly up the inside of her thigh.

         “Leo, no.” Hayley protested, pulling away. He looked at her for a split second, and began kissing her again. She sank under the passion, when he tried to push up her night gown.
         “Leo, stop it!” she said forcefully, and pushed him away as she sat up. Leo frowned.
         “What’s wrong?” he said, put out and confused.
         “I’m not ready for this, that’s what's wrong.” Hayley told him firmly.
         “What do you mean?” he asked her, his eyes never leaving her face. She turned away from him, embarrassed.
         “I’m just... I want to try and build up what we’ve lost in our relationship without having sex so much.” She whispered.
         “What’s sex got to do with anything?” Leo asked, trying not to show his disappointment.
         “It’s just I don’t want to build our relationship on sex, that’s all. I’m scared of losing you, Leo.” Hayley continued in a low voice.
         “You mean, you’re just not in the mood and you just don’t want to sleep with me.” He cried, his voice rising and his disappointment making him irrational.
         “That’s not what I said…”
         “It’s what you meant.”
         “How the hell would you know?”
         “See. You did mean that.”
         “Now you’re just being stupid.”
         “Fine then. I’m stupid. Maybe I’d better go be stupid on the couch.” Leo, shaking with anger, picked up a pillow and a spare blanket on the dressing table, and stomped over to the sofa on the other side of the room, turning off the radio as he went. He turned off the light and lay down.
         “Leo…I…” Hayley began softly.
         “Goodnight.” He cut her off coldly.
         “Leo, please.”
         “I said, goodnight.” He kept his back turned to her. Hayley sighed, lay down and curled up, willing herself to drop off to sleep.

*  *  *  *  *
         Alex laughed as Laura ran from room to room, squealing in delight. Her excitement seemed inexhaustible. She flung open all the windows ‘to see all the views’, made coffee in the small kitchen, and now was sashaying across the room to some Italian love song, dancing with an invisible partner. Alex smiled and jumped up, indulging her fantasies and took her outstretched arms. She smiled eagerly as he taught her a few, simple steps to a Latin waltz he’d learnt whilst he’d been taking Latin dancing lessons his ex-girlfriend had managed to cajole him into accompanying her to. Finally, she seemed to tire and whirled away from him, laughing happily.
         “I might not even go out, it’s such a lovely place to be!” she exclaimed breathlessly and flopped down on the single bed next to Alex’s. He grinned and tickled her as he passed to sit on his own bed.
         “You’d better go out, after the amount of time I spent on that picture all so that you could come!” he teased. Laura sat up and leaned over the small gap between the beds to hug him.
         “Thank you, so much.” She said, a soft glow lighting her eyes. He smiled, planted a kiss on the top of her head, and smoothed her hair down affectionately.
         “Go on, sauce pot. Get to bed.” He said trying to sound authoritative. She smiled and raced off to get the luggage.
Alex lay down on his bed and smiled. She was going to have a great time. Laura came back in panting, and dragging the two large suitcases, one after the other. Alex smiled teasingly and tried not to laugh as he stretched luxuriously and watched her lazily as she  struggled with the two great cases. She turned and put her hands on her hips.
         “Thanks for helping, Alex.” She teased.
         “Oh, I knew you’d be ok on your own, sauce pot.” He teased back.
The light switched off, and Alex rolled onto his side, sleep already drooping over his face.
         “Alex?” Laura’s voice cut hesitantly through the darkness.
         “Mmmmm?” he replied sleepily, already with his eyes closed.
         “How well do you know Leo?”
         “Quite well.” Alex yawned and placed a hand under his head comfortable.
         “He seems very attached to Hayley. Or is he like that with all the girls?”
Alex’s eyes snapped open.
         “I don’t know him that well, Laura.”
His ears detected her fidgeting movements as she snuggled into her pillow.
         “Why?” he asked, his voice sharp as a razor with his suspicions.
         “No reason!” she carolled brightly. Alex’s eyes narrowed in the darkness.
         “Yeah, right.”
         “Glad you think so.” Laura agreed, closing her eyes and hoping he’d stop probing.
         “He’s spoken for, Laura. Don’t go chasing after him like every good looking guy you meet …”
         “Shut up, Al! You know I don’t.”
         “No, actually, I don’t. You’re a flirt, Miss Dean-Smith.”
         “You mean a slut.” She said angrily, hurt by his flippant comment.
         “No, I don’t. All I mean is that you just flirt with all the guys. I never said anything about going off with them.”
         “Hmmm.” Laura grumbled, slightly appeased, but determined not to show it.
         “Besides, if you weren’t interested in Leo, then why are you asking me about him?”
         “Because I’d like to know more about your friends.”
         “You know you do.”
         “Oh, shut up, Alex.” She said exasperatedly, pummelling her pillow into a more comfortable position.
         “Alright.” He said, sleep making him too tired to argue.
         “Night Alex.” She said, somewhat affectionately.
         “Night, sauce pot.”

*  *  *  *  *

         The next morning, Leo sat up and opened his eyes. His back hurt, and he had a headache from not being able to sleep. The cream, leather sofa may have looked appealing, but he’d pay for his decision with a throbbing in his temples and back muscles. He looked over at the bed, expecting to see a pathetic lump that indicated his girlfriend hiding under the thin covers. But the covers were thrown back, and there was no sign of Hayley. He shook his head to clear some of the fog that had settled in, making ready to move and look for her.

And then he felt the feather like kisses on the back of his neck.

She had been kneeling by the arm of the sofa, waiting for him to wake up. When he turned round, she shrank away, as if afraid of what he would do. His heart melted at the sight of his girlfriend looking so timid in the thin blue night dress she wore. He reached out and touched her arm.

         “You’re freezing!” he exclaimed, pulling her onto his lap and wrapping the blanket round her shoulders.
         “I’m sorry.” She said softly, looking into his eyes. He knew she didn’t mean about being cold.
         “Yeah, well.” He shrugged. “I’m sorry too.” She closed her eyes and put her head against his neck. Leo sighed and rested his head against hers.
         “I promise… when the time’s right…” she whispered.
         “It’s okay. Let’s just take it as it comes.” He reassured her.
                 “Love you, Leo.”
         “Love you too, Hayley.”
She reached up and kissed him. He complied with the normal, cosy kiss.
         “Hey, after last night I’m not settling for anything less than the best. Put some heart into it!” She warned as she pulled away. He smiled and willingly obliged.
         “That’s better.” She practically purred.
         “Come, on. Time to get dressed. Laura and Alex will be here in half an hour.” She said, standing up. “I’m going to use the bathroom first, ok?”
         “Sure.” Leo stood up and walked over to the jeans he had thrown over the chair last night. He began folding them up, checking the pockets for money or paper. He frowned.

         “Babe, when you were putting your clothes away last night before you got in the shower, did you see a small white paper package?” he called through the bathroom door.
         “Yeah. I put it on your bedside table.” She called back.
         “Thanks.” He carolled lightly, wiping his brow with the back of his hand and breathing out thankfully. He walked back over to his bedside table, and there it was. He picked it up and unwrapped it. Inside was a little red velvet case. He opened it and for the millionth time wondered if Hayley would accept the emerald ring inside. He rehearsed again in his head the words ‘will you marry me?’ but still could not imagine the answer she would give. The words for the future Mrs. Jones were etched on the inside of the ring. He shut the box closed with a snap and threw away the tissue paper. He wanted to marry her. He had almost convinced himself that it was the right thing to do – he was in love, after all. How could he stand to live with himself if he was forced to marry some Californian spoilt brat, just because he wasn’t sure he wanted to marry the love of his life yet? No. He had to marry her. It was the only way he could ensure some kind of happiness.
Shutting the box with a snap, he tossed it to the back of the wardrobe and began to pick out some clothes.

*  *  *  *  *
         “Why are you taking so much time over your dressing today, sauce pot?” Alex teased smoothly, looking up as Laura walked out of the bathroom in some of her best clothes.
         “Oh, no reason. It’s my first time in Italy; I want to look my best.” She replied nochantly, turning to the mirror, hoping he didn’t see the slight flush warming her cheeks.
‘She missed the teasing point.’ Alex thought to himself, and his eyes grew troubled. ‘There IS a reason for this…’
          ”Why do I get the feeling that you have an ulterior motive to your painstaking torture?” he winced as she began to apply eyeliner. “And why do I get the feeling that this ulterior motive goes by the name Leo Jones?” he said, coming to stand by her at the mirror. She blushed. His smile vanished.
         “Listen to me, Laura.” He said seriously, spinning her round by the shoulders to face him. ‘Uh oh.’ thought Laura. ‘He’s calling me Laura and not sauce pot…’
         “I don’t want you to get you’re hopes up. He seems pretty wrapped up in Hayley Cherél.” He told her. Laura sighed. ‘Why does he over dramatize things like this?’
         “I’m not going to try and steal him away from her, if that’s what you’re thinking.” She shook her head at him.
         “Good.” He visibly relaxed. “In that case, we should start going down to get them.” Laura smiled and turned back to the mirror. ‘The quicker the better…’

*  *  *  *  *
         The knock at the door was loud and clear.
         “Coming!” called Hayley. She opened the door.
         “Morning.” Alex said, looking down at her, grinning in a decidedly cute and lopsided way.
         “Hi.” She said, her voice faltering. He was wearing a slack, old looking black T-shirt and a pair of faded blue jeans. So why was he looking so completely gorgeous, with a capital G?
         “Morning!” Laura bounced in front of Alex, breaking Hayley’s stare. She looked away quickly. She had no right to be thinking this! ‘No harm in looking,’ she reminded herself, glancing with pleasure at the rusty blonde curls topping the bright and sparkling eyes.
         “Good morning.” Leo answered from behind Hayley, in obvious approval of Laura’s white miniskirt and blue halter top. Hayley was blinked out of her reverie, and sighed as she walked out the door. When was he going to grow up and stop being such a playboy? Leo locked up the room and gave the keys to Hayley.
         “What am I meant to do with them?” she asked with a frown.
         “I don’t know. Put them in your bag or something.” He replied absently with a shrug. Hayley pursed her lips disapprovingly, but put them in her bag all the same.
         “I like your dress,” Laura commented to Hayley as they were heading down the elevator, indicating her honey gold cotton slip.
         “Thanks. You look also look… really nice.” Hayley told her with a slight hesitation and resentment in her voice. Laura smiled tentatively. Hayley seemed very distant and unfriendly, and she couldn’t place her finger on why. Had she done anything to upset the older girl? Yet, Hayley returned her smile, and she pushed the thought out of her mind.

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