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Enga mellom fjella: where from across the meadow, poems sing from mountains and molehills. |
Wet dog for Sherry, Andrew and Hugo You wrap around my thighs, a rug of wet fur glistening like tears you licked off my eyelids, drying like sadness your tongue removed from my ears. White hairs cling to black slacks. I'd brush them off, but any movement and you'd hug me for sure. For now, you snore wrapped around me like an afghan: soft, warm, still damp to the touch, still wagging your tail to my touch. © 2008 Kåre Enga [165.369] 2008-12-06 I got to play with Hugo Friday night and he inspired me to write this semi-fantasy. ![]() ME: I've had a good week. People call me now and that is a good sign that I'm connecting with folks here. Bought the Mah Jong set the group has used for a couple years. It's in good shape and I could afford it. World Games is closing its retail store after 6 years and going on-line only. I suspect that will be a continuing trend for small businesses. Downtowns will become ghost-towns again as folks would rather put gas in the car and stuff themselves at Wal*Mart. There are two in this town. Listened to Daniel Young sing Saturday evening; gave him my 'zine; he likes the format and thinks the collage idea would work for a poster. So he may ask me to design one for him. Me? ![]() I wrote a couple poems at Zootown Brew and wrote down further notes for another short story for Blood of the Garlic called "Blood Sport" about a wicked croquet match (one does not play games with my vampires that lead to wounds; sure ... they are LDVs but ... one nibble and ... well, football is a definite no-no and don't even ask about fencing. ![]() FOOTBALL: Montana won 24-13 over Weber State which means a semi-final game next week against James Madison. It was sunny in the second half and temperatures went above 40. Unheard of in Missoula in December. it was a good game attended by over 21,000. Montana fans rock! ![]() From Fivesixer ![]() Feel free to post this, as my phone no longer seems to like the "comment pop" WDC feature. I caught the last quarter and a half of the UB game, and I was excited! It is so refreshing to see mid-major athletes in this market do so well, and see the program built the right way. The 1958 squad has been getting press all year; both locally and on ESPN. Turner Gill has been doing a fantastic job and is garnering the attention he deserves...not as an Af-Am coach but as someone who can turn a program around. UB football used to take a lot of beatings in local press. I would hate to see Gill leave because he is a fine example to our local high school teams, but who can escape the lure and risk of a pass/fail in the NCAA? He is being offered many high-profile jobs, but he is what we need locally. The City (and Burbs) turn out many high-profile atheletes; maybe now we can showcase them on the field instead of the police blotter in The Bee. The 4 WNY high schools that made it to state competitions came out victorious. Hopefully their stars might be more inclined to stay home and add their names to Coach Gill's legacy. The Bills and Sabres are both in constant transition/rebuilding phases. It's nice to see a Buffalo team actually step up and finish the job. One more game to go, Gill says, toward the best year in storied UB's history. That, my friend, is awesome...not just for us but the whole Buff/Niag area. My rantings aside, hope all is well K. Treats soon, and Jess won't let me forget. ![]() Best of my best, -B OBAMANATION and "Prop 8 - The Musical": So, I'm not into humor. Can't write the damn stuff. ![]() But Jack Black (as Jesus) and these folks sure can: http://www.funnyordie.com/videos/c0cf508ff8/prop-8-the-musical-starring-jack-bla... Montana: 37º at 18:30 and damp. 9488 |