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A man with no manners at all is forced to take on trials to help him find his treasure |
Shunoskei (a.k.a Shun) and his girl Natalie were walking among the grassy field searching for firewood for that night. "We find so much wood Shun!" Natalie said. "We might have enough for two nights in a row!" "God can't you ever shut up for once Natalie?" "Sorry Shun but I'm so excited! Tonight's our 15 month anniversary!" "Really it's been that long. I can't believe I've had to listen to you for that long." "Aww come on Shun, you know you love me. Remember that time when you-" "Okay enough. Lets not ever talk about that time ever again." "Aww but Shun, its my favorite story of you." "I don't care! Now shut up and lets get home." "Okay! Tonight I'll make you a feast." They didn't speak for the rest of the walk as they returned home to begin dinner. Once home, Natalie began to cook a delicious meal for her boyfriend. Meanwhile Shun was dozing off in his hammock. He began to swing back and forth gently as he thought to himself. *15 months. I can’t believe it’s really been this long.* “Well time for my work out.” He got up from his hammock and began to do push-ups, sit-ups etc. After he finished, he lie back down on his hammock again and soon drifted off to sleep. Meanwhile, out in a dark dessert. “Her! She’s the one we need.” Said the first dark shaded figure pointing at the hologram of Natalie. “Why do you think she’s the one?” said the second. “Because she possesses the largest amount of magic power in the continent. It has to be her!” The third figure soon appeared into the dessert with a gust of wind. “Do not assume that so quickly Zeroph. Let me check her status.” A large amount of information appeared in front of him as he studied the hologram. “Her status indicates that she is the one we have been searching for. Congratulations Zeroph, if you picked the wrong target yet again, I would’ve had to kill you.” “But Zeioth, it wasn’t my fault. Zenith was the one who said that it couldn’t be her.” Said Zeroph. “It doesn’t matter!” Slamming his fist into the ground. “I want that girl here as soon as possible. And I don’t want to hear another word from you or so help me!” Zeroph cringed in fear at Zeioth’s words. Zeioth calmed down and looked carefully at the hologram. “So how do you expect us to capture her Zeioth?” asked Zenith. “I don’t care how brother, just make sure its done. And remember, she must be brought back alive. The gods of Utgard wouldn't want a dead sacrifice.” Zeioth disappeared with a bang. Zeroph and Zenith began to plot on how to capture Natalie and finally decided to use a summoning. “This little girl won’t know what hit her.” Said Zenith. |