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by Theino
Rated: 13+ · Book · Fantasy · #1492741
An interactive web-based fantasy novel, readers vote on what happens in the next chapter
#619363 added November 19, 2008 at 1:47am
Restrictions: None
Chapter Five
Down the tunnel, a mass of gnomes formed, an army compared to himself and the guard. And he didn’t even know if the man was still alive. From his stomach, still ignoring the gnome beneath him, Kenrick turned his head.

He first noticed the guard sitting, his right leg extended, his left pulled close. His hands clutched a wound; blood seeped through his fingers, down his trousers and into a crimson pool in which he sat. His weapon was several feet away, lodged into the chest of a gnome still gurgling, fighting each breath of death.

Kenrick’s own weapon lay out of his reach, the gnome continued to struggle vigorously under him. Kenrick looked back to the head of the tunnel where the gnomes gathered. At least thirty bobbed back and forth behind the three gnomes that were cloaked, still quietly chanting.

He wondered how quickly he could jump to his feet and reach his weapon to stamp out the miserable gnome beneath him. He tried to remember how long it took the six previous gnomes to reach them, and calculated how long it would take him to reach the guard.

Before he could raise himself more than a foot, he felt a prick in the back of his neck. The gnome squirmed out from underneath him.

“Don’t be movin, human.”

He glanced to his side, several gnomes were surrounding the guard. A minor kick to his shin made him turn back.

“I said don’t move!

“Now, on yer feet.”

A few moments passed.

“I said, on yer feet!” He was kicked again, but by more than one boot.

“Can’t ya hear? Move!”

“You said not to move.” A slight smirk formed on Kenrick’s lips. If one of his captains were here, he would have been sent to clean the latrines. He was always told he would be killed for remarks like that. He figured now, it would be preferable to what the gnomes would do if they took him out of Sadira.

“Smart-ass! On yer feet, or you’ll be dead before you can piss yer pants.” This time the order was followed by a kick to his arm, where the tip of the dead gnome’s blade was lodged.

Slivers of pain exploded up his arm and for several seconds he was paralyzed. As quickly as he could he flashed his eyes to the right. He swiftly took note of the dirt and smudge covered gnome; obviously, the one who had endured underneath him. Ignoring the receding pain, Kenrick rose to his feet.

“Tie him up boys,” It was the same voice as before.

Kenrick could feel many small hands instantly swarm over his arms. Before they could take hold he spun to his right amidst startled gasps. Spotting the dirt-covered gnome, he planted his left foot on the ground and struck as hard as he could with his right. He could feel the small chest compress against his boot, felt the hot air from the gnome’s lungs rush up his leg.

And then the gnome was sailing through the air, arms stretched out for a handle. A crunching-squash sound, like turning apples into pulp, echoed down the tunnel as the gnome collided against the granite wall. He collapsed, dead.

Brock Sansome

Author of The Spheres of Caddock series and the interactive web-based novel The Chronicles of Kenrick.

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