"All books are either dreams or swords." |
We did it again! Seriously, folks. I really don't get it. Why do keep doing the same stupid, bone-headed thing over and over again? Where did we in our right minds think it was okay to dictate what is considered morally right or wrong? When did we become God? Being born and raised in the interesting *cough* state of California, I've been around the "pinkie, commie, libbers" all my life. Such issues as legalizing marijuana and lowering the age of consent and illegal immigrants are prominent over the breakfast table. But the big one these past few months has been the subject of gay marriage and rights. And we, as a state, have completely lost our minds. Prop 8 was one the most ridiculous things I have ever read (and some of the other ones too). Restricting and denying the rights of any group of people is just plain wrong. When I found out Prop 8 had passed, I cringed and nearly threw up. Some many segments of what happened remind me of the laws before Loving v. Virgina when interracial couples were not allowed to be married. Have we not learned? Have we not gotten through our thick skulls that this type of exclusion is wrong? When visiting my little brother up in Bakersfield, the fifth most conservative city in America, one of my favorite things to look at on the side of the road was Yes on Prop 8 signs and people with posters on street corners, shouting at the top of their lungs that if this law passed school children would be brainwashed into homosexuality. The line was "Save Your Children - Protect Marriage"... from what, the fifty percent divorce rate and single parenthood in this country? I like to think of myself as a spiritual person who believes in God and the word. So I really don't understand where we get the idea that we can sanction love. What right do we have to say what love is or isn't? Two people, any two people, who have the commitment and the conviction to promise themselves in front of the Higher Power to love, honor, and cherish each other for the rest of time should be allowed to do so. Or, like my father says, "I believe in equality for the masses. Gay couples should be allowed to suffer through the misery and sorrow of marriage and divorce like the rest of us heteros." My dad everyone. Ever the optimist. |