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Not for the faint of art. |
Burned out on politics, and I know y'all don't want me whining about the agonies of NaNoWriMo, so what do I talk about? Work still isn't what it could be, though we just got a project that should take up way too much of my time for the next two weeks. My back still hurts. Some days are better than others. Today wasn't one of those days. Yesterday was. It's Guy Fawkes Day in England. Or it was - it's the 6th there already. Still, it's my favorite non-native holiday. Really, what's not to like? I suppose I could post this Cracked link, but while funny, it's not up to my usual standards: http://www.cracked.com/article_16746_9-innocent-google-searches-that-get-porn-on... 9 Innocent Google Searches That Get Porn On the First Page Some say the internet is a cesspool of depravity, where even searching for an innocent phrase like "water sports" will return filth. But it can't be that bad, right? Using Google Image Search, we tried some common and completely non-dirty words with the "SafeSearch" filter on and then off. What we found left us shocked, disgusted and highly, highly aroused. Worth it just for the pic they use to censor the naughty bits. (Warning, language can be over the top, even more than usual for Cracked.) OH! And then there's this. http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=r5R8gSgedh4 Kids' songs done by modern musical artists. The Alanis Morrisette parody is especially cutting. Comedy gold. |