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Rated: 13+ · Book · Fantasy · #1492522
His family slain by orcs Jerek searches for answers
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#616882 added November 5, 2008 at 1:36pm
Restrictions: None
Chapter 5 (incomplete)
Chapter 5

         Rakagar strolled leisurely through the orc camp, he was recognized by the others but just barely, taller and encased by eltinnis’ magic armor he looked more than threatening but it was his eyes that kept them away.  Glowing red orbs replaced the normal black eyes most orcs have.  He walked straight to Griishs’ tent, the two guards instinctively stepped in front of the flap that served as a door, but after looking at the orc that approached they stepped back.

         “Good call,” Rakagar grunted glaring at the pair and strolled into the tent.  Seeing the soon to be former clan chief sitting at his desk he smiled a cruel smile and grunted.

         “What now?” Griish asked not even looking up from his desk, “Is there another idiot pup needing to be put in line?”

         “No, Griish the same one.” Rakagar simply stated.

         The old orc slowly turned, puzzled he finally looked to his newest disturbance.  Seeing Rakagar in all his malicious glory he slowly rose, “I don’t know what sorcery you used but I killed you once I’ll do it again!”  Griish grabbed a dagger off his desk and threw it at his challenger following it by grabbing his axe and lunging at the younger orc.

         Rakagar didn’t even dodge the dagger sank into his chest and the subsequent axe blow struck his shoulder he only laughed.  Pulling the dagger from his chest, the wound healing even as the dagger came out and grinned.  “Not this time old man.”

         Stunned Griish took a step back and Rakagar threw his dagger straight at the chiefs head.  The weapon hit it’s target handle first, by the sheer force of the throw the dagger continued into the face of the old orc and proceeded out the back of his head, through the tent wall and into the night.

         Victorious Rakagar walked out of his new tent, to his newly acquired clan.  Apparently word had already spread the clan was assembled outside.

         “Listen well, I am your new leader, I decide our fate any who wish to challenge my leadership do so now,” Rakagar growled to his people.  No one moved, one look at the altered orc and they knew it was futile.  “Good, gather yourselves for war no longer will we hide in these mountains our time is now and wee will take it.”

         Cheers erupted from the blood thirsty orcs and again Rakagar smiled.

         Deep in the recesses of his head the new orc chief heard his master voice, “You’ve done well my pet.  Now you march there’s a small town south of here go there slay every one, there are caves under the town find the and scour them.  You’re looking for a iron key, when you get it bring it back to me.”

         “As you wish master,” Rakagar mentally replied, and then audibly relayed to his people the plan. The warband left that night.


         *          *          *          *          *          *          *          *          *          *          *                    

         HighFalls,  a wondrous city built into and around the cliffs of western Krelstin, used to be a farming community until the great split when the dwarfs decided to pull their land away from the rest.  With magic and machines they somehow managed to break an enormous chuck of the continent off and place it several miles off the mainland.  Since then the little farming community boomed, the only path without going through the mountains lay right through Highfalls.  With its new found importance came money, with money came crime, with crime came the wall.  The wall was twenty feet high and ten deep it surrounded the entire city, the only access was through the northern and southern gates.

         As the wagon pulled up to the southern gate, two guards approached and called for them to stop.  Both clad in worn leather armor with well used swords hanging from their belts.  One held back as the other came to inspect the group.

         “Greetings,” the guard called, “What brings you to Highfalls?” 

         Dervin, pulling himself out of the back of the wagon replied, “Passing through on our way to Dwarfsholme, needing to resupply and rest in a real bed would be nice.”

         The guard looked them over for a moment then shouted back to his comrades, “All clear open the gates,” then he turned to Dervin.  “You been in Highfalls before?”

         “Oh yes, many times when I was younger,“ replied the wizard.

         “Then you won’t be needing directions, enjoy your stay in our fair town,” saying that he turned a walked back to his post. 

         Jerek sat on the wagon as Dervin led it through town.  The main road was filled with small merchant stands selling everything from weapons and armor to fruits and vegetables.  Never had he seen anything like this, there were more people in a single block then all of Pollson. 

         “What do you think of the market?” Ariel asked breaking Jerek out of his dazed.

         “Its amazing, there are so many people here they can’t possibly all stay here there’d be fifty people to a house.” Jerek replied.

         Ariel giggled, “I’m sure some are passing through but most do live here there houses all along the cliff face a even under us right now.”

         Jerek looked down at the road and sure enough along the edge every so often he could see stairs coming up out of the ground. 

         “Have you been here before?” he asked.

         “Ya, a couple times a year I come here to pick up items you can’t find in Marek,” she replied.  Jerek just shook his head, this is all too much he thought. 

         The wagon finally rolled to a stop in front of a large building, the sign above the door marking it as The Long Fall Tavern. 

         “Alright were here,  come on lets see about getting some rooms and some dinner,” said Dervin.

         As they headed in Jerek looked back to the wagon, “Shouldn’t someone stay with the wagon, you know to make sure our stuffs safe?” he asked.

         “No one steals form Dervin, even if they want to, wizard tricks and such, our stuff will be just fine.” Vernis explained with a smile.  Jerek just shrugged, getting all to used to not be used to anything and followed his friends inside.

         They claimed an open table near the window and Jerek looked around the tavern.  The smell of roasted mutton wafted  through the air making Jereks’ mouth water.  The tavern was busy there were easily thirty tables in the place and all but a few were filled with patrons.  Serving girls ran around serving drinks and food to patrons.  Jerek looked out the window and felt his stomach flip over.  So that’s why they called it Long Fall he thought, braving another look out the window.  The building wasn’t built on the cliffs edge it was built over the cliffs edge.  Looking down he could see nothing but water, and that was hundreds maybe thousands of feet down.  Jerek could picture the whole building plunging into sea far below.

         “Don’t worry she’s not going anywhere,” an unfamiliar voice said to Jerek, turning he realized it was the serving girl.

         “How an you be sure?” he asked almost fearing the answer.

         “I’m not really,” she said with a smile, “but its been here since I can remember and it hasn’t tipped yet.  What can I get for you folks?”

         Vernis took the lead on this, “I believe we all could go for some of that delicious mutton we’ve bee smelling and drinks to wash it down.”

         “Some bread too if you have it,” Herpan added.

         “Sure thing, have it to you in a jiff,” she replied still smiling, and walked off.  Returning moments later with the food and drinks.

         “Is there anything else I can do for ya’ll?” the server asked.

         “We’ll need some rooms for a couple of nights, if you could arrange that I’d be eternally grateful,” Dervin said with a smile, holding out a bag of coins.

         “No problem,” she replied taking the bag, giving it a slight toss in her hand.  “I’ll set you up on the top floor,” tossing a set of keys on the table she left the group alone.

         They devoured their meal while discussing their plans, Jerek listened as Dervin outlined there route on a small map he always carried with him. 

         “Barring any unforeseen circumstances we should reach Alaskar in three weeks,  once there well resupply again and take a boat to the Dwarven Isle and a short trek to Dwarfsholme its self,” the wizard explained.

         “My only question is will the bearded folk let us into Dwarfsholme, let alone the isle?” Vernis asked with a mouth full of mutton.

         “I don’t belive that will be a problem, I’ve done much for the dwarven nation and they don’t soon forget their friends,” replied Dervin.  “I have already arranged to have our wagon filled with supplies and we should be ready to leave in the morning.  If no one has anything else to offer,” the wizard paused looking across the table at his friends. “Good, if that’s it then I’m going to retire for the night, this old man tires easily,” Dervin said rising from the table he made his way upstairs.

         “I’m wore out too,” Vernis stated shoving the last of his mutton into his mouth.  “Here,” he elf said tossing a bag of coins to Jerek, who still eating wasn’t ready and barely caught it before it smacked him in the face.  “Nice reflexes, consider it payment for your mercenary work in the forest.  Go have some fun.”

         “I can’t take this you all have done so much for me already for free.  How can I accept payment for helping you a little,” Jerek protested, offering the bag back.

         “Then it’s a gift,” Vernis replied, already heading up the stairs.

         “I should go too, I have some personal things to attend to before we leave,” saying that, Herpan departed as well.

         “Just the two of us then,” said Ariel, “Those old people need their sleep or they get as cranky as a newborn,” she added with a grin.  “Lets hit the market, we can replace those worn out socks you call boots with something more suitable.”

         “Sure,” Jerek replied looking forward to some time with Ariel, more than even he realized.

         The now twosome made there way out of the tavern and down to the market they passed on their way in.  To Jereks surprise it was even busier than earlier.  Ariel expertly navigated the mob leading them to the southern part of the market which she explained was the clothing district.  He followed her closely as not to loose her in the crowd, bumping into her when she finally stopped at a stall filled with all sorts of shoes boots and the like.

         “Easy tiger it’s our first date,” Ariel barked with a grin.

         Stunned Jerek stammered an apology, blushing, “Sorry I..I.

         “I’m kidding, Jerek you’re a too serious, I like messing with you,” she said teasingly, “and your cute when your embarrassed,” she added causing his already pink face to darken two shades red. 

         Before he could reply she shoved a pair of leather boots into his arms, “Here try these.”

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