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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/615275-Freedom-Continued
Rated: 18+ · Book · Personal · #1196512
Not for the faint of art.
#615275 added October 28, 2008 at 6:41pm
Restrictions: None
Freedom, Continued
I've been hearing a lot more complaints about "redistribution of wealth." Some people seem to think that the moment Obama gets elected next week, we're going to have to begin handing over our paychecks to the government, who will immediately turn around and give it to a Mexican immigrant in New Jersey.

That's obvious bullshit. Intelligent people know that we're going to have to begin handing over our paychecks to the government, who will immediately turn around and give it to a foundering bank in Delaware.

But seriously, folks... what the hell? You think the President has that much power? I'm sure Barack would be flattered to hear that he'll be able to do such a thing.

Okay, I doubt too many hard-core right-wingers read this blog, but if you do, and you seriously have a problem with wealth redistribution for perceived public good, I want you to immediately do the following:

1) If you're currently taking an exemption on your Federal income taxes because you have a child or children, stop immediately, and never take such an exemption again. If not, when you do have kids, don't claim this exemption.

2) If you have EVER taken such an exemption on your Federal income taxes, immediately refund the Federal government the amount of all those exemptions.

3) Begin to lobby for the elimination of the child exemption on Federal income taxes, as it unfairly transfers wealth by causing those who do not choose to have children to pay more in taxes than those who do not and, in fact, causes those who use fewer government services to pay more.

4) Begin to work on the local and state level to ensure that schools are paid for entirely by people who are currently using them, or their parents, because the people who are not using the education system should not have to pay for something that does not directly benefit them. (Exception: lottery proceeds may continue go to education, as this constitutes a voluntary tax.)

If you hold such beliefs, yet can't or won't do all these things, then you are admitting that there are, indeed, cases where wealth can be redistributed for a perceived public good, and we can go back to arguing about what cases truly constitute "public good."

For my part, I don't mind paying for other peoples' kids' education, because I recognize that an educated populace is something that benefits everybody, directly or indirectly.

Look, everyone (well, "my fellow Americans" anyway), the US government is in DEEP debt. Will our taxes increase? Yes, they probably will, no matter who gets elected next week. But will those taxes go to helping the poor or propping up those who have lost their jobs? No, so you can put your fears of "socialism" to rest. The tax increase will go to paying off the inconceivable amount of debt that we've amassed, but we don't feel because a certain administration has taken the "tax" part out of the "tax and spend" equation.

The bill's coming due, and you're all [right-wing nutjobs] bitching because one of the candidates has a proposal to slightly increase - slightly - the incremental tax on people making more in a year than I can pull down in THREE years? A plan that can't even be implemented unless Congress goes along with it, which never happens even when it's all run by the same party?

Put up or shut up.

Note: In case it's not perfectly clear, I'm not addressing this rant to the perfectly reasonable people who are fiscal conservatives. I'm one myself, though you can consider me a social liberal. Just the right-wingers who aren't making any FUCKING SENSE.

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