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Rated: E · Book · Emotional · #1485219
This is a story about an child from another world whom a mysterious sorceress cursed.
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#613080 added October 15, 2008 at 7:38pm
Restrictions: None
The Sorceress's Curse
The Sorceress’s Curse

Living in a world of Animen* is not easy when you cannot communicate with animals. I am the only one around here who does not have the ability to talk to animals. I had the worse grades in biology, because the animals cannot tell me about themselves like they do to my fellow classmates. Why was I different from everyone else? Pondering this thought, I stood up and walked towards the kitchen for a glass of water. Thinking always leave me an unbearable thirstiness. As I began to descend the stairs, twirling a lock of dark hair, the voices of my parents drifted into my ears. Why were they up so late/ I cannot help but eavesdrop on their conversation.
“Frank, you know what the fate of Laura will be if Hate ever finds out where we live. She knows that we adopted Jasmine,” my mother began.
They were talking about me, Jasmine. I caught the word adopted. It hung in the air as cold as an icicle, slowly melting onto me. I cannot believe I never thought of this. Maybe the reason I do not have the powers of an Animan is that I may not be born one. Who am I the child of then? My parents were also talking about my sister Laura! What was going on?
“I know, Lucy, but we cannot abandon Jasmine. She was abandoned once already and that is quite more than enough for a girl her age. She is only eleven! Do you not recall the time when the king and queen gave her away because she was cursed at her birth by Hate? We are the ones that took her into our family and since we did, we must remain dutiful to our family,” Father answered in a tired tone.
“Yes but what about Laura? She is our daughter, our flesh and blood. We cannot inflict our daughter because of a king’s child,” Mother pressed.
“Jasmine is to stay with us. She is our child now, of our blood or not,” Father argued.
“Hate will come. I have a feeling. She will come to us and destroy Laura’s ability. She knows we have Jasmine,” Mother murmured.
“She may do that, but we must defend our children with our lives,” Father replied solemnly.
I stepped out of my hiding place. Looking into my parents’ wide eyes, I proclaimed, “I shall go in search for this Hate and defeat her. Fear shall not fall upon my family!”
My parents tried to persuade me into staying, but they did not succeed. My mind was set. Laura awoke because of the racket and when she heard about my plan, she was set to go with me. Father was easy to convince, but Mother gave us her thin-lipped look. Eventually, though, both gave each other a sad look and nodded. Laura and I were allowed to go!
The next day, after a hearty breakfast of flapjacks, Laura and I left the village with good wishes, a knapsack each, a full stomach, and our parents’ love. Laura, who was two years older than me, carried the heavier knapsack. We soon reached the brink of Cinder Woods, where the villagers rumored Hate would be hiding. Walking through the dense shrubbery proved to be a challenge. Suddenly, a bell-like tinkle met our ears.
“Perhaps that is a kind creature who would not mind leading us the way to Hate’s lair,” I smiled. Laura smiled and nodded.
We both finally reached the source of the sound. We reached a small clearing. Perched on a mushroom cap sat a pixie, looking much like an elf with its small, pointy ears. It was clad in a dress made with purple petals and a belt made of bluebells. These bluebells jingled in the breeze, unlike the normal bluebell flower. A purple cap was plopped lopsidedly on top of the pixie’s sleek, black hair.
“Welcome, Animen children! Welcome to Cinder Woods! How may I be of your assistance?” the pixie welcomed.
“My name is Laura, ad this is my little sister, Jasmine. We are in search of Hate, a sorceress of evil doings,” Laura told the pixie, without missing a beat.
“My name is Lilac,” the pixie fluttered toward us. “Hate… yes, she is a wicked sorceress indeed…, but she may have a reason for her cruel actions. You must find out why she is doing the things she are doing and that just may change her into a better person. Follow me. I think I know where her hideout lies. All pixies and fairies know what needs to be known.”
“Thank you dearly, Lilac. You have been much help to us,” I smiled at Lilac after she led us to Hate’s lair. The entrance was hidden beneath a boulder.
“Anytime, Animen children. Helping you is my job,” Lilac waved. “Remember what I told you. Beware children; Hate’s lair is very dangerous. Pretend to be innocent maidens in search of a job. Do not request a pay, because Hate detests losing money.”
“Farewell, Lilac,” my sister and I called.
“Farewell, children. May luck be with you,” Lilac disappeared in a puff of shimmers and sparkles.
Laura and I rolled the boulder off to the side. Spying a gaping hole, the two of us jumped into it, knowing where it leads. After going through a series of dark tunnels, my sister and I finally reached the end of the tunnel. We looked around the room we ended up in. The walls were perfectly carved out of mahogany. Designs swirled across the ceiling. Suddenly, a large, oak door swung slowly open without a creak. Standing behind it was a woman too dazzling to describe. Her deep hazel eyes penetrated into our hearts. Her long black robes swirled mysteriously around her slender form. Long black hair was pinned on top of her head.
“Who are you?” the woman purred in a silky voice.
“We have come in search of a job. All the payment we need is a place to stay. My name is uh… Valerie and this is my sister, Margaret,” Laura quickly said.
I stood in stunned shock. Suddenly, it came upon me that this was the infamous Hate. Her beauty did not match her heart. With pursed lips, Hate surveyed us, a long finger tapping her chin.
“Yes, yes,” the sorceress crooned. Her black eyes flashed menacingly. “The two of you will be of much help to me. Valerie… you shall work in the kitchens. Wood, my servant will escort you. Margaret will go with me. She can be my lady-in-waiting.”
“We are grateful to you, Lady Hate,” Laura bowed.
“Oh, Wood! Come here!” Hate commanded.
Rushing out of a tunnel, a young man, a few years older than Laura, smiled at us and knelt at Hate’s feet.
“Wood, please show this young lady to the kitchens. Explain to her all the things that need to be done,” Hate indicated Laura with a swish of her hand.
“Yes, mistress. I shall escort this beautiful young lady to the kitchen and explain everything that has to be done,” Wood replied, smiling at Laura.
Wood held Laura’s arm and led her to a room with a golden plaque labeled,” kitchen”. Hate and I walked through a passageway of tunnels and finally reached her chamber. Hate perched herself in front of her vanity table.
“Comb my hair,” Hate commanded.
I obediently unpinned her luxurious black hair and picked up a black brush with a fiery ruby set into the handle. Combing Hate’s hair slowly, I waited for her to begin talking.
“Margaret, I was an orphan. No one wanted me,” Hate began talking.
“It must have been hard,” I commented.
“Yes, it was, Margaret. Jealousy has overcome me. This family, the king and queen.. Well, they insulted me when they turned me down. They called me “worthless filth” and “unscholarly”. I went and cursed their first child. They did not want her anymore, but people took her in. Her fate was different than my own,” Hate whispered.
“Well, the girl must be lucky. I am sure people would have taken you in if they knew you well enough. I know I would take you in,” I felt sympathy for Hate.
“Yes, that girl must be very lucky indeed…” Hate mumbled.
“Well, she would not have been an orphan in the first place if she was not turned away. She might be wondering why she was turned away… maybe thinking she was useless” I murmured.
“I was turned away,” Hate swirled around, facing me. She looked deep into my eyes. “A witch cast the same curse I cast upon the girl… By accident, she left a slight bit of magic behind and with that bit of magic; I worked and became a sorceress… I was different from any other child in my class. People stayed away from me. It was not a good feeling.”
“Well, it was hard but harming the girl does not benefit you. Think how the girl would feel. She did not hurt you, her parents did. It was not her fault because of her parent’s actions,” I replied.
“Yes… that was a mistake. I was not thinking correctly when I cast that curse. I do not want to be a witch to the girl… the witch that changes her life for the worse,” Hate twirled a lock of her hair.
“Hate, I have to tell you the truth. I am Jasmine, the girl you cursed 11 years ago,” I said, after a long moment of silence.
Hate looked up. “Please forgive me, Jasmine… Please… I had such a horrible past… and it influenced my future. I should not have placed my pain on others.”
“About being taken in… would you mind to live with my family and I?” I smiled.
“Yes! I do, dearly! Oh thank you so much!” Hate beamed. “My name shall be Hate no longer. I am now, officially, Margaret… after you.”
“Oh, Margaret! Come, we shall go home now,” I smiled.
With that, the curse was lifted and Margaret, Laura, Wood, and I walked home to be welcomed by our friendly village and the welcoming arms of our parents. Later in the year, Laura married Wood. It was a very happy wedding with everyone invited… including the king and queen. Of course, they did not want to come when they heard Hate was there, but I invited them myself. They recognized me and was going to pull me into an embrace, but I pulled away.
“You did not want me for who I am. I am not your daughter now,” I said.
The king and queen looked at each other. Then, they agreed in coming to the wedding, to apologize for what they had done to Margaret and me. The wedding was lively and all was well. Margaret forgave the king and queen and so did I.
Well, life went on as usual. All that differed was the other people’s view toward me. I can finally speak to animals and my teacher said I had a natural talent. Natural talent? More like magic.
© Copyright 2008 Jane Doe (UN: smilez2424 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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