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Welcome to The Library. Randomness happens, Studyees. |
Or, "I'm not so sick anymore, but kiss me anyway." Really, I'm feeling much better. Woke up around my normal wake-up time feeling close to my regular normal self (whatever that means) and sat down for a nicotine breakfast while catching up on ESPN.com and mosta y'all when I remember that my married ex's birthday was Sunday and had been reminding myself to at least email her. She did send me a card and a small gift. I owed her at least that much. I mean, that's part of the point of having a fancy phone, right? The built-in reminder feature? So over some article, I'm thinking about what I'm gonna say and plan on finding her email address when I'm done. Sure as shit my phone makes the blingy sound associated with my Hotmail account telling me I have new mail. And it's from her. Oh, and she's not too pleased. Luckily I wasn't the only one that deuced out on her on the 7th. Her email read 8:51am, but I programmed my phone to sync every 15 minutes between 11am and 11pm with Hotmail. I'm sure she stewed a bit and gave up on getting a reply, but I came through and scored myself an apology in the process. Not bad from the married friend that neither of us is supposed to be talking to. Go me. Or something. Then I hopped in the shower and actually put on decent clothes. [Ed.:Normally I would be against the wearing of denim on a sixty-something degree day, but I needed to feel sexy...if for no one than myself.] A nice pair of jeans, a plain black sweater and a brown zip-up thing from my brother, topped off with my Kangol. I, dare I say against my own hermitisms, looked good. Even Winkler later on wondered why I was lookin' so stylin' (his words, not mine). Jumped into my Doc Martens; I had to make a trip to Walgreens. And flat-out ignore Jessica and her stupid counter and all of that drama. Plus get a newspaper and see if I got paid yet, which I did, so I bought a phone card. With which I intended to call Nicole with, but she called first. Curses; foiled again. So I went to Subway, and with a face full of cheesesteak, actually answered the phone (and I NEVER answer the phone when eating). Only for you, Pop Diesel. Yeah, see ya at (yikes!) 10am. I will look more forward to the hug than the carton of smokes. "Next time come when you can stay longer", I remember him saying to me once when I stopped by for something short not long after I had moved out. I was hoping I could take him to breakfast, at least as a thank you, but he said he couldn't stay long. And after that, I'll likely subject myself to that B-fiend-in-denial and get the squawking "Why didn't you say hi?!?" inquisition, to which I will prolly respond "I didn't feel like it". I know. Save it. I'm a keeper. ![]() Til then all my little lovelies and lovers, make yourselves a promise to outdo your normal routine one day soon, and see if anyone close to you notices. I want to hear results/horror stories. Peace out homies, and thanks for wishing me well. ![]() |