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The walk that took my breath away.
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#605882 added September 7, 2008 at 3:40pm
Restrictions: None
The walk that took my breath away
    Early one weekend morning John and Camilla wakes up to go for a walk with there three dogs.  Bear, Griz and Jr.  are excited as they wag there tells when the couple walk out there cabin door.  Bear is the oldest of the three and camilla wanted to leave him in side while we walked, but he was to excited and wanted to go explore.

    So they start walking down the gravled drive holding hands and talking about there week at work.  At the end of the drive the dogs see a rabit and of corse decide to go chasing for the scared rabit.  The couple turns to walk on the empty road and calls for the dogs. 

    They walk by the first nabors house on the left and see him setting on the porch drinking his normal cup of coffie.  He wave's to say goodmorning and the couple smile's to return the goodmorning.  They comment on his beautiful red roses and see humming birds buzzing near his feeder. 

    The dogs come running back up the road from chasing the rabit, huffen and puffen.  The couple lauphs, then looks up to see the sun rising over the beautiful tennessee mountians and the heavy dew falling among them.  There are three horses to the left grasing and two buzzerds circling over them as they near the rugged store.

    When they walk in the store the clerk says: goodmorning what can I do for ya and the couple says: goodmorning we need 1/2 pond of fresh ham, two waters and the news paper.  When they walk out of the store the dogs are lined up siting and waiting for the couple.  John reaches in the bag and pulls out three slices of ham and feeds each dog one slice a peace.

    Then when the couple start to walk back home,  there is a car that comes down the road and all three dogs go chasing the car in to the main highway.  The couple is yelling at the top of there lungs for the dogs and the dogs dont lissen they saw a car with other dogs in it and was not stoping for nothing.

    When the car turned out on to the main highway the dogs followed it and there was another small car coming the other direction.  The small car slowed down and tried to stop for the dogs but it was to late...  The oldest of the three dogs got hit and camilla started screaming bear as she ran for the highway. 

    John's heart sunk as he saw what had happen to the best dog in his and camilla's life,  he dropped the bag of goods and ran to the highway looking to see if he could find bear or if there was any blood anywhere.  There was no blood on the highway and no bear anywhere to be found, the couple where both yelling at the top of there lungs while there hearts pounded.

    They both went across the road in to a field where the grass was higher then there waste and the wind was blowing so it was hard to see any movement of a dog.  They could not hear any crying, barking or anything but the grass wipping when the wind blew.  They where both upset and crying but neather one was going to give up looking for him. 

    Finely Camilla called Bears name one last time and here he came limping out from the wipping grass.  Camilla ran to him and rapped her arms around his hairy body to see that there where no blood at all,  just a front left leg hert from the pounding small car. 

    It was the longest drawn out walk back to the cabin as they where thinking the lord for Bears wellness.  And there hearts where still pounding there chest with unbeleavable amount of concern for there best friend in both of there lifes.  When they got back to the cabin they put Bear inside with them and treated him like a king. 

  When they get him tooken care of and set down for a fresh warm bowl of soup, Camilla looks over at John and says that is the last time the dogs are going for a walk with us...
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