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Rated: 13+ · Book · Action/Adventure · #1316558
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#605785 added September 11, 2008 at 10:46pm
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The Divine Dragon Lord Returns
There was an ear splitting crash as the nearby forest collapsed around a creature that was as tall as the empire state building.
It left out a roar that sounded like that of a lions it opened its eyes to reveal yellow iris's with vertical slits for pupils.
It's skin was as red as a tomato its hair was draped over its shoulders liked a cloak then it started to laugh.

"At last I now have the power I need to destroy this pitiful village" came the demons voice

"That thing sounds like Orochimaru" said Sasuke.

"Orochimaru, but I thought he was dead" said Naruto

"So, did I Naruto so did I"said Sasuke.

"Well Coty if you are who you say you are how do we fight this thing"said Hinata

"We, do nothing I will fight the demon"said Coty.

"That's suicide"said Sakura

"Hey you've got to go sometime all though I doubt I'll need a casket yet"said Coty.

He, then walked towards the edge of the mountain then walked on air towards the demon's head.

The group of ninja behind him stared in amazement as he trudged onwards

'His power is incredible' Coty thought as he reached the face of the demon.

"Well, well what do we have here a tasty little morsel"said Orochi-Estraw

"No, I'm not a meal for you demon I'm here to ask you to leave the village alone other wise you will not survive this battle"said Coty.

The demon began to laugh again Coty could feel his hot breath wash over him like a hurricane.

"You think you can fight me, may I ask who you are before you die?" said Orochi-Estraw

"Yes, I will tell you I'm Coty Hockenberry the Divine Dragon Lord"said Coty.

The demons smile faded so fast it looked like it had been wiped away

"I know that name all to well" came a deeper voice than what came through before.

"Hello Estraw always a pleasure to here your voice"said Coty as calmly as if he were merely talking to an old friend.

"You will die Dragon Lord I will kill you this time" said Estraw

"Now that's more like it"said Coty with a smile.

The demon left out another mighty roar Coty threw an orb of white energy into his mouth there was a flash of white like then.
Smoke erupted from the demons mouth the demon howled in pain as it clutched its mouth with its billboard sized hand.

"I will not ask again demon leave the village, or be destroyed"said Coty

the demon removed his hand from his mouth.

"I WILL KILL YOU!!!" he shouted Coty sighed

'why do they always do things the hard way' he thought.

He, started to glow as green energy emanated from his body he then put his hands wrist to wrist.

"I call upon the powers of earth, water, fire, and air purge this soul of the demon that holds him" said Coty.
There was a bright flash of light then the demon was no more instead a skinny man with milk white skin lay on the ground next to.
A emerald necklace Coty lowered himself to the ground then picked up the necklace he suddenly had a searing pain shoot threw his entire body.
Then he heard the deep voice in his head

"Foolish human you've given me access to your body and power's I will now use you to destroy this world"said the demon.

Coty yelled out as the pain that coursed threw him like electricity became unbearable his skin felt like it was on fire as it turned from tanned to.
Red as a tomato his hair began to lengthen and turned jet black his eyes became unfocused then they started to.
Turn jet black

"Yes, soon your power will be mine" said Estraw

"I don't think so" came another voice that sounded like a human version of a bears voice.

Coty's body began to go numb as the pain consumed him then it stopped he could soon here cries from within his mind.
Then a mighty roar echoed from within him as the demonic energy was forced from his body with such force that the Soul Gem shattered.

Coty's eyes were no longer hazel, but golden with vertical slits for pupils he could see the fragment of the soul vanish into.
None existence

'Kid that was cutting it a little close don't you think' came a voice in his head

"Not really Draco' Coty thought.

'Well let me put it to you this way if I hadn't woken up you would be a demon right now' said Draco.
'I get it Draco next time I'll be more careful' thought Coty

'Why don't I believe you' asked Draco.

'Hey you know me' thought Coty

"That's what worries me' said Draco.

Coty chuckled as he stood up then he cast a spell to cause ropes to appear, and tie up Orochimaru.
Then he hoisted the unconscious rouge over his shoulder then walked back to the village he was stopped by a small army of ninja.

"I've caught him" said Coty as he threw the rouge on the ground he then looked to the mountain to see Naruto, and the rest were still where he left them.
He, then found himself standing behind them the looked hard at the village below for any sign of Coty.

"Boo" he said causing them to jump in unison

"Where did you come from one second you where down there now you're here"said Sasuke.

"Portal" asked Naruto

"Nope new spell transports me faster than a portal all I've got to do is think of the place then I'm there"said Coty.

"Cool"said Naruto with one of his famous grins

Coty smiled he then looked to the rest of the ninja's

"How come you didn't transform Dragon Lord" said Sasuke with a laugh.

"I didn't need to although I probably should have given the fact that Draco is becoming restless"said Coty.

"What did you do to that thing" asked Sakura

"I purified him"said Coty

"If you can do that why can't we help you?" asked Hinata.

"Because I wouldn't be able to live with myself if an innocent was caught in the crossfire between my magical battles with the demons of this world.
That includes demonic items that hold great power Orochimaru wasn't a casualty he was one of the few people that freely took the power of the demon.
Most don't have a choice as I have no choice, but to find the last of the Soul Gems of Estraw and destroy them.
Even if I must die trying"said Coty

"That was a fine speech but you still don't explain why you won't let us help you if you can purify our souls of the evil"said Naruto.

Coty sighed

"I once left someone accompany me to destroy a Soul Gem I thought the same thing you guys are thinking now. So we found a Soul Gem I told him not to touch it but he did it anyway the demons soul possessed him.Then I tried to purify him it didn't work I tried several incantations I even evoked Draco's power but in the end I had to destroy him before the soul completely consumed him"said Coty.

"That's horrible"said Hinata

"You're not letting us come with you because of something that happened what year's ago"said Sakura.

"Not years a few weeks ago actually"said Coty

"Was the person you took with you a highly trained ninja?" asked Naruto.

"No, he was a highly qualified wizard almost like myself, and what I mean by that is he didn't have a creature sealed inside him"said Coty.

"That's not a good reason to not allow your teammates to help you on a mission"said Sasuke.

"I said no and that is my final decision if I die that's fine but I will not allow someone else to die when they're helping me"said Coty.

"Funny last time I checked you are still a Chunnin level wile we are Jounin that means that we can tell you what to do"said Naruto.

"Funny last time I checked none of you are stronger than the Divine Dragon"said Coty this caused the smirking Naruto to wear an expression that.
Was appropriate for a friend in his sickbed none of them argued this point as none of them no matter how strong they may have become could handle.
The power's of the Divine Dragon Lord, or the Divine Dragon

"I don't think you're as strong as you say you are I think that the four of us could beat you"said Sasuke.

"Huh uh" said Naruto, Hinata, and Sakura in unison

Sasuke looked at them with a surprised look on his face.

"What is the matter with you guys he has virtually no chakra he's skinnier than a railroad track"said Sasuke.

"Uh actually I'm stronger than I look"said Coty

Sasuke got into a fighting stance

"prove it" he said.

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