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Rated: 13+ · Book · Young Adult · #1469616
About Kayla Grey an outspoken clumsy sophmore, changes and life
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#605428 added October 30, 2008 at 6:01pm
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Chapter 2-Cookout
    Saturday, I love the weekend. You know what I never got though is why they had us start school on Friday...it just doesn't make sense! But anyway back to today, Saturday. I have four hours to kill before I go over to Macy's...what to do what to do....

  I hop onto the couch and start to flip through some channels...The Dog Whisperer, pass. Hmmmm Friends, I've seen like every episode!! I love that show but I don't feel like watching reruns (my favorite charactory is Chandler he is soooo funny, and honestly I think Rachel is a bitch) hmmmm what else is on hmmmm That 70s Show!!! I really love this show its hillarious I love all the charactors, idk i think its addicting...maybe all the pot and drugs from the show is passed through the screen into your system making you watch it...ummm yeah maybe not. haha

    I get about 5 minutes into the episode when Red is saying that he is going to stick his foot up Eric's ass and I get a phone call. BRINNNNNNNNNNNNGGGG!!!

    "Hello?" I answer

    "Hey little girl" my father answers on the other line.

    "Hey Daddy." I say.

    "How was your first day of school?" he asks.

    "Peachy." I reply

    "That bad huh?" he asks

    "Yeah...How is L.A.?" I ask. My Mom and Daddy got divorced about a year ago. He moved to L.A. and got a job as a bank manager. My mom and I stayed back in Colorado.

    "Actually its great. I was hoping maybe on your next break you could come down and see my new apartment." he said.

    "New? What your old digs wasn't attracting enough chicks?" I joked.

    "Ahhhhh Kaykay you know me too well." he laughed.

    "But I'd love to come down if I can get it past Mom. I'm sure she'll say yes though." I said pacing around the living room then moving into the kitchen and opening the fridge.

    "Good. I hope I'll see you seen. But Kaykay I got to go...I have a hott date." my dad said.

    "Uh-huh okay well call and tell me how it goes, I need to know about my soon to be step-momma." I laugh.

    "Bye love you." dad says.

    "bye you too." I hang up the phone while grabbing the jug of orange juice. Normally I would of gotten some of the leftover pizza but have you ever been to one of Macy's cookouts??? I won't be able to eat for a day!

    I sit back on the couch as Fes is making remarks about how he likes Donnas granny panties or something. Mom comes in the front door back from her yoga class.

    "Hey honey." she says smiling and sweaty.

    "Hey Mom, You stink" I comment and laugh.

    "Very heartfelt thank you." She rolls her eyes. "So when are you going over to Macy's again?"

    "Ummmm seven. Hey mom Dad was wondering if I could go down to visit him like on my next break." I say slowly

    "Well I guess that could be arranged." she sighed and pulled her hair off her sweaty neck. "I'm going to go take a shower. Don't burn the house down."

    "hahaha." I roll my eyes sarcastically.

    My mom hops up the stairs and I lean back on the couch and end up watching like three more episodes. I check the clock on the T.V. guide. 6:00 on the dot. Ok time to get ready. I go up the stairs and stop by my Mom's room.

    "Where are you going?" I ask quizzically. Looking at my Mom's dressy black skirt and semi formal dark maroon colored tank top showing a bit of tone mid-drift.

    "Oh I didn't mention it did I?" she asks sliding on a low black heal.

    "No I guess I missed the memo. You're getting all dressed up, whats the occasion." I squinch my face up a bit.

    "I'm going to a singles speed dating night." She replies nonchalantly as if it wasn't a big deal.

    "What?" I ask.

    "You heard me Kay." She looks at me.

    "B-bu-but...." I stutter out shocked.

    "I've got to go sweetie it starts and 6:15" She says and skirts past me kissing me on the cheek.

    "When will you be home?" I ask.

    "Ummm well you're going to the cookout and you said you were going to spend the night." She looked at me and paused halfway down the stairs.

    "Right........bye mom." I say uncertainly.

    She waves at me and breezes out the door. My mom is going to a speed dating thing? Since when did she become one of those kinds of people? When did she get interested in men again? Doesn't she realize there are probably only losers at those things? Why is she dating again? What the crap? Why why why? when when when?

    I contemplate all this in my head as a push through my clothes grabbing a pair of ae jeans that had holes in both knees and a hot pink forever 21 tank top and changing into them. I also dump out the books out of my bookbag and shove in my polka dot Victoria Secret PJ pants and a white spaghetti strap tank that is kinda worn. Plus another outfit, brown Bermuda shorts and a comfy cute light green shirt with puffy sleeves and white polka dots. I pack my other necessities too. You know toothbrush, hair brush all that. As I'm about to go out the door I glance at myself in the mirror. My brown hair with auburn tint to it is curly as ever. I groan and wonder what life would be like with straight hair then thank the heavens I found a product to get rid of the frizz.

    I slip on my rainbows (they are a flip flop in case ya didnt know!) as I skirt out the door. Macy's house is a couple blocks down so I just walk singing a song that is stuck in my head. I have a new song stuck in my head every day. Today just happens to be "Hey Mickey" so I'm belting out "any way you wanna do it I'll take it like a man. So please baby please don't leave me in the dam mickey!" Dork? yes I am.

    I stop quickly when I approach Macy's house. I hear some laughter and chatting. I walk up to the gate and open it.

    "Kay. Hey!" Macy says walking over to me, or rather wiggling or dancing. Hopping?

    "Hey Mace..." I grin at her looking at everyone. I always get self conscious around my friend's family. Its weird.

    "Hello Kayla. I'm glad you could come over and spend the night. You better behave now." She said politely and aiming the last part at Austin jokingly.

    "Yeah mom." He grinned then sorta looked over at me shyly. How cute is he?? SO CUTE!!!! But does he like me? Do I like him? yeah i like him but do i LIIIIIIKKKKKKKKKEEEEEEEEEEE him?AHHHHH too many questions to myself!

    "Sooooooooo...Come on lets go in real quick so you can put your stuff down." Macy said and practically drags me into the house. We go up to her HUGE room and I toss my bag onto her bed.

    "I rented "The Notebook" for tonight." She grinned at me and she starts walking down the stairs.

    "I love that movie. But be prepared with tissues!" I say as I position myself to slide down the rail.

    "and Ice cream" Macy finishes.

    "How could I forget the ice-cream?" I say and swoop down the rail collapsing off at the end.

    "Kayla. God are you okay." Macy laughs.

    "Yeah" I giggle. "That was fun. I've always wanted to do that."

    "You're so stupid." She rolls her eyes. "But now I wanna do it." she wiggles her eyebrows at me.

    "You live here and you've never slid down the rail?" I ask.

    "Nope but I'm about to." she wiggles her eyebrows again mischieviously at me and runs back up the stairs. I follow laughing.

    "Ok..." She says positioning herself. And pushing off.

    She laughs as she lands. I follow behind her as the door opens and Austin walks in. Then I collapse on the rug again laughing.

    "Mom sent me in to see where you guys were. What are you doing?" he stares at us like we're crazy. Which we possibly are I'm not totally sure the tests haven't come back yet. Hahaha.

    I pitifully try to talk and sputter out "the rail and sliding.....ahahahaa" dieing back into my laughter. "Ok" I pop up.

    "Come on Mace." I hold my hand out and help her up.

    "You're crazy you know that." he shook his head at me.

    "Thats what they say." I nod my head and grin.

    We walk back out and Austin follows looking at me and sorta halfway smiling and scratching the back of his neck.

    "Kayla how do you want your burger?" Macy's Dad (Mr.Twomaker).

    "Ummmmmmmmmmm. Idk I've never really had a burger, I think once at Burger King but that one almost made me puke because there was too much ketchup and whatnot." I reply.

    "You've never had a burger before?" Austin stares and me in awe.

    "Nope. I guess not...I'm a freak of nature." I shrug.

    "Our dad makes the best burgers." Austin says.

    "I do. I sure do." Mr.Twomaker winks. Then does a flippy thing with the burger accidentally flipping it on the ground. "I meant to do that. Tucker likes his burgers with a little dirt in it." He tries to save himself, referring to the family dog.

    "Uh-huh. Suuuuuuuurrrrrreeeeeeee dad. Just keep telling yourself that." Macy rolls her eyes at her Dad sitting down at the picnic table crossing her legs.

    "Don't give me lip." Her dad replies jokingly.

    I love hanging around Macy's family. They are such a family, I mean they have cookouts all the time and their mom and dad are TOTALLY head over heels in love still. They are picture perfect. They have a collie and a Siamese cat. The blond, brown eyed mom and the brunette, blue eyed dad. Then they boy and girl twins with strawberry blond hair and blue eyes. Their house is white with green shutters and they have a white picket fence. They are total catalog material but still totally real. I love hanging out with them its great. Not that I'm not happy with my Mom, sure I love her to death, although I'm not so sure about the whole speed dating thing. Can't she just stay single till I move out and go to college??? Better yet when I'm married and have kids.


    "Omigod that burger was amazing." I say to Macy leaning back sideways on the couch.

    "Good thing you only had one." She winks at me coming out of the kitchen with popcorn and ice-cream.

    "Ice-cream, popcorn, and a movie. Hit me now I'm in heaven!" I joke popping "The Notebook" into the DVD player. "This movie tears me up ever time."

    "I know right." Macy relates handing me my bowl of ice-cream.

    "Omigod." I squeak tearing up at the happy part when he says "It wasn't over then. AND IT STILL ISN'T OVER!!!" then sweeps her up into his arms kissing her in the rain.

    "I know." Macy says whimpering.

    "What I would give." I start.

    "ME TOOOOOO!!!!" Macy squeaches (thats a cross between sqeak and skreech).

    "Oh the singles life." I sigh melodramatically.

    "Oh the couples world." Macy finishes.

    "I am such a--" I'm cut off by my faternal twin Macy (we were seperated at birth ya know! WE'LL PROVE IT SOMEDAY!!!)

    "Dorkus. Yeah the world knows." she grins and rolls her eyes.


    I wake up on the couch. I sqint my eyes and rub them looking at the clock. 3:31 in the morning, the tv screen is blue and Macy is knocked out drooling a bit on the other side of the couch. Its all dark other than that, its really ominous. Like ghosts and creepy stuff. I'm really weird about the dark. I get FREAKED out and all jumpy. I try to sorta go back to sleep but I am too jumpy and all I can hear is my stupid heart going "THUMP THUMP THU THU THUMP!!!!!" shut shut shut UP! Then I hear a noise.

    "Hello?" I say super quiet.

    I hear a grunt in the dark coming from the kitchen. OMG!!!!!!!! Its a burglar or something. I look around and grab the candlestick nearest to me and sneak into the kitchen. I hear a couple more noises and water running. I sneak up behind the perpetrator and wack him in the head.

    "OWWWWWWW!!!!! OMIGOD!!!!!!!" I hear the perp scream.

    "Now I'm gonna call the police!" I say as I flick on the light. "Ohhhhh ummmm ooops."

    Austin is rubbing the back of his head. His blonde hair matted and going in a bunch of direction and sleep in his eyes. "Kay? What...."

    "Heheeheheheehahahahahh sorry. I thought you were like a burglar or something. I mean I get really jumpy at night and it makes me freaked out. I'm just...oh wow thats swelling up, ummmm yeah I'm stupid sorry ummm yeah. On the bright side the police aren't on their way and ummmm your parents aren't awake and Macy is like a log you know cuz she just is like that and ummmm yeah so sorry and ummm yeah uuhhhhh" I ramble on basically in one run-on sentence.

    "Its ok. Chill." he says wide awake now. "Well I'm not going to be able to sleep now."

    "Me either. I'm too awake from hearing imaginary creepy sounds in the dark and assaulting fake a perpetrator. Too much action to go back to sleep." I say truthfully. Not joking a bit but for some reason Austin still laughs.

    I hear a groan from the living-room. Macy is mumbling in her sleep "Why yes Mr.Depp I would love a piece of chocolate in Davey's locker." in case you are too dimwitted to figure it out, its Johny Depp and Davey Jones as in Davy Jone's locker from Pirates of the Carribean. If you have no clue what the heck I am talking about then you need to go get all three movies stat. You are missing out on yummy Orlando and Johny. And you are deprived. I mourn for you, more than I mourn for myself.

    "I think she might of eaten a little to much ice-cream. The sugar must of gone straight to her brain." I say matter-a-factually.

    "You're funny. You know that." Austin grins at me. Then winces in pain.

    "Omigosh. I'm such a dum dum. I'm sorry I hit you. Thats really swelling up big." I ramble obnoxiously as I throw open the freezer door open. I pull the drawer with the ice in it open and grab a handful, setting them in a paper towel. I run some cold water on it and then set it on the huge lump on the back of Austin's head.

    He winced again. "Oh gosh. I'm so stupid." I squinch my forhead up.

    "No you're not stupid. I'm sorry I scared you." Austin says putting his larger hand over the my hand. The one that is holding the ice to his head. I realize I'm standing on my tip-toes because he stands a good foot taller than me. Hes like 6'2 and I'm like 5'2. I'm totally staring into his sea-blue eyes, dude are we like having a moment?

    "Does it errrrr feel like its un-swelling?" I ask darting my eyes downward.

    "Yeah its un-swellified." He smiles down at me and I feel all melty and droopy. I know, totally lame but whatever.

    "Well I better go back to bed." I sputter out.

    "I thought it was too much action in one night to go back to sleep." He smiles jokingly.

    "I guess I was wrong." I say.

    "Well I'll try too then." He replies.
    "Ok. Night." I say.
    "Sleep tight." he winks at me and the melty thing happens again.

    I walk back to the couch and close my eyes and fall back asleep.
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