Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/605251-Reaching-a-Forgotten-People---Introduction
Rated: E · Book · Religious · #1469896
A non-fiction book about how America's senior citizens have been forgotten.
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#605251 added September 3, 2008 at 6:12pm
Restrictions: None
Reaching a Forgotten People - Introduction

To begin a study on reaching a forgotten people, a person must first learn about this group of people. The following acronym portrays the things that seniors need from God’s people.

E = Evangelism
L = Love
D = Dependability
E = Encouragement
R = Respect
L = Lasting friendships
Y = Your time

The points listed above are crucial keys to building a senior ministry. Evangelism is a one of the main focuses of any ministry. While many residents of nursing facilities are born again Christians, there are numerous residents that have false beliefs pertaining on how to get to heaven. Many believe that good works, dedication to family, and strong morals will get them to Heaven. It is the dedicated Christian’s job to share the gospel on a simple level of understanding to make sure that these people have the chance to receive Christ before the end of their life.

Another key to senior ministry is love. If there is no real love shown to these people, they will not respond to Christ’s message of love. Dependability is also crucial. For many people in facilities, the worship services and visits by church workers are the highlight of their week. At all cost, do not disappoint them by canceling a week’s service or by not showing up for a regular visit.

The residents also need as much encouragement as can be given. Living in a nursing facility can have some very discouraging, depressing, and lonely times. These people must also be treated with the utmost respect. They are not third-rate citizens! There is much we could learn from their experiences and trials of their faith. In return, lasting friendships will be built. With feelings of love, respect, and friendship, you will strive to spend more time ministering and fellowshipping with these people.

The President of the United States, George W. Bush has had much to say about the senior population in the nation. The following quotes are from some of his speeches proclaiming the month of May as Older Americans Month.

"In cities, towns, and communities across the United States, older Americans make countless contributions to the life of our Nation. Older adults have much to teach us, from persevering in the face of hardship to sustaining our family structure and caring for those in need. Generations of older Americans have done the hard work of building communities, places of worship, businesses, and schools, laying the foundation for our American way of life. Embodying the steadfast devotion, courage, and sacrifice that our ancestors brought to this country, older Americans continue to energize our national life. Many of these former teachers, leaders of industry, war heroes, and religious figures help new generations learn about our past by taking time out of their lives to share their experiences and to serve as role models. Their values of hard work, determination, compassion, and faith continue to benefit our families and all Americans. By ensuring that our senior citizens live in comfort and security, we honor them and thank them for their service."

"Older Americans represent the finest qualities of our nation. Our nation is blessed by our seniors. These individuals teach us lessons of the past, set an example for younger generations, and demonstrate the generosity and love for which Americans are known.
Our country is blessed by their compassionate acts, the wisdom of their experiences, and the patriotism they demonstrate. We honor older Americans for demonstrating the spirit of our Nation through their positive attitude, strong work ethic, and personal character. America will always be grateful for the legacy of responsibility and service they are leaving to future generations."

As brought forth by the words and thoughts of President George W. Bush, Christians and churches across America owe it to the senior community to remember them, honor them, encourage them, and most importantly share Christ’s love with them.
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