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Rated: 13+ · Book · Young Adult · #1469616
About Kayla Grey an outspoken clumsy sophmore, changes and life
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#605066 added September 2, 2008 at 9:45pm
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Chapter One-Peachy first day
"Hey Macy!!!!!! I haven't seen you in forever it seems!" I say with a grin on my face and hopping up and down.

"Omigod Kayla chill out." My best friend says with a absolutely serious face on. Then it slowly turns into a grin and she starts laughing. "I'm just kidding, I know I've missed you this summer. But how was Greece anyway? Is it as pretty as it is "The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants" movies? Gorgeous Greek guys? See I wouldn't know since there were no calls, texts, e-mails!! Maybe you used a carrier pigeon and it died trying to fly over the ocean. Thats what happened right?"

"Sorry Sorry! My cell service doesn't work there and remember my aunt doesn't believe in technology. She is crazy! Do you have a clue what it would of cost to call you from a pay phone?" I ask. See my aunt is really cool she travels the world and lives in the most AMAZING places for like a year but she is also well "accentric" shall we say? She doesn't believe in television or computers or anything like that. " and wait do you mean to say Freddy never made it to your house? The poor bird."

We both laugh as we walk into the auditorium for our orientation. Sophmore year. We sit in the back as usual and Mr. Crafty our principal (I know Mr. Crafty! it cracks me up) begins.

"I know you guys are exited to be back!!! I know I am! This is going to be a great year! We have a great staff! Great teachers! Great classmates!! and of course me your GREAT principal!" he chuckles at his lame joke.

Macy nudges me and says in a soft voice "Yeah kids its grrr-grr-grrrRRREAT!" like the cheetah does in those commercials. I snicker and Mr. Crafty (hehahha i can't get over that name never will!) looks over in our direction.

"Come on kids we don't want to start this new year off on the wrong foot!" he laughs and his over-exagerated smile becomes a bit strained. He is crazy. I'm not even kidding he is a freakin nut! I make a face and stare at the tips of my black ballet flats.

I start to tune out our principal by playing the jepardy song in my head. I look around at the people I've known since elementary and sigh. I survey the new freshman, most of them look kinda freaked out but exited. I wonder if I looked like that last year.

Then I start looking at our class. Everbody looks pretty much the same except mostly with an upgraded wardrobe. Everybody kinda has that new-back-to-school look. Theres Macy's twin Austin, I think. Hes changes for sure Hes always been kinda chubby and had glasses and braces he was cute in a sorta babyish way but he and Macy didn't look like twins. She is a gorgeous, slim, strawberry blonde. That doesn't change the fact that she is a total dork like me but she still gets EXTREME attention from guys. Her and her brother never really looked related. Now however they definately did. He had worked out and all his chub was gone and plus he had a tan. The glasses were gone and so were the braces. He was pretty hott actually.

Ok moving on to juniors. Not interested not interested nope nope nope. Ok seniors. Same people that were juniors last year. Boring boring blah blah, wait woah backtrack. Hes new. The guy was leaning back in his chair with fallout sneakers propped on the back of the chair in front of him. He had dark brown hair a bit shaggy that fell a bit past his ears, tan, well built. REALLY CUTE! But he seemed really mysterious in a way like he had a secret. He also had a too-cool-for-school kinda vibe about him.

I was broken out of my trance by Mr.Crafty (*snicker*) finishing up his speech. "So my young shapable minds Go! Learn! Expand your minds!!!"

Macy and I look at eachother and put overdramatized faces on and in overdramatized deep voices we both say "GO!!!!!!!!! LEARN!!! EXPAAAAAAAANNNNDDDDD YOUR MINDS!!" then burst into laughter. I grab my bookbag and toss it over my shoulder as we walk out into the hall.

I begin to twist my lock putting the combination in glancing at the piece of paper i have for reference. Macy is leaning on the locker beside me waiting patiently since she doesn't believe in lockers. She prefers dragging a bookbag around all day which is totally crazy! Its going to throw out her back or something and she is going to become old before her time. Well at least thats what I keep telling her but she says lockers take to much time and its like working out lugging around books all day. Honestly though, freshman year wasn't that tough she is going to be weighed down, I'm thinking about starting one of those pools where everyone bets on when someone is going to quit a job except with it being Macy converting to lockers. Hmmmm I could probably pick up some extra cash.....

" Helloooooooo.......Kaylaaaaaaaaaa.......come back to this planettttttt!!" Macy begins waving her hand in front of my face. She grins as I look at her in acknowledgment. "I thought you might have turned into a vegetable for a minute there. Your eyes went all glazed."

I roll my eyes and laugh a little. "So what do you have for first period?" I ask looking at my schedule. I always hate my schedule because Macy and I usually only have a couple of classes together and since I don't exactly have a lot of friends its really awkward finding a place to sit and stuff. I mean yeah I have friends but not like the kind of best friend you WANT to hang out with. I try to avoid hanging out with too many girls because they are really catty. Trust me I've had tons of experience, before Macy came to school in junior high I had a zillion of rumors spread about me by almost every girl in school. So now we pretty much just hang out together, it helps avoid all the drama. Besides who needs more than one friend if your as crazy as us!!!!!!!

"I have Mrs.Tamerz for Language Arts. You?" She replies frowning as we both make our way down the hall.

I frown "No, I have Mr.Unsun for Geomatry."

We both compare our schedules quickly and find we have a free period and lunch (of course duh) and Social Studies taught by Mr.Geromize.

"Three thats better than the two last year!" Macy comments and then stops in her tracks as the bell rings. "Oh shitzilla! See you later!!!!" and skirts off into a door.

FRICK!!!!!!!! I start running down the hall looking for the number and trying not to trip over my own two feet (truuuuuuuusssssttt me if your me not tripping over your own two feet is something you actually have to try not to do. I'm a klutz) and then I run into someone ,quite literally, and fall straight back and hit the back of my head. Yes, I know, my first days of school always are peachy!!

"Crud" I wimper as I get to my feet. The back of my head throbs like....well something that throbs really bad.

"Sorry" The person mumbles and picks up my book. The mysterious guy from the auditorium. That is great! Of course his first impression of me is my complete obliviousness and klutziness. Peachy. "

"Oh it was my fault ya know with running and not paying attention. I was late and so I was trying to find my room speaking of which I haven't found yet and now I'm going to be REALLY late and my head hurts, which is my fault and I'm blabbing like an idiot." I clap my hand to my mouth. God I need to just shut up and stop rambling and saying what I'm actually thinking! What am I thinking saying what I'm thinking?? (is that contradicting myself?)

"Um yeah you might wanna get going then. I do too I'm trying to find Mr.Andrews classroom. I'm new so I don't really know the place." he says cooly (not in like a cool unfriendly way but in a COOL way. Ya know? Like calm and collected. The opposite of me?)

"Right, I better go too." I say trying to sound cool and instead coming off as a really badly done elvis impression. Its beyond official now, I am world champion at embarrassing myself. I smile weakly and then sorta sulk down the hall. I walk into Mr.Unsun's class who is seriously pissed off that I am 10 minutes late. He says he'll let me slid this ONCE since its the first day of school. Once I'm seated next to a mousy girl who is quiet and the usual 'first day not really doing anything' start I become quite painfully aware of the throbbing in the back of my head. Now I'm psychologically and physically damaged.....peachy.

I walk out of the nurse's office already feeling quite a bit better. I have just gone through three periods of pure agony. Mostly of boredom and nowhere to sit but also because the pain in my head wouldn't go away. Finally before lunch I went to the nurses office to get an advil. RELIEF!!! She made a big fuss though and examined me and everything finally telling me that it was just a headache but I would feel better with painkiller.

I believe her exact words were "Ok honey. Your fine. There isn't a concussion honeyyyyyyy. Just take some of this and feel better. Okkkk??? Ya hear?" She said it with a painfully nasally and country accented voice. I hate it when adults treat you like little children its so annoying!! Ya know? I just did that thing where I smiled and nodded my head and replied in a sweet sarcastic (she didn't catch the sarcasm) voice saying "Yes ma'am! Thank you so much." I even layed it on even thicker by putting my hand over my heart and looking soulfully at her. It was a fabulous permormance!!!!!! Why I think that Angelina Jolie herself would have been completely fooled!

I walk into lunch feeling better and get in line glancing at the food and gagging. Then I slowly side-stepped out of line and went to find Macy. She was already seated at a table chowing down on her sloppy Joe. Unlike me she likes it. I don't know, it just always seemed to me that it was just an excuse to use up leftover chili or something. The whole idea of it just freaks me out and gives me one of those baby gag reflexes. ick.

"Well don't you look very sophisticated." I joke as I slide into the seat across from her.

"yoff urrff sfooo mceanwoie." I don't quite understand her garble of words and she tries to talk. Her mouth is bulging like a chipmunk and a bit of sloppy joe is on her cheek. Yes, not only does she LIKE sloppy joe's they are her favorite and she is a messy eater...with a messy food. Put all three of those together and it makes a disaster in the form of Macy.

She swallows and I see a lump go down her throat. "Nice." I comment raising my eyebrows and stiffling laughter.

"I know right?! So how did you do making it to class." she asks sorta guiltilly. She kinda deserted me a bit when the bell rang. But HEY!!! she had to get to class and her door was right there and well anyway she makes herself feel guilty easily.

I start explaining the whole story to her down to the last elvis impression. She just sorta stares at me and giggles "You are such a dork!" she says.

" I KNOW!" I lay my head down on the table.

"Know what?" all of a sudden Macy's brother Austin skirts in next to me.

I am going to make a fool of myself in front of two cute guys in one day. "Nothing! Absolutely nothing, thats what I know nothing." I say nodding vigorously.I am an absolute dork, not only a dork and immature dork. Peachy.

"So you know nothing? Ahh so that head is empty." he grins at me and pushes his more of a dirty blonde than strawberry blonde hair back.

I laugh one of those pitiful laughs people do when they are trying to laugh but they don't really find it funny. You know the kind that sounds like a sad dog?

" So Austin how was your classes?" Macy salvages quickly and they start a discussion while meanwhile my brain was distracted again (ooooh shiny! lol) by a certain adorable senior that helped me injure myself. Sigh.......

He was sitting with some skaters and talking every once in a while flipping his a hair a bit. He looks over at me catching my eyes and points to his head. I look at him quizically and he points and his head and then at me. Ooooooh!!! I make a thumbs up sign and nod my head. He nods a jerky sort of acknowledgment nod and half smiles. Then I wave.

"Kayla what are you doing?" Macy asks as I turn back to the table.

"Well I was...ummmm. nothing." I say looking over at Austin.

"Oh well whatever. You are soooo weird. Anyways....wait what was I going to say???" she frowns digging into her brain.

"If I'm a weird dork that you're a dumb blonde." I roll my eyes and laugh.

"You're not a dork." Austin sort of mumbled under his breath then coughed and looked up. "You were saying that me and her had the next class together. Anyway I think I'm going to go hang out with Josh and Micheal." He got up and sorta pushed the table back and went to go hang out with the jocks.

Macy looked at me with a knowing look. The kind that means that you should also know what I am making this knowing look about.

"What?" I ask.

"You know." she says half smiling.

"Know what?" I ask.

"Omigod Kayla! I'm blonde? Check your roots. My brother likes you, you freakin stupid." she says exasperatedly.

"OOOOOOOOOOHHH. wooooooooooaaaaaaaaaahhhh." I say.

"Ok so you can't catch the obvious! What were you all glazed eyed vegetable person about earlier anyway?", she asks me and wipes a finger across her tray licking off some sloppy joe mix.

I jerk my head it Hawtie's direction.

"huh?" she looks confusedly at me.

I look at her with a sorta buggy look and jerk my head again.

"Come on Kayla." she says again. She is a blonde.

I point at Hawtie.

She grabs my finger. "GOD kayla! What if he saw you pointing?"

I grab my hair and let out a groan and set my head on the table.


    After Lunch was Language Arts (then free period and Social Studies!!!! yay) which is probably my least favorite subject. I hate being told what to write and read, it stunts creativity. So I hop into the seat in the back left corner next to a window and stare at the blue sky while everyone walks in, I hate school being back it cuts summer short they should leave us out of school until it isn't pretty anymore. Suddenly I hear a plop next to me. I turn my head to see Austin grinning at me.

    "Heya." he says. I seriously don't understand guys. He had a cute crush on me when he was chubby and well not as actractive but now??? I mean he is HAWT!!! Quite frankly he could date almost anyone right about now. hmmm but does he know that?

    "Hi......." I look at him quearly. I start to pick at the skin around my fingernails (yeah I know its a bad habit I do it when I get bored or nervous and I happen to be both right now).

    "How was your summer? I heard you went to Greece. You weren't at our house all the time." he laughed and was shushed almost immediatly by Mrs.Rodgers starting class.

    I look down at my paper and start to draw random swirls glancing over at Austin every once in a while who is leaned back casually looking kind of like a gorgeous beach god. Then across the room is also Hawtie, I forgot this is one of those combined classes with sophmores and seniors.

    Now I start shaking my foot a bit nervously. I really hate it when I feel self concious, it makes me feel well self concious. I look up and survey both guys, Austin catches my eye and mouth "blah blah blah" mimicking the teacher and then Hawtie (I really need to know his name) just sorta looks at me and does that jerky nod thing.

    I get that tingly warm feeling. You know the kind you get when you feel special because a guy that actually is cute acknowledges your existance. I smile while biting my lip and tugging on my dark skinny jeans.

    "Well Miss Grey?" Mrs.Rodgers is looking at me.

    "Ummmm what?" I ask. I hate it when teachers pick on you for not paying attention. Its like your supposed to find them interesting or something.

    "Answer." she looks smug and quite pleased. And they always enjoy making a fool of you.

    "The square root of 3?" I say grinning nervously. I hate myself I really do. I slink into my chair a little bit.

    "Thanks, ok so Kayla Grey had the square root of three during summer. What about you ummmmm Mr. Trevor Montague???". She asks, I hate how she says Mr. and Ms. all the time. Montague???? Someone actually has the last name like in Shakespeare. Huh.....

    Then Hawtie starts talking. oooooo his last name is like Romeo...kinda weird but sooooooooooo romantic. But anyway the class went by and so did free period pretty quickly. Social Studies as well. Mostly because Macy was being no fun. During free period she kept on telling me how long Austin has liked me and he will probably ask me out on a date and how great of a guy he is, I ended up making a cutie catcher and asked it if Macy would shut up about her brother, 1...2....3...4....Blue.....No. Then in Social Studies we were in asigned seats, me and Macy made faces at eachother across the room trying not to get caught, I did. So I got a not from the teacher. Not my best day of school.


    At home my mom freaked out. Want a play by play?

    "Kayla its the first day of school and you already have a note from your teacher? Young lady (eeeeeep the use of "young lady") you better get your act together." I think after that it went along the lines of "get good grades" "if another note comes grounded till the end of time". Get the dismal picture??

  So now I'm up in my room. I love being home in my room. It has a huge window at it is always really light and nice. It also has a comfy window seat with cushions and pillows, its my favorite place in the whole house. I love just staring out the window especially when its raining. Its also a great place for homework, reading, writing, and I also use my lime green apple there. Which is what I'm doing write now, I downloaded all the pictures from Greece onto my computer. I absolutely loved it there! When an IM popped up.

Crazy_Blonde_Chicky- Yo!!!!

Chilzin_out- Yo Yo!!!!

Chilzin_out- Yeah I said it twice you got a problem with that?

Crazy_Blonde_Chicky- Omigod Kayla your suck a dork! Your 15 almost 16 and you're watching disney??

Chilzin_out- How did you know it was from Disney?

Crazy_Blonde_Chicky- Touche'

Chilzin_out- Uh-huh

Crazy_Blonde_Chicky- So wutz up girlie?

Chilzin_out- Oh you know the usual, the ceiling, the sky, the universe. Is it possibly your IQ??? Miracle of Miracles!!!!!

Crazy_Blonde_Chicky- A-ha-ha-ha. Seriously though

Chilzin_out- I'm looking at the pictures of Greece. There is like a ton of them with me and my Greek flame!

Crazy_Blonde_Chicky- Really Omigod message me one.

Chilzin_out- No not really! But it is so pretty there I'll message you them anyway ok.

Crazy_Blonde_Chicky- Ok well tomorrow evening our family is having a cook-out and I want to know if you wanted to come....

Chilzin_out- Yeah sure

Crazy_Blonde_Chicky-GREAT!!! see you tomorrow around 7, austin sends his love, toodalooooooo.
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