Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/603921-Chapter-1-Another-night-another-dollar
by rObYn
Rated: 18+ · Book · Fantasy · #1467029
Hers was the figure of the dark, the slinking shadow of death in the corner of your mind
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#603921 added September 3, 2008 at 9:51pm
Restrictions: None
Chapter 1: Another night another dollar

Hers was the figure of the dark,
the slinking shadow of death in the corner of your mind. 
Turning to see her,
one would only find darkness,
netherworld like shapes looming above them.
Liquid shadows reaching out toward the light
as if to suffocate and destroy it,
encasing the world in perpetual night. 
Here the assassin was most comfortable,
at home among the shadows and things of waking nightmares.
Easily disappearing only to reappear
when the moment was right
to end her hunt. 

         Tonight would be the end of this assignment, a lucrative end.  Everything was going accordingly and that was how the woman known as Scarlet liked it.  Nothing unexpected.  Steel glinted a deadly smile as the assassin moved deftly from a balcony entrance, a dark warm liquid still dripped from its teeth.  She moved about the room with ease, extinguishing the only source of light.  Now, the only shadows cast were from the moon through the balcony's doorway.  With nerves on fire, she crouched amongst the shadows eagerly waiting.  The beast, that lust, had awaken in her after finding the girl.  Easily disposed of and put out of its misery, the slave still lay where Scarlet had found her.  A sneer crossed the assassin's haughty face, her pulse and breath became slow and meditative.  Calmed and collected, her hand loosened its grip on the hilt of her weapon.

         As well known as Faramir Balindan was, he was not well liked in some circles.  The corrupt and pompous slave trader had made enemies of some much more powerful and unsavory characters.    This was his mistake, and Scarlet's benefit.  Faramir was at the top of the slave trade in the human province of Ral'ingad.  A drunkard and a braggart, he was living lavishly off of large profits he was swindling from his clients.  Rather than start an all out war a displeased enemy was paying high dollar for his disposal.  They had been cheated for the last time.  Sloppy and over confident after years of gluttony and drinking, Scarlet was sure she would not meet any guards tonight.  There would be nothing to challenge her.  She had already taken care of his amusement for the evening. 

         An easy mark only made Scarlet restless, the hungry tigress paced inside her. She slipped deeper into the shadows.  Noise from the outside was dwindling in the late night, the city was finally settling into slumber.  There was muffled music still drifting from below in the Banquet Hall. The lyre had lost its lively tone.  The remaining guests would drift to their rooms or out into the night to their homes.  Their stomachs full of food and drink; their feet and bodies sore from dancing.  The host would soon be stumbling up to his death.

         Down the hall came the thudding footsteps of heavy feet, multiple sets of feet.  They were moving closer, their destination the room Scarlet stalked.  Their conversation now audible,  Scarlet tensed, could this be a more interesting night than planned.  There was always the possibility he would do something out of habit, unexpected.

          “...what a tasty morsel she was.” A loud noxious laugh followed from Sigmid, his right hand man. 
          “Not nearly as tasty as what I have waiting, a Balindorian.  Young, long legged, with large breasts.” It was Faramir, the words were almost indistinguishable from the slur. “I keep the best for myself.”

         “I think I'll find my own fun for the evening.  Goodnight.” Sigmid very well would since he was given rights to sample acquired girls.  A slave, a soon to be whore, was the only women who would find her way into that bed. Scarlet found him just as vile as his employer.  He could be heard moving off to his quarters down another hall.

         Nearly to the door now, another voice came clear, resonant, and sober.  A guard.  “Sir, do you want me to check over your room.” 

         ”Nonsense, and ruin the mood of my lady. Just do your job so we can have some privacy.”  The words were clipped and a hint of annoyance laced amongst them.  It was a conversation he had often with his  regular body guards.

         “Goodnight sir.” Two voices in unison, the two guards Scarlet knew would stand yards from the door down the hall.  The door that would soon open. 

         Against the wall, deep in the darkness the shadow assassin held her position to the left of the entrance. Her excitement caught in her throat. Every muscle taunt, ready.  Light burst in as the heavy door swung open toward Scarlet.  The mixed smell of ale and grease invaded the room along with the steady light from the hall lamps.  Faramir staggered in fumbling for stability.  A deft hand quickly solidified to hold the rough door then pushed it shut; Scarlet needed no witness or intrusions.  The guards would not dare intrude upon their employer once in his room for the evening.  The room was dark again.

         ”Hello, my lovely?”  He was straining to see in the moon-lite and shadows.  He took a step forward.  “The lights have gone out, but no need to fear I will find you.”  His tone was a playful singsong but the last few words dropped with blunt maliciousness.  Almost daring.  Drunk as he was, Faramir hadn't thought anything of the door shutting behind him. There was no sound as she padded forward, her silhouette taking form. Tall, shapely muscles, she was stealth and beauty wrapped in a tight package.  She pulled her mask up, Scarlet wanted him to see her, at least for a moment.  A wicked smile creased her lips.

         ”Here I am.”  Breathy words curled out to him, luring him to turn around.

         In the same instance she was on him, a dagger in each hand. One at his throat, one at his belly.  Contact with the skin on his neck made him gasp and start to make a sound.  It was silenced when the blade deepened.  Eyes large, bewildered, focusing, then releasing the peril that he was in looked for a way out.  A vicious slice, the gurgle of blood in his mouth as he tried to form words that were already dead on his lips.  A second across the belly in the next moment, she moved around Faramir's sinking body.  This was the end of the slave trader, an end too fast for a man such as himself but Scarlet was bored.  In and out jobs were less troublesome, and she was already thinking of the money.

         Scarlet slipped back into the shadow, into the comfort of her darkness, and disappeared in the night.

-- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- -

         Flames swayed before Merrick's steady gaze as he lounged in his study.  The fire had burned low and now it was licking up the last of its meal.  The room was nearly silent except for the crackle of it; it was growing late.  In the center of the room, dominating the space was an enormous and imposing table.  The majority of the top was a world map, small metal figurines doted its surface.  These tiny figurines sometimes twitched and moved their positions about the colored countries, across the dark-lined borders, settling on the named dots of cities.  There was the tiniest rustle of sound as they moved about the enchanted map.  Along the edges of it, figurines stood not currently being tracked.  Merrik's desk had notes, sealed scrolls, and papers scrawled in cursive, and books of varying subjects stacked in several piles upon it. 

         The study it self was steeped in dark magic and military style.  High ceiling and stone walls, its openness and vastness gave it a cold and empty feel.  Shelves were lined with books and odd occult items, various weapons hung amongst tapestries, and exotic armor stood as empty guardians to the many dark treasures the study held.  The low burning lamps and  fireplace threw dark long shadows, leaving the corners and ceiling empty of light.  A large metal and wooden chandelier with candles burning an odd deep-red flame did not lend much in the form of light instead it gave off an eerie glow.  This was the center of Merrick's command in the Fortress Valengard.

         A command that was feared and respected.  Very few actually got in close proximity of the leader of the Vale and many had no mind to.  Merrick's powers and use of dark magic alone kept many fearful of his wrath.  His personal guard adorned entirely in black steel armor were just as imposing and threatening.  Rumor was that they were really demons of men that he himself had called to protect him.  Those who worked closely with the leader knew that this was only half the truth.

         “Back so soon?”  It was a gruff question and there was no movement from his chair.  Merrick had given directions for his assassin to return when finished, the flicker of the lights in his studying were a warning to her entrance.

         ” Well, it wasn't exactly difficult.” Scarlet emerged from a shadow in the back of the room; she sauntered up behind his chair.  It had only been a night since she had finished her last job and it had taken her a matter of days total.  They both knew Scarlet had been over qualified.  Deeply satisfied with herself and of no mood to tip toe around Merrick's dominantly lousy mood, she let a hand slide on to his shoulder. Her fingers laced through his hair.  At first he tensed at this intrusion but Scarlet felt the man in him relax to the touch.  Though she of all people knew not to push her limits with Merrick, she also knew this was one minor influence she had over him.
         ”A clean up is not something I want to deal with again.  Ever.”  This was a snarl.  Flames grew and cackled in the near by fireplace, then shrunk back low.  Merrick was still hot after the botched job that took place weeks ago.  It was another assassin's second mistake and their last.  In and out, finish it with no witnesses.  No one was ever allowed a third mistake and depending on Merrick's mood, a first was sometimes punished just as harshly.

         "No need to worry. Its finished, payments been received, and Bergin is on his way with your half now." Low and breathy, in a seductress voice, she reminded him of the money she had just made him.  Scarlet was one of his best, if not the best.  The shade, his personal apprentice, had made him quite a bit already.

         ”Good.”  His gaze had not yet moved from the embers and flames, but now Merrick turned his head. Callously, he stood moving out of her reach, Scarlet let her hand drop away.  Stalking away toward the map table, there was only a brief moment where he looked directly at her.  Most of the time his stone like face was unreadable.  A squared jaw, cleft chin, and prominently bridged nose, with his strong features the leader of the Vale was almost handsome.  However, there was something unsettling and mysterious about this man.

         Scarlet hung back. It was unusual for Merrick to ask her to see him so soon after a hit.  Over the months, she had been busy and had seen very little of her pensive boss.  Most of her clients were going through Bergin not that Scarlet really minded.  Bergin, her contact, was a lot easier to deal with and easier for her to influence. Curious though cautious, Scarlet waited.  From his mood, Scarlet guessed he wasn't going to bed with her.

“Your next assignment might allow you to fully test your abilities.” Standing before the map, the world's countries and cities spread before him, he got right to the business of it much to Scarlet's disappointment.
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