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Romance/action/adventure set in St. Louis that chronicles 4 persons lives and loves. |
CHAPTER 20 Patrick Conners looked out at the street. The curtains were open wide and afforded a good view of pedestrian traffic. He decided to phone Will and see if he wanted to go for a drink. Patrick didn't know much about this town, but Will sure did. Perhaps they would be able to get together for an evening, he figured Will could use some cheering up anyway. He dialed Wills' number. The answering service picked up on the fourth ring and informed him. " Will Steepleton would be unavailable for the rest of the week, perhaps some other attorney could help him". He suddenly remembered, Will just couldn’t pop out for a drink, he was a long way away. That was automatic, though, as Mary Alice would be in town, and he had began to think of the two as a pair sometime ago. His mind just assumed the two of them would be together. He felt angry at himself for not recognizing the obvious fact that Mary Alice and Will were no longer a pair, at least temporarily. He didn't know Mary Alice’s number he swore as he placed the phone back on the hook. Not being sure about just what was going on between Will and Mary Alice, he guessed that it was just as well. He didn't know how would act talking to his best friends ( almost wife.) Better just to get a six pack and look over the information about the robbery. After all, that's what he should be doing. Anyway it would have been nice to talk to Mary Alice for a few minutes, Will should not begrudge him that. Cradling the six-pack under his arm at the elbow, Patrick headed back to his room. Walkin ,while not paying close attention, was dangerous. Especially walking in a big city. Lots of foot traffic, coupled with the vehicular volume of a big city meant accidents were apt to happen. Steven, preoccupied in thought at the moment was unprepared for the collision that took place with a young lady stepping out of a trendy boutique. He was shocked whenhe realized just whom he had bumped into. "I'm so sorry ma'am, so sorry". "Mary Alice"!" What the world are you doing here"? " I could ask the same of you ", Patrick, she smiled . "I am returning the wedding dress". "I'm not going to be using it anytime soon". "And just what are you doing here"? "Well, I represent Americas finest", Patrick smiled. "Seriously I'm here to work on the bank robbery that occurred", he continued. Mary Alice looked confused. "I don't listen to the news very often", she said smiling. "So your here to protect and serve", she teased. “ Instead you go about running down innocent girls". " Forgive me Mary Alice, I got lost in my thoughts and wasn't paying attention". "Forgiven". " I could not have picked a prettier innocent to run into though, now could I", Patrick asked? "I'll share my six pack with you to make it up to you", deal? "O K Patrick", Mary Alice smiled. " Where are you staying"? "Oh just a block down at the Starlite motel". "It'll only take a minute to get there". They sat at the small table sipping the beer. Mary Alice confessed that she had only drank beer a couple of times. "You know, the last time a drank beer, I postponed my wedding", she giggled. "Now wait a minute Mary Alice", Patrick teased. "I only offered to share my six pack, not my life"! "By the way , just why did you call of the wedding"? “Not that its any of my business", Patrick added quickly. He stared into her liquid blue eyes, thinking if it were me I would have dragged you to the altar. "I didn't quite feel right about it", Mary Alice said. "Of course I care for Will, but still I just couldn't go through with it now". “ You understand , don't you, Patrick"? "I don't know what's to understand Mary", Patrick slid his hand over to cover Mary Alice’s. Her hand felt warm and soft. How fragile! He started to feel the warmth seeping into his hand. He looked into her eyes and gently kissed her. Not a passionate kiss, but it immediately made him feel guilty. Mary Alice looked searchingly at his face. "That won't do Patrick", she said clasping his head between her hands. She kissed him hard, letting her hands fall around his broad shoulders. They were in a passionate embrace now. Hands and lips caressing him with fire, yet making cold chills run up and down his spine. He felt his desire rising, like a volcano ready to explode. They were away from the table now , and sitting on the bed. He reached for her blouse and started to loosen the buttons. In a second he had it off He started unfastening her bra. Her full round breasts tumbled out with the last desperate tug on the latch. They were both breathing heavily now, almost gasping. He, kissed her gently. She tore his buttons loose as she ripped his shirt open. She raised her head slightly, moaning as she drew him close to her. She kissed him hard, then, held him to her chest so hard he thought he would burst. Moaning softly she fumbled with his belt buckle. When it at last yielded she tore his trousers from him and tossed them across the room. They were naked now, except briefs and panties. They rolled across the bed, kissing and exploring each others bodies, in a tangle of arms and legs and passion. They paused after almost falling from the bed. Looking deep into each others eyes not knowing who seemed the most surprised.. "I'm sorry Mary Alice", Patrick broke the silence. "I don't what came over me so sudden. We shouldn't be doing this. After all you are still engaged, and Will is still my best friend". " I know, Patrick, I've never done this before. Oh Patrick I've never even felt this way before. I don't think I could feel this good with Will or anyone else either". "Well Mary Alice you are still a virgin, but not by much. Another minute and I would not have stopped". "Just how would you know"? Mary Alice cocked her head with a coy smile. "Just a guess", Patrick smiled, girls like you almost always are chaste. " We don't have to stop now, Patrick. We can finish what we started I don't mind, really"." You know I want you, don't you? Besides I know you are not that prudish". " Don't push your luck Mary Alice, or I will throw you back on the bed and show you just how prudish I am not"! "Okay by me", Mary Alice said. " No, you'll only regret it in the morning ". " Believe me"." You're right though, I'm not that prudish, Just a damn fool"! "It'll be okay Patrick", really, Mary Alice said. "We shouldn't now, and we both know it", Patrick replied. " I've never wanted anyone as much as I want you right now, but not like this! Let's wait a while and see what happens between you and Will. If you decide it will not work with him, then we can see if we're right for each other. O K". " You're right ,of course, Patrick", Mary Alice answered softly. She silently wished Patrick would take her in his arms and make her feel the way she did moments ago. She knew she had totally surrendered to him. She knew she wanted him with a passion that surprised her. Wasn't that the way it was supposed to be? "You had best be going now" Patrick stood to pull up his pants. “ I'm sorry I got carried away". As Mary Alice dressed to leave Patrick couldn't bear to watch. I am such a fool, he thought. Here I have a beautiful girl, all primed and ready to go, and I let her off the hook. What a fool! Patrick closed and locked the door behind Mary Alice. Shucking off his clothes rapidly, he jumped in bed and turned off the lights. He knew he wouldn't sleep much tonight. That could be good for him he decided, for if he slept he would surly dream. And in his mind his dreams would be of forbidden love. At least for now! Mary Alice drove back to the dorm without the radio on. She wanted uninterrupted thought now. She remembered she had not explained to Patrick why she happened to be in that part of town. She wondered if it would have made a difference if she had told Patrick that she had returned her wedding gown. Kay did not stir as Mary Alice undressed for bed " What took so long Mary Alice? I started worrying about you hours ago." "Will called, I told him I didn't know where you were. " I thought you were asleep, Kay", Mary Alice said. " Did I wake you"? I saw an old friend and we talked for awhile." " Did this "old friend" muss your hair and dress Mary Alice? Or did you cooperate, Kay asked. Is this old friend someone I know?" " Don't be so nosy Kay. It was Patrick Connerss, I've told you about him," Mary Alice said. "Well from the look on your face, Will is history" Kay said. Mary Alice smiled. She's right. I didn't know it was possible to feel the way I felt tonight. With that thought, she undressed for bed. She wouldn't need a blanket tonight. The tingling she was feeling warmed her from head to toe. Patrick tried to sleep. He kept tossing and turning despite a cold shower. He got up to pace . Something about this bank robbery just didn't make sense. Like a premonition his thoughts kept switching from Mary Alice to the bank robbery. The bank robbers had left no fingerprints or other clues. " So here I am without a clue to a robbery, and without a clue to my standing with Mary Alice", he said aloud. He pulled a beer from the small refrigerator. Taking a sip, he resolved to stop talking to himself. At least aloud. He knew he would need to wrap this case up and get back to Washington. He would check with chief Evans, first thing in the morning. If no clues were uncovered he'd just have to pack it in and head back to Washington. Perhaps he would have enough time to see Mary Alice before he left. He had to know if he read her right earlier tonight, or was it just a fluke happening. He finished the beer and crawled back into bed. The faint smell of Mary Alice's perfume lingered on the sheets. This time he fell asleep and dreamed. CHAPTER21 Patrick sat up in bed and rubbed his eyes. It had been a long time since he slept this long or this well. He showered and headed for the police station still a little groggy. "Good morning Captain Evans", he said walking into the captains' office. Anything turn up yet? "We found the getaway car this morning." It was obtained under a false name., no prints". "It's untraceable then " Patrick said, but he already knew the answer. Whoever the prep or perps were, they were careful. "There were prints from the hostages, but that's all", Captain Evans said. "Oh yeah, blood samples were found and are being DNA checked. It's a good bet they also match the hostages", Chief Evans said. "Where's the car now?" Patrick asked. "I'm sure that your team went over it OK, but I would still like to see it, that's if you don't mind." " Sure, help yourself ", Captain Evans said handing Patrick the directions to the impoundment. "It's about a mile to our east., just follow these directions, and you'll not have any trouble finding it". " Better yet I could send a squad car to take you if you'd like that". " No thanks ", Patrick replied. "I'll just take a cab". It only took a minute to get a cab and he was on his way. Considering that evidence techs were very thorough, he doubted that he would find anything they had missed. Still couldn't hurt to check though. Captain Evans had been friendly enough this morning, but why had he not called Patrick the moment the car had been found. He thought he had made it clear that the F. B. I. was in charge of this investigation. He would ask when he talked to Captain Evans again, and he better have a good answer. The impoundment looked just like every one of them that Patrick had seen before. The various makes and models of cars and trucks were scattered about the lot in neat rows, leaving only enough room for a tow truck to deposit, or take away another. Patrick checked with the attendant and was shown where to find the car used in the bank robbery getaway. He checked the list of items found by the police team. Nothing unusual. Rental cars were clean. No cigarette butts, scrap paper, maps, nothing. Of course the team would try to harvest something that would have DNA. He opened the evidence kit he had picked up at the gate. Slipping on the latex gloves he opened the driver’s side door. Being careful he looked at the floorboards, not looking for anything in particular. He had a feeling that he knew not to ignore. He had experienced this before. That's what had made him an ace at crime solving. Evidence crews missed something more often than not. They would find a pivotal piece of evidence that had been overlooked on the first, and second searches. Finding nothing on the driver’s side Patrick moved to the passenger’s side. Reaching his hand under the seat he felt something small. Was it a coin? " Mr. Conners" , A deep voice said. " Yes, what is it"? " Captain Evans said to make sure you knew to be careful and not leave any prints". " Damn", Patrick swore. Holding up a button he looked at for a moment, he dropped it in the evidence. " What the hell does Captain Evans think I am ", he spat. " Sorry sir , I don't know. " You will note that I have removed a button, intact, no identifying marks, from this vehicle", Patrick said in his best official voice. He closed the door and spun on his heel. " I'm leaving now. And tell Captain Evans he can kiss my ass". " By the way, get on the phone and have a cab sent for me ASAP", he added. " Yes sir, right away", the attendant replied. Patrick knew his cell phone was evident to anyone other than the blind. Wouldn't hurt to make a point again. He looked at his watch as if to time the cab. Late morning already. He would turn the button over to the lab, grab an early lunch, and then call Mary Alice. He tried to call Will again instead. CHAPTER 22 Will Steepleton looked at his fathers', picture as he dialed his office number. His secretary answered on the second ring. " Will Steepleton's office , may I help you'? "Patricia, it's me", Will said. "Has anyone been looking for me"? " Just the usual, Mr. Steepleton". "Good" " Tell Steven that I have made a decision and will be heading back to Boston tonight". "I'll see him first thing tomorrow morning". " Okay Mr. Steepleton, Oh, I almost forgot someone from the FBI called for you'? There was silence on the other end of the line. " Is everything all right Mr. Steepleton"? " Yes , Patricia,, everything's fine with me". " Did he leave a name? "Sure, Mr. Steepleton, he said his name was Patrick, and you would know him". " Yes I know him Patricia, , he's an old friend". " I told him you would be out of the office until next week", Patricia, answered in her typical efficient voice. "There is one thing bothering me, however. Saying everything's fine is not quite true". "It's O K Except with Mary Alice, that is". " She seems so distant all of a sudden, maybe we could talk about that when I get back". " I can't help you with your love life Mr. Steepleton", Patricia replied. " Oh' I thought you could offer a little advice. You know, maybe give me a little insight into what goes on in the female mind". " I thought I had figured it out until I got stood up at the alter". " Now Mary Alice seems distant and frankly , cold to me". " You know , Will, sometimes a woman just changes her mind", Patricia said. " Woman's prerogative ,and all that she continued". " Sometimes even we don't know why we change our minds". " Least not, right away. Give her a little time and don't do anything foolish in the mean time". " Foolish! In what way?" , Will asked. " Oh ,you know, don't get drunk, or worse turn to another woman, stuff like that", "Gee, thanks for the obvious advice Patricia, ", Will sighed. "I'll see you in the morning". CHAPTER 22 Patrick Conners sat contemplating the accumulated evidence. Not very much to go on he decided. An abandoned rental car, a button from a jacket, and little else. No prints, no credible witness, all known recent released criminals had solid alibis. Whoever had done this was smart. Very smart. Patrick would have to find some reason to stay on this case. Trouble is, he thought, I don't want to stay in this town any longer than necessary. I can't keep my mind on my job with Mary Alice so close. I keep thinking of excuses to go see her or call her . I must get away from here before I pursue a relationship with Mary Alice. I owe Will that much. His pager jarred him alert with an insistent beep. He checked it , hoping it would be a break in this case. The number seemed familiar, somehow. as he dialed. "Hello , Will Steepleton's office, may I help you"? the almost familiar voice said. " Yes ma'am", Patrick said. I was just paged to this number. I'm Patrick Connerss. " Hold please" Seconds later the well known voice of his long time friend greeted him. " Pat", Will here. How are you'? " Will , I thought you were out of town till next week", Patrick replied. " I came back early Patrick, and I wanted to talk to you right away", Will said. " Can we meet evening , say for a drink", Will asked? " I really need to talk with you". " I've go some exciting news". " Perhaps I can pick up Mary Alice and we can get together around six or so". " I know a quite little place where we can talk". "How about it.?" "Gee Will. I don't know", Patrick said: I 'm awful busy with this robbery thing right now". He hesitated for a moment , wiping sweat from his brow. "I really need to be working, or at least thinking on this robbery". Patrick wondered why Will just didn't give it up. Shit, Had not Mary Alice made it clear to him that it was over? Besides he shuddered, I will be very uncomfortable around the two of them together. Better if I can somehow beg out of this. " Please! Patrick I need to talk to you and Mary Alice", Will begged. Patrick thought for a moment. Shit! Just what I need Will and Mary Alice in the same place. He's not going to give up , so I just as well concede. " Is the AC working in this damn thing", he snapped at the cabbie. " Yes sir, working just fine sir. Is something wrong"? " No , I'm just a little hot , that's all", Patrick answered. He dreaded facing the two people he cared for .He knew sooner or later he would have to face them though. " Okay, Will, give me the time and directions. I'll be there". " Sure Patrick, there's a small place called Jimmies on east 51st & Park boulevard". " I'll be there with Mary Alice at six, six fifteen the latest", Will said. " See ya then ", Patrick said and hung up. CHAPTER 22 Patrick dropped the button on Chief Evans' desk. " What do you make of this, Chief". " Don't know. Looks military to me though", the Chief said, holding the button with tweezers. " Yeah I thought so too", Patrick said. " We'll know when we find the perps". " Did you find anything else", the Chief asked.? " No, these guys were clean. But no matter how careful, most make a mistake that usually nails them. We just have to keep looking". " By the way Chief there's something we need to get straight", Patrick began. " What"?, the chief asked. "On second thought it can wait , Patrick replied. " I'm going back to the motel now. If anything turns up, please beep me". "Sure , Patrick, can do", the chief answered. Patrick haled a cab and headed back to the motel. He must get his personal life and job separated in a hurry, he thought. He had never taken an afternoon off while on a case. Not up until now that is. On arriving at the motel, he showered and laid out his best looking shirt and suit. If he were going to be around Mary Alice he wanted to look his best. He turned on the T V to watch the news and was nodding in a moment. A car backfiring in the street woke him at three o'clock. Time for Mary Alice to be out of classes, he mused. He couldn't wait to see her. He knew she would be beautiful. She couldn't help it! He decided he would walk to the lobby and purchase a newspaper. With this accomplished he settled back down to pass the time. Just the usual stuff in the paper he noticed. No mention of the robbery today. but back on page four was a short story claiming the pilots of Senator Steepleton's plane had recently used drugs. Was this what Will wanted to talk about? He'd find out soon enough. The digital radio showed four o'clock. Patrick found the nightclub without any trouble. Funny, he thought, how he always seemed to be meeting Will in a night club. Pausing for a moment to let his eyes adjust he picked out Will at a corner table. He sat alone. Mary Alice was probably in the powder room fixing that pretty face he guessed. Will spied him and started gesturing wildly for him to come to the table. " Where's Mary Alice", he asked, pulling up a chair? "She wouldn't come, Patrick", Will answered. " I just could' t persuade her"' he said. " What's up with you two anyway"? "Honestly , Patrick. I don't know. She just went distant on me all at once. I think there must be some college jock she's hot for", Will said. " What makes you think that, Will"? "You know , Mary Alice is changing" "What else could it be Patrick"? "Well women go through some strange emotions, you know. Always changing their minds, which they claim is their prerogative. I think they just use that as an excuse to get their way". "Anyway, she'll come around soon enough, I hope," Patrick said. " Now just what is so important that you had to talk to me about"? "Patrick. I'm going to run for my fathers' vacant senate seat, Will said. I will announce at a press conference tomorrow morning. I would like for you to be with me". " Can you do it", Patrick? " Gee , Will I'm not so sure", Patrick said. I am pretty busy with this robbery/murder case. There's not much progress and the bureau needs to come up with a suspect". " I would really like for you to be with me there", Will said again. " It wouldn't take very much of your time". " What time did you say this happens", Will? " Nine o'clock in the morning on the courthouse steps. I'll file the papers and come out to make my intentions known". " Okay Will. I'll try to make it They a ordered a beer and sat silently, sipping. Patrick noticed Will eyeing a very pretty blond, three tables over. " I need to be going, Will", Patrick said. he drained the rest of his beer and stood to leave. " I'll see you tomorrow then", Will asked? " I'll try to be there Will", Patrick answered , without hesitation. "See you then". Patrick left the club and hailed a cab. As soon the cabbie pulled onto the street, Patrick dialed Mary Alice's number. She answered on the third ring " Hello" " Mary Alice, this is Patrick" , he spoke in a soft voice. "Patrick!" " You'll have to speak up, I can hardly hear you.", Mary Alice said. " Okay, Okay, how's that? " Better , Patrick, better", she answered. "I've just had a meeting with Will. You were supposed to come too", Patrick said. " Oh Patrick I just didn't want to", she answered. " Did he tell you what the meeting was about"? " Yes, Patrick, and you know that I don't give a hoot about politics". "Well I just wanted to see if any thing was wrong. If there is maybe I can help". " Could we meet for a drink and talk, Patrick? "I suppose, Mary Alice, but I'll feel guilty". "About what"? "Well", he began. "Will and I have been friends for a long time, you know". " It just seems awkward to be meeting his fiancée, just after I've talked with Will, and assured him that I was still his best friend". " I called off the wedding! You know that", Mary Alice said with so much force that Patrick flinched. " Just making a point", Mary, he said an uncomfortable silence. " I can be ready in ten minutes", Mary Alice said as if it were already agreed. " Okay, I'll be in a cab. It'll take a little while longer than ten minutes. Not mention that it's going to cost me a mint in fare". Patrick said with a sigh. He directed to cabbie to swing by the campus dorm to pick up Mary Alice. Mary Alice slid into the seat beside him. She wore a simple white blouse with ruffled lapels, burgundy stirrup slacks and matching shoes. Patrick couldn't help but notice her breasts. They looked like they were straining to be free. To be kissed, fondled, explored in a million different ways. He remembered the way they had felt against his chest only a day or so ago. Or was it an eternity? He longed to take her in his arms and hold her. She slid under his right arm without effort, smiling. "Hi, Patrick"! " Hello Mary Alice, he smiled back Where to'? "Oh there's a little cafe only a couple of blocks from here. It'll be a bit crowded I'm sure. Is that okay"? "Sure, Mary Alice, it fine with me", Patrick said." I Would rather be seen in a crowded cafe anyway". "That way if Will were to hear about it ,or worse see us together after you stood him up I could explain it". " Would you lie, Patrick", Mary Alice asked? " I mean would you lie to your friend to protect me or yourself"? "I'll try not to lie to either of you, for any reason, Patrick answered. The cab pulled up to the curb, they both got out and started toward the cafe. " Hey you have to pay me", the cabby’s yell shook Patrick back to reality. He paid the fare, making sure to include a five dollar tip. " Thanks, son, can't say as I blame you for not paying attention. That's some looker you have there", the driver said , winking. Will Steepleton didn't know quite where he was going. He swung by Mary Alice's dorm, hoping to catch a glimpse. This is foolish , he thought. She wouldn't meet me , there's no reason to believe she would be standing outside. Anyway she wouldn't be standing outside in hopes of seeing me. Perhaps watching out the window every now and then, but that's all. He continued to drive aimlessly, considering stopping for as drink. He didn't need to be drinking tonight, or any other night in public, he knew. Still there is a little cafe just down the street,. It wouldn't hurt to stop by for one drink. The public didn't know he intended to run for the senate seat his father had painfully left vacant. He ease down the street to look for a parking space, found one only a block away. Getting out he locked the door and dropped the keys in his pocket. He whistled a tune, walking at a brisk pace towards the cafe. Just the though of going to a place where he and Mary Alice had enjoyed each others company cheered him. He covered the short distance in a hurry. The little cafe sat back off the street about twenty five yards. Nestled among the larger buildings it went unnoticed by most people. Every student enrolled knew about it though. A perfect little hideaway for a quick meeting to relax or plan strategy for the many schemes college kids have. He noticed how cozy and warm it appeared. Turning into the narrow walkway, his mind ridded itself of the day’s events. If he could catch a glimpse of Mary Alice, possibly passing by, or even better if she were here the world would be right again. He paused for a moment to close his eyes and let them adjust to the anticipated low light level in the small cafe. Stepping in, at once he scanned the room. His heart sank as he saw the couple sitting in the corner to his right. Patrick and Mary Alice! Sure that he hadn't been seen, he backed up and slipped out the door. What? Patrick and Mary Alice! His best friend and fiancée! They were together, here at one of his and Mary's favorite spots. How could this be? He had left Patrick only a little while ago, and Mary Alice had refused to meet him. He sprinted back towards the car. A flood of thoughts filled his unbelieving mind. He would call Patrick a little later and demand answers. How could Patrick be so cruel? They had been friends for years, now this. No wonder Mary Alice had been cool lately. She had been seeing Patrick on the sly. Just wait, he told himself. You'll have your revenge. On both of them. The tears blinded him , making it difficult to find the keyhole. Once inside he drove the key into the ignition and twisted so hard that it cracked the plastic on the key. Gunning the engine, he tore off, tires screaming and leaving tread marks on the unyielding tarmac. Patrick sat sipping his beer, pondering the events of the last few days. No matter how he tried to avoid it, fate just seemed to throw he and Mary Alice together. He felt a fool for not pursuing the opportunity at every chance, still he felt guilty . The bond of friendship with Will was very strong. What was love if not strong friendship? He realized that he loved Mary Alice, but didn't feel he could tell her now. When would fate offer it's final opportunity? " You're sure quite tonight, Patrick", Mary Alice said. "What's bothering you"? "Oh nothing", Patrick lied. Just moments after I told Mary Alice I'd never lie to her he thought, with a sudden surge of new guilt. "I've just got to get this robbery/murder solved, that's all". "The bureau expects results". " Oh, you'll solve it I'm sure", Mary Alice said smiling. "You're so good at that sort of thing I've heard". She reached over to pat Patrick's hand. He almost recoiled at her touch. How could he continue to be around her and not respond to the passionate feelings that rushed to his brain. He wanted to take her into his arms and keep her there forever. It was more than a sexual desire , he realized, this is love! Thoughts buzzed in his head like bees in a hive. Hadn't he found Mary Alice first? Had he not introduced her to Will would there be a problem now? The biggest question of all, however, what to do about it? " You are sure deep in thought tonight, Patrick I know something is bothering you. Come on, fess up". "I told you , I'm just thinking of all the work I have to do", Patrick replied. Look, Patrick, If its Will that you are concerned about, I've told you before that I just don't think its going to work out between us. I'm changing, and my wants and needs are changing too". Some folks would say that I'm just growing up, but that's not it". "I need a little space from Will right now". "You are the only connection with Will I can talk to". " My college friends don't know me very well yet, and don't know Will at all". " Mary Alice, I just don't feel right being here with you", Patrick said. "Will and I have been friends for a long time, and I feel just a little guilty". What if he saw us here together, longtime friends or not, what would he make of it"? " Don't worry about it , Patrick"." If he sees us it doesn't mean a thing. I have a right to go where I please, with whom I please, and when I please. End of problem". " After all, I did cancel our wedding, permanently, no matter what Will thinks or says". "Oh, Mary Alice, you make things so simple, but they're not. Will would be devastated if he thought you were seeing someone else, and you know it". " I must tell you, Will has mentioned on more than one occasion, that he was concerned about his relationship with you. He knew something had to be going on, and Mary Alice, he loves you I'm sure of that". " Given the chance to, I would love to try and win your affections," Mary Alice, Patrick said. "You've got all the chance you need, Patrick. All you have to do is take it. Take me too, I'm yours. " We should go now , Mary Alice, I don't want to keep you from your studies. And I have a busy day tomorrow." They left the cafe and drove silently back to Mary Alice's dorm. Patrick could not suppress the sense of impending doom. He was usually right ,he knew. Trouble lurked just around the corner. He knew, he just knew. Patrick turned the key and stepped into his room. the phone rang, but he didn't bother answer. What he needed was a good night’s sleep. He would try to wrap up his work with the robbery tomorrow afternoon. The morning had been promised to Will already. He formed a plan in his mind to attend the announcement will had planned. He would then go by and see chief Evans. he would explain that there was no need for him to hang around here, a less experienced field agent would do fine. There had not been any more findings anyway, so let the local force do the grunt work. He didn't even plan to say good-bye to Mary Alice, instead he would just catch a flight to Washington, and be gone before anyone realized it. He checked the fridge for a cold beer, finding none , he undressed for bed. He yawned, set the alarm for 6.00am and crawled into bed. He went to sleep almost at once and only awoke to the insistence of the phone. Checking his watch he saw it was 6:45 am. He uncradled to phone and managed a sleepy "lo".` "Hello", Patrick, the familiar voice of Will said. " You're not up yet from the sound of your voice". " No, I'm still in bed, Will". " Well , I just called to let you know its not necessary for you to come today Patrick". "Is everything okay, Will"? "Yeah, sure, everything is fine here. I've just changed my mind, that's all. " You mean you are not going to announce your candidacy, Will"? " No, not that, I just don't need you to come". "Why not , Will?' "Yesterday you insisted that I come". " I know. Patrick, but you know I'm a big boy, I can handle this all by myself". " I just as well get used to making decisions". " Anyway I thought you were a little too reluctant, so I'm letting you off the hook". "I'm not sure I believe you , Will, you sound a little stressed to me". " I, m okay Patrick. Just somewhat nervous right now". " Then you're sure you don't want me to come", Patrick asked? You know an old friend sometimes gives one the reassurance they need to get over the hump". "Yeah, I know, but not this time, I just don't need you today", Will answered." I'll be okay". Patrick hung up the phone and got out of bed. Something just didn't fit. Yesterday, Will had insisted he wanted Patrick present for his announcement. In their conversation just moments ago, Will had sounded strange. Patrick could always tell when something wasn't right with Will. Will got distant, suddenly changed his mind, and most of all, he got very independent. Patrick guessed that was the way of rich folk. If things didn't work to suit them they would simply throw money at problems until they went away. Hell, he didn't mind that much, now he could move ahead with his on plans. He dressed and headed for the coffee shop. After the 2nd cup he went to the bathroom , came back, paid his bill and left the waitress a dollar tip. Outside he hailed a taxi, got one right away for a change, and headed to see Captain Evans. He would drop by and give him the news then head for the airport. He would be able to get a much earlier flight by not attending Wills' announcement. Captain Evans acted surprised and relieved at the same time. Probably glad to be rid of me, Patrick thought. By ten am Patrick was on as plane to Washington. CHAPTER 23 Will whistled as he dressed. It felt good to make a decision, and he thought he had made the correct one. It was never easy to toss off an old friend. Oh, he hadn't said as much, but in his mind he knew that his friendship with Patrick was over. Patrick should have left my fiancée alone! Some things were off limits, even to old friends. He stopped whistling for a moment to consider the Mary Alice problem. Had he lost her" Perhaps this was just a phase she was experiencing, as most young girls did. If Mary Alice intended to find some other guy, he would make sure it wasn't Patrick. If she had decided to do that he would do his best to win her back. He must have her! He chose a light blue suit with a dark blue tie from his closet. he dressed, dialed up Senator Range. The good senator had taken the time to orchestrate the announcement, and he was a long time family friend. In fact he and the late Senator Steepleton had been inseparable during their long careers. they were well know in Boston and Washington circles as being aggressive, but fair. Senator Range answered on the second ring. "Yes". "Hi Senator, its Will. Are you ready"? "Yes Will, I'm ready when you are. Lets meet at your office, okay"? "Sure, Senator, thirty minutes okay"? " That will be fine, see you there" They still had a good hour and a half before the press conference, but Will went to his car anyway. He drove aimlessly for 15 minutes, then pulled to the curb and parked. He didn't realize at first where he'd stopped until he noticed all the foot traffic. He had stopped across the street from Mary Alice's dorm. No chance of seeing her this morning . She had classes to attend. He started the car in frustration and speed off. Why did I do that? I have no business in this area this morning. Mary Alice won't be out of class till mid afternoon. I'll try and call her later. He continued on the general route to his office. Traffic began to thicken and he silently cursed himself for not heading to the office directly. It wouldn't do to be late! Not today. Senator Range was waiting in his office when he arrived. After the short conference the two headed for the courthouse steps. "Don't be nervous Will "' the senator said. "Everything will be okay, you'll be a hit for sure". " I'm okay , senator. I guess I'm entitled to a bit of nervousness though". "Oh you'll be a hit. Your father was a popular man. He was liked by both parties and independents as well"." He was a free spirit who got things done, and we see the same qualities in you ". "Everything will be fine, just wait and see". The walk to the courthouse took only a few minutes. A crowd had begun to gather a few minutes early, Will thought. They entered the courthouse through a side door, unnoticed by the crowd. " "We must make the grand entrance, or in this case the grand exit", the senator said. "You will catch on in a hurry, that appearance and presence go a long way with voters". " Walk into a room as if you own it". "Give the crowd a sense of your power by the way you walk, talk, and act" "Do you get all of this, Will"? "Yes senator , I've watched my father enough to know how to act". "I'll be all right" "Okay, lets go then. Remember to smile big, keep your head up and wave a lot". They stepped through the door to the courthouse steps. The crowd was already in a frenzy, cheering and holding up placards. Will and senator Range beamed at the warm reception . Will did his part perfectly. He appeared as a seasoned politician, making points with gestures and emphasis. He said he would be running on the issues and stressed social reform, drug control and promise he would work with his opposing party constituents to find the common ground. All this for the common good of the country and the common, work a day folks. This was received with loud cheers and chants. The crowd got into it by shouting "Bill will"," Bill will". Senator Range watched in amazement as Will worked the crowd timing each response perfectly. It soon became evident that he was a natural. " You can go a long way in this business, Will", the senator leaned over to say. " You have the charisma most politicians only dream of". The senator marveled at the ease with which Will controlled the crowd. He ease just a little closer to Will , taking his right hand to lift it high. Will suddenly jerked with a violent lurch and went tumbling back- wards. The blood spot appeared as a small red dot then quickly spread to the entire shoulder. It was obvious, Will had been shot! The senator was surrounded by people at once. effectively shielding him. An ambulance was summoned, and uniformed cops covered the area immediately. Two officers whisked senator Range away and into a waiting squad car. The press was on the scene in minutes. Flashbulbs flashed constantly as reporters clamored for a quote from anyone who had seen the whole thing. A large portion of the crowd stood off to one side, heads nodding, some crying, some just standing with a look of shock and disbelief. How could this happen? No one had seen anything suspicious, and most had not even heard the shot. The ones that did hear it had described a muffled pop. Nothing like a gunshot was heard. Will was loaded into and ambulance and sped away, leaving the crowd to wonder whether he was dead of alive. Some said they thought he was dead. " He wasn't moving, and I couldn't tell if he was even breathing", said a lady of about fifty. Television crews were arriving and setting up antenna and microphones. The court- house courtyard began to look like a gigantic spider web. Police were pushing people back and roping off a perimeter around the area where Will and senator Range had stood. More and more police squad cars were arriving. There must be at least twenty-five now. They formed a circle, beginning at the courthouse steps. With shields up and batons drawn circle began to expand, pushing the crowd back as it grew larger. A megaphone was ordering everyone to vacate the premises. Captain Evans was on the scene now, directing the activities. "We must get these people away from here at once, he ordered. There could be more shots fired and worse they are tromping on any possible evidence. We need to get someone here to take pictures right away. I want some wide angle shots, and make sure we get pictures of every building that could have been used as an ambush point. We also need to close off a five block area. No one out, without being searched, and no one in other than police" " Understood"! "Yes sir captain Evans", a Sgt. said. Patrick deplaned in Washington. The short flight had been a little bumpy due to a front moving in from the Southwest. He was glad the ride was over. as he walked through the terminal after retrieving his baggage, he noticed the scroll on the news channel. He stood mesmerized as it scrolled across. " AN APPARENT ASSIGNATION TOOK PLACE TODAY IN BOSTON. SENATOR RANGE FROM MASSACHUSETTS WAS NOT INJURED, AND WAS QUICKLY WHISKED AWAY TO A SAFE LOCATION. A SINGLE SHOOT WAS FIRED AT SENATOR RANGE'S PARTY ON THE STEPS OF THE COURTHOUSE AS HE STOOD WITH THE LATE SENATOR STEEPLETON'S SON WILL! WILL STEEPLETON WAS INJURED, AND THE EXTENT OF THOSE INJURIES ARE NOT KNOWN AT THIS TIME. MR. STEEPLE TON WAS TAKEN BY AMBULANCE TO A LOCAL HOSPITAL."."STAY TUNED FOR FURTHER DEVELOPMENTS." Patrick stood in shock for a moment, not believing what he had just read. He dialed his office to check in. Telling his secretary that he had just arrived in Washington, he said that he would not be coming to the office today. That accomplished, he dialed Captain Evans' number. He was told Captain Evans was not in his office. "Crap, my only reliable source of information." Either not in as told, or not answering his calls. Patrick wondered why he always had to play the tough guy, instead of being defensive every time he was in the field. If he had cultivated friendship with captain Evans,he would have an inside source of information. But who would have thought Steven wouldbe wounded today? Patrick looked at his watch. It had taken him an hour and a half to get here. He headed back to the terminal, hoping he could get a quick flight back to Boston. "I'll have to do this unofficially, of course", he said aloud. The office made most of his travel arrangements. All he had to do was show up. All at taxpayer expense ,of course. This was personal business, so he would have to foot the bill and make his own travel arrangements. Perhaps he could use a little FBI muscle to speed things up, he would just have to see The airline clerk exhibited an unusual courteousness. "I'm sorry sir, the earliest flight to Boston will be three-o'clock" He had tried to persuade her to bump someone after all he was with the FBI. No luck! He'd just have to wait. Patrick considered going to the lounge, but rejected the idea. It was only noon, much too early to start drinking. He would go to the food court instead, grab a cup of coffee and a sandwich. After that, he would purchase a magazine to read while the time passed. He had a paper already, but it had came off the presses before the Boston incident, so there wouldn't be any report of that. The time crept by as he sat waiting, getting more nervous with each passing minute. His mind kept returning to the phone call from Will. Something was up, for sure, he just hadn't figured it out yet. He had known Will long enough to sense the urgent , high pitched whine at the end of his words. Something bothered Will a lot, Patrick knew. He didn't know what, but Will had never sounded quite so strange as he did this morning. Could it be a premonition? Now that is a thought I can deal with. Patrick wished he knew which hospital Will had been taken to. Just knowing his old friend was okay would make this waiting easier. He stood up, tossing the magazine he had been reading onto a small table. Pacing for awhile he tried again to figure out just what had been bothering Will this morning. It wasn't like Will to show stress, but Patrick knew Will had been upset when he called this morning. Patrick thought back over the past few days, trying to come up with an incident that would explain Will's mood. I just can't think of anything , he reasoned, looking up to see a middle-agedwoman staring at him. Oh crapt: This is great , now I'm making no sense to myself to myself he thought. I must stop racking my brain, especially when I'm getting nowhere. And for what? Will had been nervous about meeting the public. That's all. The awaited boarding call came at last. Patrick picked up his small bag and made his way to the gate. He began to formulate a plan of action as the plane taxied. He couldn't help but recall that is was a small plane such as this that had taken Wills' fathers life only a short time ago. As soon as the plane landed he would call Mary Alice. Perhaps she would know where Will had been taken. Of course he would also check with Captain Evans, after all he did have the robbery/murder as reason to see him. He was hopeful that Mary Alice could tell him something! . That way he wouldn't be showing up at Captain Evans' office unannounced, especially after he had signed off there for awhile only this morning. Best to avoid captain Evans right now if he could. The plane had started its descent into Logan.The plane touched down with a loud bump and began a fast taxi. In minutes they were at the terminal. Patrick dialed Mary Alice's number while walking down the off ramp. She answered on the third ring. "Hello". "Hi, Mary Alice, its Patrick". "Hey, Patrick, what's up"? "I just got back from Washington and wanted to know if you knew any details about Will"? "Nothing, except what I've heard on the news. Patrick" "They're not saying much". " I know, Mary Alice, I get stonewalled every where I try". " I’ll tell you what, I'm going by to see captain Evans and I'll find out". "I'll call you that's if you will be at the dorm". " I assume you want to know how he is don't you?" " Sure thing , Patrick I'll be right here ,till you call, and then we'll figure out what to do together". "Sounds good to me Mary Alice, I'll talk to you in a few." Patrick hailed a taxi and was on his way to the police station in minutes. Patrick sat at captain Evans' desk. The two men looked across the desk at each other like adversaries, rather than law enforcement men parteners. Captain Evans spoke first. "So you need information on Mr. Will Steepleton, huh?' " Well yes, captain, you see he is an old friend". "Then you're assigned to this case, then, Mr. Conners"? " No sir , I am not Patrick", answered . "You already know that though don't you"? " I don't have to tell you a thing. You hot shot FBI boys come in here in your dark suits and fancy ties, thinking you can boss everyone around." "I've probably forgotten more about law enforcement than the lot of you will ever know". Patrick rose to leave without saying another word. As he started toward the door, Captain Evans said, "he's at Mercy, room 507". Patrick turned and looked at him and said, “'thanks". Once outside he hailed a taxi and was on his way in again. He dialed Mary Alice and told her he had learned where Will had been taken. "I can drop by and pick up if you wish", he continued. "We could go together if you like." " Sure, Patrick I'd love to go to the hospitals with you", Mary Alice said. Patrick gave the driver the address, and sat back, stretching his legs as far as he could. At last this day was finally shaping up. He was getting something accomplished. The only thing nagging him now was Mary Alice. She had seemed a bit over eager to go with him. He pondered this as he hurled through the early evening to pick her up. At last the taxi Made the turn on the street leading to Mary Alice's dorm. Patrick decided that he just didn't Quite understand women. In a minute, Mary Alice slid into the cab beside him. She slid over to the center of the seat as close to him as she could get. Her aroma saturated his senses and his arousal was immediate. "Mary Alice you should buckle your seat belt", Patrick told her. "Just like the law to get on my case right away", Mary Alice said with a coy smile " I'm just trying to make sure you stay safe". " Well you could put your arm around me, that way I will be sure to stay safe" " Besides I don't feel a seat belt buckle", she said reaching her hand down and squeezing his tush. Patrick reddened and sweat broke out on his forehead. " Come on , Mary Alice, will you stop it? We're going to see Will after all". "Patrick, I've told you that Will and I are not going to be married, Mary Alice said almost shouting". ' Well he's still my best friend Mary Alice. I don't intend to do anything to upset him, especially right now". Patrick knew that protest was foolish. He wanted her so bad he was on fire. He also knew she was just teasing. She leaned over to search for the seat belt, her golden hair falling forward like a water fall in sunshine, twisting slightly her breast brushed against Patrick's arm. The reaction was immediate. He flinched, his body becoming stiff at once. She's driving me crazy! He wondered just how much of this contact was intentional. I can't let this happen now, he thought, for she will notice and really put pressure on. He didn't think Mary Alice was a tease though. He knew she was hitting on him pretty hard, but he must not act too interested, not now. He leaned to his left, searching for the seat belt. Their hands touched and automatically intertwined. It felt so natural . Patrick wished circumstances were different. He knew he could have her, but at what cost! He valued Will's friendship much. He untwined their fingers, finding the seat belt, he put it in her hand and withdrew his. " Here you go Mary". She looked surprised. and fastened the Seat belt without comment. The rest of the way to the hospital they remained silent. Patrick felt relieved when the cab pulled up to the entrance of the hospital. He hopped out, paid the cabbie, leaving a two dollar tip and held the door for Mary Alice. She flowed from the cab like a goddess. Every move she made was simple, effective, and fluid. But still every move reflected elegance, and demanded attention. Patrick wondered if Mary Alice was aware of this. He figured she could be a top model, commanding top dollar. She Could be incredibly rich and famous. He could almost see her on the cover of numerous fashion magazines, wearing a two piece bikini bathing suit and a smile that would make the sun ashamed to shine. If she had any ideas of this sort she had never mentioned them to either he or Will. He shook his head, bringing him back to his senses. That would only make her more inaccessible to him anyway.Taking Mary Alice's arm at the elbow, he escorted her through the double doors into the lobby. They walked briskly to the bank of elevators and pushed the up button. The car arrived right away, and Patrick guided Mary Alice into it and pushed #5. The elevator started with lurch, bringing that queasy feeling to Patrick's stomach. God, he hated elevators. Otis must not have known how much anxiety his invention would cause over the decades to come. The elevator slowed and stopped, moving slightly to level itself. The doors opened slowly and the unmistakable antiseptic aroma that stated "hospital" flooded the car. They located the room directory and proceeded to # 507 in silence. Patrick tapped quickly on the door. " Come in", Will answered. Pushing the door open slowly, Patrick and Mary Alice went in at the same time. "Well if it isn't my best fried and the bitch", Will said. "And the two of you took time off from your busy schedules to drop by and rub it in"? "What are you talking about, Will, Patrick asked"? "Are you okay? They must be giving you some good pain meds," he added with a smile. Will just glared at him. "I suppose your both just going to deny it now, aren't you", Will asked? "Deny what, Will"? "I don't know where you are headed with this," Patrick said. " I saw the two of you at the bar last night", Patrick. " You and Mary Alice sitting there all lovey-dovey!""Don't deny it because I know what I saw!" "And I thought you were my friend, And you, Mary Alice , we were engaged to be married". "I told you I needed some time to think about this, Will", Mary Alice spoke up. "You sure did. Time to let my best friend stab me in the back" said,his voice breaking. "Now hold on a minute, Will", Patrick said starting for the bed." Nothing happened between us, and besides it was just luck or happenstance, that we ran into each other last night"! "Yeah, just luck. Bad luck for me in fact, but at least now I know your secret". "Why don't the two of you get the hell out of here now, I don't want to see either of you again"! " Okay! If that's the way you feel, I'm going", Patrick answered. He took Mary Alice by the arm and started out. Stopping in the door, he turned and said, "Nothing happened Will, it was just and accidental meeting!” "He's telling the truth, Will, and besides I asked him to take me there", Mary Alice said. "I'm sorry Patrick, I never expected this to happen, even if he saw us", she said to Patrick as they walked out. " That's okay , Mary Alice, I knew better . I knew he would react that way if he saw us together whatever the reason. I just knew better". They hailed a cab and were on their way in no time. This time when Mary Alice slid closer than necessary, Patrick didn't get the sudden guilty feeling. He dropped Mary Alice at her dorm, waiting until he was sure she was inside before going. He returned to the motel where he had stayed the previous week and got a room. Sitting on the bed after undressing, he remembered the phone call from Will this morning. How could so much crap happen in one day? Well things would smooth out in a couple of days. With that thought in mind, Patrick fell back on the bed and slept like a hibernating bear. He awoke at 8 am the next morning, showered, called the airport for a flight, and left. It wasn't until he was landing in Washington that he remembered he hadn't called Mary Alice or called Will to see if he was still in a pissy mood. He will call and apologize for jumping to conclusions and being so obstinate. He was sure of it. As for Mary Alice, the least contact he had with her for now, the better. He was still a friend of Will, and so far as he was concerned , she was still Will.s girl. No matter how badly he wished it would change, he still had to accept that fact! He didn't realize just how long or under what weird circumstances, he would be close enough to touch her again. CHAPTER 24 Patrick looked at his watch. He needed a break and another cup of coffee. " Doctor. fields", he began. "I know we are pushed for time to work this out, but , I need to take a quick break" " Sure, Patrick, we can stop for a few minutes and stretch. It will do all of us good". Patrick stood up, excused himself and headed for the restroom. He came back in a couple of minutes and sat down. The rest of the team had not reassembled yet, so he quickly reviewed the events up to now. He couldn't help but think back to the time of his last real meeting with his friend Will. How long had it been? Four years. Four years since he had been such good friends with Will. A lot had happened in those four long years. Will had been elected in landslide. Now he was running for the presidency, and for all the polls he had a good lead. Will was like that. If you dealt with him you quickly came to really like him. He had become the consummate politician in a short time, and now was a force to be reckoned with in politics. Still unmarried, Will was an unimaginable magnet for women. He had charm, status, power, and most importantly for women, money. He could have his pick , except one, Mary Alice! She also unmarried, had finished law school, graduating at the top of her class. Now she was employed by a prestigious New York law firm, and she too had the status and charm to take her pick of prospective suitors. As for me,Patrick thought, I'm still plodding along with the FBI, keeping my nose to the grindstone, and being promoted regularly. I make a comfortable living, even have fun some of the time and provide a much needed service to the good old USA. The bureau needs people like me, honest ,dependable, hardworking , and no political agenda. Why had Senator Will Steepleton specifically requested me for this job. Had he finally come to his senses about the Mary Alice non affair, or did the deep trust associated with a long friendship kick in at last. Whichever the case, he wasn't sure he was up to rescuing Will and Mary Alice. This would take some doing. His thoughts were interrupted by Dr. Fields voice. " Shall we continue everyone"? He sat and listened to Dr. Fields Taking the part of Sam Mercer. Sam had been entirely routine during the last four years. He had qualified in airborne, been a good soldier and had become a leader in his unit. He was very good in training exercises, got along well with the others in the unit and so forth. He had been transferred to For Bragg North Carolina, and had spent the last two years there. He was the perfect soldier. So far as the rest of the bunch, little was known of them except Sgt. Jose Gonzales. He and Sam Mercer had been together since basic training, even taking their leaves together. Apparently the two of them had been planning this caper for some time. Patrick could not imagine Sgt. Gonzales would get involved in something this big on the spur of the moment. |