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Romance/action/adventure set in St. Louis that chronicles 4 persons lives and loves. |
CHAPTER10 Patrick Conners was pulling into his parking space. he had gotten of to a fast start with his job at the F B I, or so he thought. There was so much to learn it was unbelievable. His degree in criminology had hardly prepared him for the structured, methodical work of the F B I. This government of ours was a crazy, demanding mistress, he learned. One had to be very careful, so as not to over step his authority, yet thorough enough to cover every aspect of a case. Patrick had been assigned to the robbery section. This was usually a small town event, and usually solved within days, or at worst a few weeks. He didn't understand why criminals just didn't knock over grocery stores or something like that. That way you would only have the local police looking for you, not the F B I... If you robbed a bank, they were insured by the FDIC, which meant you were robbing the federal government, also, and Uncle Sam didn't take too kindly to that. Criminal’s stupidity, Patrick reasoned, was what insured his and thousands of other jobs. It was also the one element that usually caused the criminal to get caught. He had hoped to be assigned to the anti terrorism squad, and resolved to work toward that, while doing his best a solving the occasional bank robbery. Patrick wasn't expecting any mail, so he was a little surprised when the office mail room said he had a letter. He walked down the small hallway to the secretarial and picked up the letter. It was from William Steepleton, he noticed right away. I wonder what Will could want now, he thought as he opened the letter. It was an invitation to attend the wedding of Will Steepleton and Mary Alice Hammonds. He was not sure he would attend even if his schedule permitted. He was happy for Will and Mary Alice he decided, but the F B I had a great deal of important business going on. He would most likely get in touch with Will and beg off with some excuse or the other he decided. Will had been smitten by Mary Alice from the start, he reasoned. He had had a more than casual interest in her, he remembered smiling. He was still miffed at the turn of events, but decided it best to give them his best wishes, and with that thought returned to his desk and continued studying his manual. Will would just have to manage his wedding by himself. He would try to call him and beg off. Or on second thought, maybe he should try to attend. Will's father was sure to attend, and it couldn't hurt to make a friend of a US senator. He had met Will's father of course, but that was just as Will's friend. Now that he actually worked for the government, perhaps they would have something a little in common, and get a chance to actually talk. It certainly wouldn't hurt being able to drop his name in a conversation. So it was settled. He would call Will, tell him he would be there, and then make plans to attend. It shouldn't be too painful, he thought, and perhaps a chance to further his career... Will was ecstatic by the time he had finished at the office. Everything seemed to be coming together for him. First his father had call to say he would definitely be attending his wedding to Mary Alice, then His long time friend Patrick, had said he would be coming as well. He had managed to swing the time off from the firm without a hitch. Friends, family, and love all in the same room he thought. My how a woman could change your outlook on life. She probably changed many a guys’ outlook he thought. Just one look and he had realized that she was something special. Thinking back to when and where they met, he realized that she had almost cost him a lifelong friend. Patrick was pretty down to earth though, he mused, and it would take a lot more than a pretty girl to wreck their friendship. Still she had definitely caused some serious tension between them, so maybe the wedding would put all the past hard feelings and petty rivalry to rest and he would have the girl of his destiny, and his lifelong friend besides. Will really hoped that it would work out like that, anyway. Senator John Steepleton reflected on the years past events as he headed off to see his son, Will, married... It had been a hectic year, an election year, and now his son's marriage. he didn't know much about the girl, except the little bits of information he had picked up from his son. Mary Alice was, as he had been told, very beautiful, had a great personality, and came from a well to do family. She was getting an education, and if anything could be detracting from this marriage, it was the fact that she was unknown and country. He had preferred that his son marry a local, well educated girl from a prominent family. But Will was marrying below himself. He had managed to make that point to him, but was quickly made to see that it was of no use to try to dissuade Will. He had made up his mind and would not even entertain the though of anything different. The Senator had marveled at how easily his son had handled him. He just might make a good addition to the firm after all. The short shuttle trip was quickly over, and he reminded himself to make sure to check Will's schedule to see exactly what kind of cases he was being allowed to work, or would be working. He had not been with the firm long enough to be doing very much except gofer work, so he would have to fast track him to something with a little meat on it. He would talk with his partner, Steven Hayes, about that this week. He quickly phoned Will as the shuttle taxied to the gate. Will gave him the directions to his "digs" as he called it. The senator recognized the general area from the address, and he would be there in a few minutes. He wondered why his son hadn't obtained a little more prominent address, but quickly decided that despite being onboard the largest law firm in Boston, he still couldn't afford a reasonable address. Another thing to correct he thought. CHAPTER 11 Noah Hammondss reflected upon his daughters' upcoming marriage with distaste. He knew that Mary Alice would be happy, however, he had wished that she would marry a local boy. Someone like Sam Mercer for instance. He had not heard much of Sam for sometime now, but he did know that he was in the army, in fact a Green Beret, or Ranger, whatever they called themselves. It would have been easy to set Sam Mercer and and his daughter Mary Alice up in the banking business, and that would free him up to pursue more profitable interests. Anyway, once Mary Alice made up her mind to do something, she proceeded to accomplish it. Just like her mother. Perhaps a trip to Boston could be worked into his long range plans, to his advantage of course. He quickly resolved to make the most of this opportunity to make some new contacts, highly profitable, of course. Mary Alice had not appreciated the lifestyle that had been handed to her. Most middle-class women never appreciated or even bothered to wonder how their husbands provided the whims and attention that a little money could bring about. As the plane taxied to the runway, Susan Hammonds looked over to her husband. She was a little nervous about flying, but told herself it must be OK, because her husband was always flying off to some place. “A meeting” he would say, and then be gone for two or three days. She had long since tired of trying to keep up with where he was or when he would be back. She busied herself with club meetings and of course golf on Wednesdays . She had everything she could want, everything money could buy, so to speak. Still she longed for the early years of her marriage to Noah Hammondss. Then they were very close, sharing long walks, or making love on the living room floor, or just being intimate in many ways. The entire spark had gone from their marriage long ago. How she so much missed it. Noah looked over at her and calmly reassured her. "Don't worry about flying', He patted her hand and added, “I’ve done this often enough to know everything will be alright". With that said he put his hand back on the briefcase he always carried. Come to think of it she thought, he seems to care more for his precious briefcase than me. She suddenly could’t remember when that briefcase was not very close to him. Nothing could be more important to him than his dear briefs she thought. She would never like flying she thought no matter how safe the airlines could make it. It was just too scary for a small town southern woman. Susan reached into her purse and pulled out her compact. She was still quite good- looking for a fifty-eight year old she reasoned. She had "mellowed well", as she was fond of saying. She could see the fine high cheek bones, perfectly arched eyebrows and a full set of beautiful natural teeth, set behind full perfectly formed lips. She thought of her beautiful daughter, Mary Alice, with a sudden surge of pride. She, Mrs. Hammondss had created an almost perfect reproduction of herself. Mary Alice looked exactly like her mother in her youth. Now her little girl was about to be married. Susan had been a good mother she thought, being able to delineate the fine line of helpful caring versus interfering. Mary Alice had usually asked for and mostly followed her advice throughout her teenage and early adult years. Mothers and daughters should all be that way. Susan Hammondss wasn't exactly pleased about her daughters' hurry up marriage. She had married Noah at thirty five, after getting a biology degree and pursuing a brief teaching career. She had hoped that Mary Alice would wait, at least until she finished college, then she could get married and start a family. Just what was the rush after all? She was confidant that Mary Alice wasn't pregnant, so she just didn't understand the big rush. She had tried to reason with her, to assure her there was plenty of time, but Mary Alice had insisted that now was the time. She wanted to get on with her life, and also get her own family started, as soon as possibly. The plane had landed, and was taxing to the gate. As the Hammondss deplaned, Susan thought she had glimpsed Mary Alice. It was hard to be sure though, because of the glare from the windows. As they walked into the terminal building, she saw her immediately. She was so strikingly beautiful, Susan thought that every eye in the area must be on her Very own daughter. Mary Alice ran to embrace her kissing her lightly on the cheek, the Turned to her father, giving him a big bear hug. “How was the flight? So good to see you both, so proud both of you came." She gushed, all in the same breath." I've made reservations for you at the Hilton, its not too far from the campus." You'll get to meet my roomy tonight, Kay Isbell, that's if its OK with both of you that she join us for dinner," she added. Mary Alice wasn’t sure why she had asked Kay. It seemed the right thing to do. "That will be fine dear," her mother answered. Baggage pickup was fast and efficient, and they were all getting into a taxi in moments. "I've picked out a nice restaurant that's not to far from either of us, in fact its just a short walk from either place," Mary Alice said. "We will have dinner at eight, and then Kay wants me to go to a couple of nightclubs with her, as its my last night as a single girl... I know both of you want to spend a little time with with me, but mom you and I will have time tomorrow, and dad can consider it to be payback for all the times he has left us alone," she laughed. CHAPTER 12 Sam Mercer eased further into the swamp. The sun had started tingeing the horizon With brilliant red hues. It will be a hot humid day today he knew, continuing to search for the perfect hiding spot. The low overhanging branches of a huge cypress tree looked like it might be a good spot. Sam slipped behind them, seeing the spider web, glistening with dew, spun between two low branches. The silvery strands, delicate but strong, radiating from the branches to form a perfect circle in the middle. It had probably taken all night to construct the perfect trap. The owner waited silently, out of sight, hoping for success. A good lesson in planning and patience, Sam knew as he stood in water up to his shoulders. The swamp was a green slimy place, crawling with and snakes and insects. The mosquitoes were attacking with a vengeance and all he could hear was their constant buzzing. The repellent they had been issued was not getting the job done. He could not swat the mosquitoes lest he made a noise and was discovered. The smell of rotting vegetation, alga and stale, stagnant water was enough to make you puke, so he had to fight the urge to move. I've smelled worse in the chicken house Sam remembered. The farm filled his memory. Could it be possible, he though, that his father had been right. He could still hear his dads words as clearly as if he were standing before him right now. The farm did not seem so unpleasant as this mess. He would have to get his mind on something else to endure this test. As usual he could think of nothing else but Mary Alice Hammondss. He cold see the sun shining in her hair, sparkling and shimmering, as the light breeze gently brushed it back and forth over her intense blue eyes. Eyes that could look right through a man to the very core of his soul, burning so hot it would make your blood boil, your heart beat like a jack hammer, causing him to either to lose his voice, or worse, speak every desire of his heart. He studied the slightly upturned nose, the high classical cheekbones, the perfectly formed lips, accenting the dainty chin. Her neck was long and perfectly formed. Stop it! Stop it! Stop it! His mind screamed at him. He was getting so worked up he was afraid he just might make the swamp water boil. Just think, that was only her head, if this train of though continued on down her body, the whole stinking swamp might vanish. It would just boil dry and vanish in a cloud of steam, such was his passion for her. Mary Alice was the girl of his dreams alright. But even dreaming of her was painful now. Sam had seen the small column in the paper saying she would be married tomorrow... He had received from his mother not long ago saying the same thing. That just about made it a sure thing. Another man would hold her, have her, and again Sam would be left out in the cold. Or swamp he thought. He was ready to snap he realized. This was just one more kick to the groin. He felt as if the world had been kicking him all of his life. Well this time it wouldn't get away with it. He made up his mind at that moment that he would have Mary Alice, one way or the other. First things first he thought suddenly as he realized the reality of the swamp and Ranger training. With that in mind, Sam Mercer reached down inside of himself and found a new resolve to accomplish an old objective. He would be the best, meanest, most dangerous ranger ever. It would be getting dark soon. The moisture was rising from the stinking swamp in slow curling wisps of willowy mist, bringing up the stinking smell of rotting vegetation. Just like a chicken house on a hot summer day. The obnoxious smell, pounding like a sledge on the senses, penetrating the delicate membranes to the point of nausea Thankfully he had reached the point of olfactory fatigue some time ago. He would endure this trial after all it was just like working in the hated chicken house, on it was a little wetter. The signal that the exercise was over would come soon, and then he could get out of the water and check for the leeches that were sure to be attached. Just like another day in the chicken house. The end of the week would bring the swamp training exercises to a close, then he would probably be off to the desert for a couple of weeks. Eating lizards or whatever you could catch wouldn't be any worse than this. He realized that the Ranger trained for forty-eight weeks out of the year, rain or snow,or whatever the conditions. He would just have to toughen up and get through it. He didn't know at the time that next weekend would greet him in Fort Drum New York. CHAPTER 13 Dinner went smoothly and quickly. Small talk was made about tomorrows upcoming events, of course Mary Alice, her mother, and Kay Isbell talked mostly about what she would wear for the wedding... “I still can' believe my little country daughter will be getting hitched to a lawyer," Susan smiled. “And what will you be wearing?" 'I know your father has sent you enough money to dress to the nines." I'll be wearing white of course", Mary Alice quietly answered. "After all I'm still entitled." she looked quickly at Kay to cue her that she was ready to leave and get on with the night. After saying good-byes and thank you the two were on their way. "Where we going, will we be meeting Will tonight?" “I could manage to pick up a partner or allow myself to be picked up," Kay was chattering as they started down the side walk. "Of course out with you, all the guys will be hitting on you and leaving the wallflower alone," she added. "Seriously, Mary Alice, you are quite a looker and you know it." "We will not be seeing my sweetie tonight; he’s not going to be able to join us." "Besides, I've told him I have a world of things to do and don't have time for him tonight." " So lets just find a promising looking place to have a drink or two, do some dancing , and perhaps have a little fun for a change" "Will can wait"; Mary Alice had picked up the pace as they were walking “I really shouldn't stay out too late though." “Don’t want any crows feet or puffy eyes tomorrow, and I still have a lot to do." I've been dragging my feet for a couple of days now and haven't got a lot done." The nightclub they chose was typical; subdued lights, loud music and a rowdy crowd of coeds, some they knew, others not. Mary Alice ordered a beer, Kay bourbon and coke. “We’re lucky we didn't get carded “Kay whispered as their drinks were served. "I've been in here before when you could count on it". “Oh its Friday night, not much going on in town tonight, so they expect a larger younger crowd" Mary Alice mumbled, taking a sip of her beer. Almost before she had sat it back down, a tall athletic looking guy was asking her to dance. “Told you so" Kay nodded as Mary Alice headed to the dance floor. Several dances and two more beers later. Mary Alice was starting to feel the tingle. "There's someone for everyone” she said teasingly as a nice looking guy was asking Kay to dance. She watched the two of them gyrating and spinning to the throbbing music. Spinning just like my head she thought. Suddenly everything seemed so real yet so detached. Funny how a few beers could loosen you up and change your perspective of the world. She had not had very much experience with the night clubbing and drinking. Just a beer after classes once in a while, that in her dorm, sneaked in once in awhile. She studied the glass, turning it with her fingers. The small bubbles rushed upward, joining the layer of foam that formed when beer cascaded into the glass. She wasn't drunk. Perhaps the beer had clouded her mind just enough to… what? Allow her to think straight. Alcohol didn't work that way so far as she knew. Kay stopped by the table. Small sweat droplets had formed on her upper lip. Women hated this, because it required a trip to the powder room to freshen up. "Better sit down and rest a little Kay, you're starting to glisten" Mary Alice whispered. “I’m what?" "Southern ladies don't perspire, they glisten," Mary Alice laughed. “I’m having so much fun" Kay giggled "I hate to stop! You should be dancing too Mary, instead of sitting here and nursing that beer. If you move around some you can enjoy a bit more of what you drink", she leaned forward sliding the chair to the table. "You look a little pale", she said, tilting her head slightly. "Are you o k "? “I’m fine, Kay, just thinking". “You look worried, do you need to talk"? “I’m not marrying Will tomorrow", Mary Alice blurted! "What'', Kay gasped in surprise! “ You don't mean it! What's wrong?" "I just don't feel that its right for me now, and worse I don't know how to tell him". "Lets get back to the dorm where we can really talk", Kay whispered, grabbing her purse. Walking briskly they covered the short distance to the dorm in silence. “Want a coke, Mary"? Kay was slipping of her jacket to toss on the bed as she started for the small refrigerator. “No thanks, not just now '" Mary Alice slumped to the sofa. “I just don't what to say to Will," she sighed heavily, or "how to say it. “I just know I'm not ready for marriage right now." "I thought I was until tonight Kay." “I had a lot of fun, even though we didn't do anything." “Sitting there watching you dance and enjoy yourself made me realize that I haven't done anything yet, especially have fun." "You know there's not a lot to do in a small town, and this is my first time to be my on boss." “I have to find out who I am…for myself. I just need a little more time!” "It'll be okay,” Kay assured her putting her arm around her. “We will think of something to say when we talk to Will, after all we're bright young college girls now." “I just hope I can make him see it my way”, Mary Alice was crying now. “I know he will be so upset.” “Why did I say yes to start with,” she sobbed? “Oh he will get over it Kay assured her.” “Men rebound much faster than women”. CHAPTER 14 Sam was awakened by the sound of a cadence count. “Hut, two' three, four,” he could hear the D. I. bellowing. He could hear the rhythmic reply of the soldier’s boots hitting the pavement. Marching to the chow hall, he guessed. Sam stepped to the window, raised the blinds and opened the window just a little. He knew Fort Drum would be a very short assignment for he and his friend. They would be shipped out to some other base soon, perhaps in as little as a week. There wouldn't be a lot to do for them, this week, only “muster and make it”, as GIs said. They should be able to get a three day pass out of this stopover however. He awoke Jose. “Get up you bum, we still have time to make the mess hall before roll call”. “That way we can check out the P.X., and then shoot some pool. We'll only have to hang around for about thirty minutes after roll call. Get up, let's go”. Sam snatched the blanket, tugged hard and threw it in the floor. “Damn I didn't realize how dark you really are Jose”. “I’m just a normal colored Puerto Rican,” Jose smiled brushing his unruly, curly locks with his hand. “What’s the rush anyway”? “We could have slept longer”. “Not much”, “Get dressed and lets go”. After roll call Sam and Jose were released from duty for the rest of the day. “You'll be getting orders for your next assignment within the week”, the DI had said. “Just enjoy the down time while you can”. “You know Jose, we might be able to hitch a ride to Boston, that is if we can swing a three day pass”. “We could hop a plane or copter, to Hanscom air base”. “I’ve wanted to see Boston all my life. You know the roots of our democracy and all”. “What do you think Jose”? “ Well, I have been saving a little money for a trip”. “ I think I had rather go to New York though”, Jose answered. “ I believe there are more Hispanics in New York than Boston”. “You know, perhaps see someone I knew in Puerto Rico”. “ Well we have to get a pass first, after that I will consider New York City instead of Boston”, Sam laughed. “I wouldn't want you to miss out on seeing an old friend”. “ Lets go to headquarters and see about that pass, then make plans”. “ Sgt. Sam Mercer requesting to speak sir”, Sam said saluting smartly. “At ease solider, I'm Lieutenant Woodson, how can I help you”? “ Well sir I was hoping to get a three day pass, starting Friday”, Sam said nervously. “That is Sgt. Jose Ortega and I were”. “He's waiting outside”. “Have him come in Sgt.”, Lieutenant Woodson nodded at the door. Jose looked at Sam, saluted the Lieutenant with a snappy salute and loud “sir”. Lieutenant Woodson, shuffling papers on his desk, returned the salute. “At ease solider”. “I a sure I saw both of your names on an orders list this morning”. “Yes here it is, both of you have been assigned to fort Drum". “You soldiers will be staying with us for awhile". I'm afraid a pass is out of the question now. You are to report to commander Sims at 1400 hrs today". "I know this was not expected, but that's life in the military". “Well we didn't expect to be assigned here ,Lieutenant Woodson” “ Do you know. what outfit?”, Sam asked. "Sgt., in this mans army you don't get answers, just do as you’re told." "Yes sir," Sam saluted and headed for the C Q for barracks assignment. H is heart soared as he read the small column in the newspaper that evening. SENATOR’S SON DOES NOT MARRY AS PLANNED. It went on to explain there had been no reasons given for the postponement , However a downcast Will Steepleton had said, “Its just temporary, we have a couple of details to work out. That's all." |