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Romance/action/adventure set in St. Louis that chronicles 4 persons lives and loves. |
CHAPTER 5 Sam heard the car on the gravel in the driveway. He got up and peeked through the curtain. It was the Patton county sheriff's cruiser. The sheriff got out and started up the walkway, looking around, as he came to the door. Sam was sure his heart was about to jump out of his chest from fright. Get a hold of yourself, he kept saying to himself. It was self defense wasn't it? He had not tried to hide anything, had he? No, he had just failed to mention it to anyone, besides he wasn't sure Billy Joe was even dead. He heard the knock on the door, and his mother was answering. “Mrs. Mercer? the sheriff asked. “Yes sir I am Mrs. Mercer", she nodded. "Ma'am, Billy Joe Webber was found face down in the creek down by the bridge, this morning", the sheriff was saying. "Oh, that's just so horrible", his mother was saying. "Whatever happened?" "Well, we are not really sure at this point." the sheriff said adding, "there were no sign of foul play and the coroner hasn't finished with the autopsy yet", he continued. "We were told that your boy, Samuel, had been hauling water from the creek", and we would like to talk to him for a few minutes, that is if he's here ma'am." "Sam"? "Surely you don't think he had anything to do with it do you?” she asked. "Oh no ma'am the sheriff said". We just think he may have been the last one to see Billy Joe alive and would like to know if he saw him at all, of if he's seen anything out of the way going on at the creek this past couple of days". “He is at home now, and I'll get him for you ", his mother said. "Sam, I'm Sheriff Bailey, from Pattonville, I need to ask you some questions if you have time." “Sure", Sam said, still fighting to control his fear and not show his nervousness. He was getting calmer by the minute, and was forming a plan now. “I’ll be glad to help anyway I can", Sam said. “O. K. Sam, may I sit down while we talk?" the sheriff asked. “Sure Sam said", nodding to the sofa. "Well, if you heard me telling your mother, Billy Webber was found dead in the creek this morning', the sheriff stated. “We know you have been hauling water from the creek this week, and I thought you could have seen Billy down that way." he continued... “That’s right sheriff, I did see Billy on Tuesday. He passed me on the road about a quarter mile from the bridge." Sam said. “That was my last trip, and you could see the tracks in the grass where he pulled off to let me by, real plain." Sam continued. “The road was still a little damp from the big storm Sunday, there might be some tire tracks in the mud too." Sam offered. “Well Sam, looks like you may have been the last one to see Bill Webber alive, so any thing you remember about late Tuesday be sure to let me know", he was saying as as he stood up to leave." I'll stop back by there on the way out, just to check things out again, and take a look to see if there were tire tracks too", the sheriff said as he headed for the door. "l feel like Billy Joe just fell off the bridge sometime Tuesday night, the sheriff added as he was leaving." “Thanks for your help Sam." Sam wondered if he would not have been better off to tell the truth and be done with it. But he consoled himself with the thought that there was a chance he could wind up in jail! "That boy is hiding something, he thought as he backed out the yard. The string hanging on the limb figures into this thing someway too, he thought. Sam took a deep breath. He felt much better now, he was glad the sheriff hadn't been too suspicious of him. He thought of the home-brew jug he had hidden beside the chicken house. He had only time for a quick sip before he spotted his dad coming that way. The jug still had the short piece of string tied around its neck. Sheriff Bailey thought about this case as he drove back to town. Billy Joe was known to be a little pushy at times, could he have had words with Sam? If that had happened, Sam would be at a big disadvantage, size wise and maturity wise to he thought. Of course one could never estimate another’s' strength or determination if they were scared. Billy Joe could have just lost his balance and fell from the bridge. That's what made this kind of work so interesting, many questions and no obvious answers. "Mary Alice could feel the heat from the fire pit. She wondered, as did most everyone else who saw it, just how could they walk on those hot coals? It was exciting to watch and the fire twirlers too, she thought. She was glad she had made a new friend, and he attended Memphis State. That would be about a two hour drive to Pattonville and Patrick had said that he would like to date her. He could drive over on his Friday night off, occasionally he said. Patrick also had a friend that he was going to introduce her to, besides. She had hoped they would be able to see one another tomorrow, but it was her birthday, and her dad insisted she spend it with the family. Sam thought about the Hammonds' animals. He would have to check the chickens, first, removing the dead each evening. These would be dropped into a closed pit, which he remembered, was almost full. He would have to dig another one this week. There were usually five or six dead chickens from the house each day. The weaker ones died daily, with the worst time being about four weeks after they were put in the house. He didn't know what happened to them, they just died. Probably ate to much he thought. A chicken would eat enough in eight weeks to be ready for market. Eight weeks, then to slaughter. That didn't seem to be much of a life to Sam. The chicken house didn't make a lot of money, he thought. About fifty to seventy-five dollars a week, but that paid the mortgage. Throw in the other crops and you had some money coming in all year round, but it was just enough to make ends meet. Just a cycle of hard work, doing without, and then handing every cent you made to someone else. No wonder he hated it. He had picked up fifteen dead chickens, a lot for one day he thought as he dropped them into the pit. Now, he would walk the short distance to the Hammondss' farm and feed the three horses for them. When he got back he would have a little shot of the home-brew, and then go to bed. CHAPTER 6 “Well, Patrick, no wonder you were not in any hurry to introduce me to this one," Will said. “She looks like a keeper, “he joked," and you wanted her for yourself." Mary Alice was smiling broadly as Patrick finished the introduction. “Maybe she will keep your mind off Jill for awhile", Patrick joked as they sat in the hotel lobby. “We have only got one more week to get to know her”, he added." But, of course she has to agree to our philosophy of party, party, party". he said. Mary Alice didn't have doubts that she could enjoy the next week. As long as she was back to her room by midnight every night, her parents wouldn't be too upset. A lot can happen in a year’s time Sam thought. The school year had gone by quickly. Soon he would be graduating, along with Mary Alice. She had been awful cool to him since returning from the Hawaii trip last fall he reflected. She had meet some rich guy over there and was seeing a lot of him lately. She had also been accepted to Harvard, starting in the fall quarter. The chickens had been wiped out by a cold spell during January. The power had failed due to ice on the lines, and the gas tank which supplied the heaters had run out. Every chicken died. This had caused his father to miss the mortgage payment to Mr. Hammonds' bank. Once again, he thought, the rich never seem to suffer, and the poor just go deeper in despair. He would be enlisting in the Army in two months. He did not think he had much of a chance with Mary Alice now anyway. He had enlisted for the Airborne. The way he felt now, he would like to up blow everything and everyone along with it he decided. "Should have enlisted for something that would train me in demolition", he muttered to a fellow recruit. His parents were showing the strain of farm life, the farm itself was in jeopardy, Mary] Alice was most certainly out of his reach. Sam just didn't see life getting any easier, or as being fair. Everything was certainly weighted to the advantage of the rich. There should be some way a poor guy could win every now and then he thought. Perhaps a tour of the U S army would change his fortunes, or anyway change his outlook, he hoped. “Patrick Conners shook his father’s hand.” Well I made it", he said. “I guess I can't be too disappointed, with a college graduate son, who's going into the law enforcement business", his father said smiling. “If it gets to be too much hassle with the F B I, I could get you on the force at home, remember", his dad was telling him. “I’m real proud of you, you know". “No thanks, dad", Patrick answered. “I want to start my own tradition in law enforcement". Patrick would be happy to get away from College for awhile. He recalled the events of the last year, and realized that he was still a little unsettled about the change in his friend, Will. They had been such great friends, until he had introduced him to Mary Alice, in Hawaii. After that, Will had had little time for him. He had monopolized Mary Alice's, time from that moment on. He used to come down to Memphis State for a weekend every month or so, but Patrick had not seen him for six months now. Will had called the last week to invite him to his graduation from Yale. He had been too busy with his own graduation arrangements to go. Will had also informed him that he had asked Mary Alice to marry him, She had agreed, and they would be married as soon as she got settled into her routine as a Harvard freshman. Will had joined his fathers firm, as a junior partner, "very junior", he had said. Patrick would have never thought anything could strain their friendship so severely as Mary Alice's romance with Will. But it had, and now, he was a little embarrassed to admit the hard feelings he had toward Will. Will had been right when he had said "You wanted to keep this one for yourself, didn't you?” He would have an opportunity to see Will and Mary Alice occasionally, as Will would be coming to Washington to see his father some. Washington wasn't so big or busy that time couldn't be found to see an old friend. CHAPTER 7 Sam had really enjoyed his basic training. He had tried very hard and had actually did quite well. Now the technical training was moving along just as easily. His instructor had praised him often during the last two weeks. Now he was airborne qualified, and quite proud of it. “I knew you were a natural right from the first", Sgt. Potts had said. Sam liked things blowing up. It was easy to analyze a structure and figure the right place to plant the high explosives the army used. He liked the adrenaline rush he got as he saw the debris flying in every direction, and once the smoke cleared, the ruin he had caused. Sgt. Potts was right, Sam knew he was a “natural”, he enjoyed this so much. He had made a good choice he knew now. He had mastered several skills, but demolition had interested him most. At night the Billy Joe Webber scene would creep into his head. He could still feel the anger from the encounter as if it had happened only yesterday The Patton county sheriff had not come back to question Sam again but he knew that it was not over. He would just serve his time, hone his skills and try to figure out someway to get even with the world. He would make their butts pay he decided. Maybe blow up the bank in Pattonville, or something like that he thought. He wasn't sure how he could get to Mary Alice, but figured he could come up with a plan if he put his mind to it. Besides, he was meeting some interesting people in the army. CHAPTER 8 Mary Alice looked around her dorm room. “Not too bad”, she said aloud as checked the closet. She would have to share the room with another girl whom she had not yet met. It won't be long before I'm married and out of here anyway. A small town girl shouldn't be to hard to please, she reasoned. All of this was so new, and exciting to her, she reckoned she had better get her head straight, and get on with the business of learning. Will was going to be successful all right, no doubt of that, and she loved him so much, but still she knew she had to have a good education. She knew Will was doing o k in his fathers firm. He had promised her that he would be able to make the commute to see her whenever her schedule permitted it. When my schedule permits, she thought, Will should have said when his schedule permits. Even with his dad a senior partner, and founder of the firm, she knew he would be expected to start at the bottom and prove himself. That shouldn't be much of a problem for Will, because he was so bright, and likable. He had certainly proved that to her. She was not easily taken in, though small country towns had little to compare with the likes of Will. Sam mercer had tried to win her, in his foolish country way, and there had been others who had interested her briefly, but none came close to Will. Patrick had definitely been a possibility, when they had meet in Hawaii, But he had made the mistake of introducing her to Will. It had been evident from the start that they were made for each other. "Love doesn't make mistakes, she said aloud as she sat down on the bed by the window. The other bed also had a window, but the view was of buildings. She preferred the more outdoorsy look of grass and trees. That would fit perfectly with her country upbringing. She would meet her roommate at six this evening. Mary Alice hoped they would get along okay. The thought of sharing a room with a stranger , that you didn't like from the start, was a little scary to her. In dorm assignments, you were pretty much stuck with who you got. To not get along with one another would be unbearable. Oh sure, they would have different classes and schedules, but they still had to come home to roost , so to speak. Most of her weekends would be spent with Will, hopefully, but still one would have to spend a lot of time with their roommate. “Hi I'm Kay Isbell" her new roomy said as she came through the door. "Most of my friends call me K", she said. " I'm Mary Alice Hammondss" she said extending her hand. "Everyone calls me Mary Alice" she said, smiling as the two girls shook hands. " “ I guess two names is sort of a southern tradition" , Mary Alice said;, adding " I'm from a small town in Alabama". "Where are you from?" she asked. "Oh I was born and raised in Michigan", Kay answered.” “But there's no reason for us not to be friends". "Well Kay, I hope there’s not Mary Alice", replied. “ Besides I don't think I will be staying very long, but that's a secret right now", she said. " I am hoping to be married as soon as I'm settled in here", she added. " Who's the lucky guy?" Kay asked." “Well he asked me to keep it “close to the vest right now”,. Mary Alice decided to answer, without saying any more than she had too. “That’s very unfair, especially to a woman” Kay said! " Will Steepleton Mary Alice said softly." You would not know him I'm sure", she said. " Oh it doesn't matter, Mary Alice, Kay said. She realized quickly that her new roommate might not want to divulge too much about herself, or her intended either. After all she and Mary Alice had only just met. "Hopefully you can meet him this weekend" , Mary Alice told Kay." He is supposed to visit me this Saturday, if we can arrange it". " I'm not exactly sure of the visiting rules yet, and I don't want to get off on the wrong foot, by breaking rules". "Great" Kay said. " My things should be getting here right away, so we can get things organized tonight." "I'll go down to check right now". " See you in a bit". CHAPTER 9 Will Steepleton looked around his small office. He glanced up at the large clock on the wall, letting his mind wander to Mary Alice. He would see her again this weekend. Since they had met a year ago in Hawaii, she had been almost all he thought about, except when Steven Hayes, a senior partner was grilling him about the working of a large law firm. The Steepleton, Hayes, Waites and Hayes law firm was very successful. He had offered to take the slow files, "stinkers they were called", from the very fist day. Steven had informed him that there were very few of those in this firm. “We deal with high profile cases", he had said. "Besides you will be groomed to take your fathers place someday." Will didn't have any trouble understanding that, obviously, as he had came into the firm as a junior partner. Most graduate lawyers couldn't even tie their shoes in court, Much less conduct a trial effectively he reasoned. The firms clients were well known politicians, and doctors, who hadn't really been too far on the wrong side of the law. They were all very wealthy and the fees they paid reflected that fact. Most couldn't afford to have a career ruined over some indiscretion committed in a moment of passion or anger. This firm took care of those little mistakes, and was well paid for their efforts. Will knew that his father would not be here much, especially as long as he was a US senator. But Senator John Steepleton’s contribution to this firm was immeasurable. He had the inside contacts and was privy to a lot of information other firms didn't enjoy. He had a good reputation for taking care of business and could convince a client that everyone was out to get them, but he was going to personally take care of it, so don't lose any sleep over it. John Steepleton had certainly used his influence and position to get Will this far he knew. Will was going to show the rest of them that his father’s judgment had been correct. He intended to make this firm the best damn lawyer they could ever imagine. Steven Hayes was going to be tough on him. That would be good Will decided. He had always thrived on challenge. Saturday morning found Will all excited. I'm acting just like a teenager he thought as he was making the short drive to see Mary Alice. I wish she would go ahead and marry me right now he thought. It would make things a lot easier on both of them. He worried about Mary Alice, being alone at college, a naive country girl a long way from home, would be vunerable to the excitement of being free to make her own friends, and of course, plenty of rich, handy, and wild guys around her. He was just being silly he told himself. Mary Alice loved him he was sure. And he loved her with all his heart. He had decided that she would make a perfect wife almost from the start. He was amazed at the changes she had wrought in his life. No more partying or looking for pickups in bars. He was ready to settle down and start the little family he planed. Mary Alice could finish college, which was not an issue with him, but he needed her in his arms at night. If he could convince her to marry him this weekend he would do it. Of course his mother and father would be upset. They had planned to make a big event of this, but Will didn't want that. Just a simple ceremony, with the respective parents and maybe a couple of friends in attendance would be just right. Just so it happened as soon as possible. He had made up his mind. he would try to convince Mary Alice, that it should happen next week. Will noticed a definite spring to his step as he walked into the office, Monday morning. Mary Alice had agreed to marry him in three weeks. He had pushed for an eariler date, but had settled for the three week wait reluctantly. After all, that was a lot of progress! Now to ask for the time away from office that he would need. He would have to find a house somewhere between Boston and Harvard, so the commute wouldn't be too much for him or \ his new wife. As soon as he had found the house, and furnished it, he would get down to the business of being the best lawyer in the firm of Steepleton, Hayes, Waites, and Holt. "Mr. Hayes”, Will said as he walked to Steven's office. “I need to speak, with you this morning about something that's not firm business." “Come on in and pull up a chair", Steven said as he nodded to the chair by his desk. “What’s on your mind, so early this morning, Will?” Steven asked. “Well I'm sure you have heard about Mary Alice", Will said. “Oh God ", Steven looked up quickly; “I hope nothings happened to her". “No, just me ", Will said.” I have convinced her to marry me right away, and I will be needing a little time away from the office." “I know that I haven't earned any vacation or anything, but this is so important to me Mr. Hayes". “Well we will see what we can arrange, just so you take some of the cases you are studying, and go over them at night". Steven said. “That won't be a problem", Will assured him. “I’ll just need to take a couple of afternoons off". “I have a realtor looking for a house already". "She thinks she can find what we need within two weeks". "Once she actually finds a house for Mary and I, it will only take me two or three days to move my furniture from the apartment, and the new stuff we buy can be delivered". “Okay, Will", Steven agreed. “We can do without a rookie around here for awhile". “Have you considered how long you will be gone for the honeymoon"? "We are not going to have a honeymoon just yet" Will answered. “There are classes for Mary Alice to attend and I don't want to get behind here". “We will have time for an extended vacation, when Mary Alice gets her summer break, besides we will have plenty of time together before then". "Then you're all set from this end then". Steven said. “Just keep me informed of the progress please, We still have a lot of work to do you know". Will thought back on his life. He had often talked of marrying. When he and Patrick were in the Army, carousing around, the subject would come up. He hated the fact that Mary Alice had seemed to strain their relationship. Patrick had been a great friend and Will didn't want anything to destroy it. I must find a way to let Patrick know that we are still the best of friends, he thought. Patrick had been reluctant to introduce Mary Alice to him. Will had sensed the immediate hard feeling when she had taken a liking to him right away. Some things were just meant to be, and Patrick would just have to deal with it. Will was going to marry Mary Alice, but he still wanted the close friendship with Patrick. They had been through too much together to part ways now. He would invite Patrick to the wedding, of course, though it was going to be a small affair. He wasn't sure his parents would even be there. He knew that Patrick was very busy with his new career, but perhaps he could get away for one day. He would think of someway to make his old friend close again. CHAPTER 9 Sam was sitting in the dayroom when the runner called for him. “Is there a Pvt. Samuel Mercer in here", he asked quietly. “That’s me ", Sam said as he slipped out of his chair. The runner handed Sam a note from the C. Q. Sam stepped into the hall way to read it. Report to the commander’s office at 0700 hrs. tomorrow the note said. I wonder what this is all about Sam wondered as he headed for his bunk. He had done well in phases of his training, in fact he was one of the top soldiers in his outfit. He sure couldn't think of any goof-ups he had committed. he lay awake most of the night, thinking about this. Sam tapped on the door to the commanders' office. It was 0650hrs. he had wanted to make sure he wasn't late. “Come In", he heard, and turned the knob. “Pvt. Sam Mercer, reporting as directed, sir", said while neatly saluting the captain who was sitting behind the desk. “Have a seat solider" the captain said, returning the salute. Sam knew that he should remain standing, but sat down anyway. "Pvt. Mercer, you have been recommended for the Special Forces", the Captain informed him. "You were highly recommended by Sgt. Potts". He believes that you have the ability and aptitude for this, according to your performance during basic training, and tech. training". “He says that you can be a top demolition expert, and probably a good Special Forces Operative as well. "If you pass the qualification test, you will need a foreign language. These days, Russian is the best bet". Sam knew Rangers were usually chosen from a long list of qualified volunteers. The prestige and respect from the other G. Is was no small matter. An SF tab would look good by his Airborne patch. “Of course you must submit a volunteer form, Pvt. Mercer", the Captain said. "This would also mean a quick promotion, Pvt. I'm sure you know most Special Forces soldiers are NCOs don't you", the captain continued? "Yes sir", Sam answered. " Tell you what we'll do ".” You think this over today and tonight, let me know what you decide in the morning"." You are dismissed soldier, report to your normal duty station", Sam saluted and quickly left the room. He had not expected this. The Rangers! Some grunts would kill for this opportunity. He wasn't sure he could take it. The training regimen was tough, he knew. He was just settling into his routine, and now the hardest part of his training was behind him. Soon it would just a roll call, some quick review, then goof off for most of his duty shift. Without a war going on, there was not much to do in the way of demolition. You could only blow something up so many times, and then there was just dust left. He was anxious for further adventure in the army, but still was unsure about all the unknowns. Could he take the brutal training? He would get shipped to another post, he was sure of that. He tried to consider all the possibilities as he made his way back to his duty area. One day to think about this and he would have to say yea or nay. He didn't know how long the training would take. Perhaps it would be weeks, or months. It might take up to a year, but one thing for sure, when you finished, you had the respect of every other GI in this mans army. Wasn't that what this was all about? He wanted respect. and with this thought in mind, he had made his decision in a few minutes. Besides he was Airborne qualified already. Two weeks later Sam was wondering if he had made the right decision. The training was not short, but continuous. The SFs trained all the time. Year round, they trained hard. Laying here in the bush, covered with mud, playing war games was a small part of it. Some one would be trying to sneak up on him and take him out anytime now. Or was this exercise designed to teach one a lesson in patience. Sometimes the purpose was not clear. What ever, he thought; no one was going to sneak up on him. he would not let a little discomfort give his position away, if he had to stay here wet and hungry all night. When he had passed this test, the signal would be given, and he could get the hell out of here and into a hot shower. How he hated patrols. He thought about Mary Alice., and respect. She would have to respect him now! That was what it was all about. She had not respected him. In fact, he thought, she had barely admitted that he was even alive. He didn't understand that, but somehow knew that he had never been aggressive enough. With the things I'm learning now I'll never make that mistake again he reasoned. From now on, he would take what he wanted, staying within the law of course. There's nothing wrong with being assertive, he thought, especially when it came to women. How could he have let Mary Alice get away? He had heard she was getting married in a letter from his mom. Right away too. No use to worry about it just now he thought. I will be tied up with the army to long to do anything about it anyway. Soon the signal came, and another training session was logged, debriefed, and the stench of the swamp a fading memory. Just a hot shower and having some fun was all that he had to think about now! "Sam would you like to go downtown and run 'em?" Jose asked. “we have liberty tonight and I thought we might go and pick up a chick or two". “We can have some fun and still be back before curfew". The night didn't' turn out exactly as Jose had thought. He and Sam did not get anywhere with the U S O girls. “They’re just too G I savvy, Jose" Sam had said. :"They have heard every line you could possibly think of, and some you would never dream up". “Besides, most of these girls are just looking for husbands". “And I almost go into a fight with one of the regulars too". “He didn't like me asking his girl to dance so much". "Well, there will be other nights, Sam," Jose said as they approached the post gates. Nicholas Jose Ortega had already learned the patience part of his training Sam decided. It wouldn't do to get too pissed off at his new friend he thought. Not over the wasted night of liberty. Jose was right; there would be plenty of other opportunities. They headed back to camp, just a little high, and feeling as little dejected. Alcohol could do that to you Sam knew. A good nights sleep would cure it and all would be well come morning “You will learn to kill quickly, silently, and without weapons" their instructor was saying. “But you will also learn to use many weapons effectively” he added. “The skills you are learning are to be used in the defense of your country. In other words, these are combat skills, to be used in combat only? Most of you won't make through this program”, he added. “You will have to spend a week in a Florida swamp and a southwest dessert, without any weapons, except your survival knife. If any of you low life, sissy boys don't think you can handle it, get you sorry butts back to your mamas now!” Sam looked around at some of his fellow recruits. Some were already a little white around the gills he noticed. Prime suspects for washout. He knew that it was mostly mind over matter. You could stand a lot more than you thought you could for the right reasons. Respect. The word sounded wonderful, and he knew he would have to earn it. He was anxious to get started as they boarded the bus and headed for the barracks. Two weeks later Sam was the squad leader. |