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I've read some interesting books lately. One of the books is entitled, "Slave Species of god" by Michael Tellinger, is an interesting theory (?) that the human species was "created" by an alien civilization (the Annanaki) who came to Earth hundreds of thousands of years ago, and created a human "slave" species (human) for the purpose of mining gold here on Earth....this was supposedly an effort to save their own planet Nibero (?) from extinction (using the gold to "seed" their planet's atmosphere). A lot of the research and information he used to write this book come ancient "Sumerian" tablets, which supposed includes many religious texts that were "decided" (by some of the the ancient Christian priests) not to be included in the Bible. The book addresses such things as our "infatuation"/quest for gold....the references in the Bible to "many gods" and (one of the things I found particulary, I guess you could say, enlightening) was why the "God" of the old testament seemed to be so harsh...chose sides ("chosen people") and actively "spoke" and "appeared" to many, many of the people in Biblical times. His "premise" is that these Annunaki were the "gods" of the Bible, "ruling" over their new slave species. (I have read the entire "old testament" and have always wondered why God would do a lot of the things he does in the Bible - I have always believed in a "loving" and benevolent God....one who would not punish his "creation" on a whim....and in fact, kill who civilizations of people simply because they "disagreed" or we "obstacles" for his "chosen people". It never made a whole lot of sense to me. Never mind, that all other peoples of the world who believed in different religions - gods - would be punished or ofter killed). It is an intersting read for those with an "open mind". Not that I blindly believe everything in the book, but it does bring up a lot of interesting things..... Mr. Tillinger does make the distinction between God (with a capital "G") and the "gods" of which he refers (the alien "Annunaki). Any opinions? I'm sure that many Christians that believe the Bible word-for-word/literally, will find this to be "blasphemy"...It has always been my opinion that the Bible was written by "men" and that a lot of what is written in the Bible is "metaphor" and or, refers to actual things that were happening at the time (as opposed to things that are happening today - prophesies). I'm just finishing up another book about 2012 - the Mayan Prophesies. I found this book (at times) to be overly technical for the average reader (a lot of physics....quantum therories....etc... It is certainly a "depressing" book, citing many, many different ways that the world, and our civilization will cease to exist on 12/21/12....(The Mayan's calendar/time, simply stops on that date). The author goes into everything from the "massive eruption" of the under-ground volcano at Yellowstone National Park, to collisons with gigantic asteroids....none of particular pleasant or good for life here on Earth. I have always found that 2012 and the Mayan prophicies interesting... However, I do believe in "God" and simply don't believe that a loving "God" would allow all of creation to cease....just my opinion. Although the book was interesting....it's a "bummer". I don't know about the rest of you......I just couldn't sit around and "worry" about whatever catastrophies will transpire to kill us all off..... The vast majority of "events" seem totally beyond our control, so, as far as I am concerned, I'll just "cross that bridge, when I come to it...." Just some of my thoughts for the day. Rick |