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Rated: 18+ · Book · Teen · #1447720
This is me as a freshmen in high school. One word for you: beware. :-)
#595060 added July 7, 2008 at 2:58pm
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Chapter 2: High School ~Freshman~
Chapter 2: *Heart* High School ~Freshman~ *Heart*

I had been looking forward to my first day of high school for my entire eighth grade year at my catholic grade school. I was tired of the same people, the same boring guys. Even guys I had previously had no interest in began looking better just because of my deprivation from communication with the outside world as I was imprisoned inside my perfectly safe and never challenging catholic school. Excellent grades came effortless to me; school had always been a piece of cake for me. Sure, it wasn't as effortless as I make it out to be because I was one of those nerds who always had to do their homework and study for tests. I couldn't help it. I couldn't just not study. I did forget to study for a vocabulary test once, but I aced the test anyway, so I think that hardly counts. Basically, I was sick and tired of middle school where I knew every kid and every kid knew me. I wanted to reinvent myself. I didn't want to be the nerdy, smart girl with the braces and glasses anymore. I wanted to be noticed for something else. I wanted to be a writer. Ever since I learned to write, after my brief insanity of wanting to be a teacher, I've wanted to write novels. Enough said, I was excited for my first day of high school.

I took extra care picking out my first day of high school outfit. I wanted to remember exactly what my first day of high school outfit was, but apparently it wasn't important enough to engrain in my memory what it was. I have so many outfits and such an abundance of clothes that it's nearly impossible to keep track of it all. I blow-dried my newly-dyed very dark brown hair perfectly straight. Having minimal but necessary make-up applied, I left the house that morning not knowing what to expect but excited nonetheless.

Just to inform you, I had two older sisters that went to McCluer North, one that was currently going to be a junior that year, Megan, so basically, my parents didn't care much about me going to McCluer North. It had already been decided. I didn't have a choice or any say in the matter as of where I was to go to high school. Of course, now I look back and think of if I had wanted to go to another high school and if I really had gone to another high school. I would have never met Chris, and my life wouldn't have been altered permanently by the likes of that certain teenage boy.

Because of my parents' obliviousness, I hadn't gone to any orientations or received any maps that might guide me around this large and confusing campus. Of course, now it doesn't seem as large and confusing, but I remember how lost I was that first day. Armed with step-by-step directions of how to get to each and every class, I still got lost. I wandered into my third hour Honors Geometry class almost twenty minutes late because we couldn't find our advisor when we were supposed to go to advisement right after third hour.

When I said that Chris and I met in keyboarding class, I suppose that wasn't entirely accurate. We should have met in Honors Geometry, but apparently I didn't seem to notice him. That may make me seem like a terrible girlfriend for not even noticing that my soon-to-be boyfriend existed until 7th hour keyboarding even though I had had two classes with him earlier in the day. I also happened to have Literature/Composition for 5th Hour with Chris, but I apparently seemed to miss his existence then also. It seemed that I wouldn't even know Chris's name until he was assigned the seat next to me in keyboarding. For that miracle, I will forever love and be indebted to my keyboarding teacher, Ms. Miller.

We were an odd couple, to say the least. I said that I wanted to bash him in the head with a rock on more than several occasions. You might be wondering what kind of girlfriend would threaten to bash her boyfriend's head in with a rock, but you have to remember that we didn't start out or end ordinarily at all. When I told Chris of my rock-bashing plan, he didn't seem too frightened because he figured that he could stop me before I actually bashed his head in. Of course, we never actually found out if Chris could stop me from bashing his head in with a rock, but it can only be assumed that he would be able to because of my lack of any upper body strength.

The thing that astonishes people the most was the fact that we were actually going out. No one would ever believe it; no one ever really suspected it. I didn't have a problem with making it public, but I didn't feel the need to flaunt it to everybody and their brother that I, Marcie Kae Veit, was capable of getting a boyfriend. In fact, I really could have had my pick of boyfriends if I had wanted to. On more than one occasion, I had been approached and basically told that I "hot". I made a great effort to avoid those guys because I didn't want to be stalked or called "baby" by some random guy who I didn't even know or want to know. There was a guy in my first hour health class who found it imperative to say "hey, baby" every time he saw me when I neither implied that I wanted to be his "baby" or even really wanted to look at the guy ever again.
© Copyright 2008 Marcie Kae (UN: iheartdogs at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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