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Rated: 18+ · Book · Contest Entry · #1438237
15 days 15 minutes---flash fiction, flash poetry
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#593195 added June 26, 2008 at 11:26am
Restrictions: None

signature created by Jem


Singapore, 2030

Sister Petra entered the Kwan Im Thong Hood Cho Temple on Waterloo Street through one of its inconspicuous side doors. Her parishoners from the Church of Sts. Peter and Paul would find it odd that she was praying here tonight and not surrounded by the familiar walls of her home church.

In truth, she had found her way here many times, finding comfort in a sacred space dedicated to a female deity, Kwan Yin, the goddess of mercy. Of course, like any good Catholic she revered Mother Mary, but despite all the theology, and all the doctrine she continued to long for a faith wild enough to conceive of God as female.

It comforted Sister Petra that this temple served to house refugees during the Japenese occupation of China, and was now always buzzing with philanthropic activities for the needy and sick.

Tonight the temple was quiet, there was no clacking of the Quian, divining sticks used to read the future.

Sister had no use for divination tonight, only silent prayer to a foreign female deity. The summons from Rome had arrived. She , one of the first cadre of female priests, then rising to the rank of Cardinal, she was being summoned to Conclave.

She asked Kwan Yin for compassion and guidance should she become the next Pope.


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