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Rated: 18+ · Book · Supernatural · #1404645
Paranormal Romance Prologue.
#589861 added June 9, 2009 at 4:24pm
Restrictions: None
Chapter 5
Chapter 5

Silence rained down on them, as they ate. The restaurant slowly returned to its normal pace. Waiters rushed to and fro, taking orders, running to and from the kitchen, posting orders and delivering food to the various tables and returned the occasional incorrectly cooked meal.

         Movement in her peripheral vision caught her attention. She turned towards the dining hall entryway. There stood a tall brown haired man with a brunette haired woman hanging on his arm in the old fashioned gesture of courting. Ana couldn’t help stare at him…

He was beautiful, the most beautiful man she had ever seen. Why can I not find someone like that? She thought as she stared at him, unable to look away. His eyes were so mesmerizing. Sparkling like jewels, though she could not say which jewel.  It seemed that they were a different one each time she took note of them or as if saturated by a different hue of color.

Ana stared mesmerized by the mystery of them. The longer she stared, the more they seemed to change color. One minute they were blue and the next they were some other color. They were like a rainbow with its myriad of colors and hues... And just as mysterious.

Sitting in the dark restaurant, packed in the corner, hating her best friend for setting this up. How do I always attract the losers? Why? Ana felt strangely cold about it and pissed but the anger was a distant flame, burning in her heart, trying to singe it, to burn it to ash… Why did I let Moregan set me up, again? I hate blind dates. She wished she were the one that was attached to his arm.

The way he moved was graceful. It seemed to her that his movements appeared exaggerated and a bit lazy, as if he had all the time in the world... It made him look a bit odd, in her eyes, given his six feet, three inches tall stature. His clothes were a bit luxurious and fit him well. His black expensively tailored pants fit snuggly around his legs, giving a little to allow movement. They showed very powerful legs but they were not large like a bodybuilder’s, rather small, skinny, like a dancer with narrow hips and small backside. His chest looked well muscled, again unlike a body builder. He looked well proportioned if not a bit on the small side considering his height.

Her mind became sidetracked as he stared, wondering how it would feel to get her hands on that. She licked her lips seductively, eyes locked on his butt. Mmmm, Nice!  Then her eye locked onto his, as he stared at her.

Scenes of her waking in the morning, turning to look at the bed beside her... Emptiness deepening and nearly boring right through her, hollowness permeating her soul as her eyes lighted upon his face… so beautiful... She thought to herself, as that emptiness retreated, leaving her with a sense of elation. Calmness swept over her in a wave, overwhelming her senses and settled upon her, seeming to take up residence in her very soul. She flopped back on the bed, feeling as she floated, trembling violently, as if suddenly fear-stricken; though there was nothing of fear in her just a vast feeling of contentment and peace that seeped through her every pore. She did not have the clarity to think, let alone to think straight. It was impossible to think anything. She could not move. She didn’t have the strength to, all she could do was lay there and feel.

Ana sat there, immobile and unable to speak; her eyes saw everything that happened yet remained blind to the scenes of reality. As she leaned back in the chair, her skin began to tingle as if being touched. The sensation spread quickly through her entire body, crippling her and stopping her breath. Then as if he were right there, a whisper in her ear… “Ana.” The voice soft and velvety, wrapped itself around her, paralyzing every muscle and enticing her into relinquishment. It felt like every nerve was alive all at once with sensation, overloading her brain with the input. She luxuriated in the feeling so much that she had forgotten about the plate of food in front of her.

When her head cleared and the images faded along with everything else, the fire of anger died into a single flame that burnt cold giving off no heat. And she found she no longer had a desire for food or the need for it.

“What is wrong? Food not good?”

“No, it was delicious, just not so hungry anymore.”

The waiter approached handing the bill to Nick. “Will there be anything else, sir?”

Ana spoke quickly, “A doggie bag, please?”

The waiter took the bill and credit card from Nick with a smile and sideways glance at Ana.”I will be right back with your doggie bag, Ma’am.” And with that Phil walked away.

Five minutes passed, Phil returned with a receipt for Nick to sign, placed it in front of him along with a pen. He placed a Styrofoam box in front of Ana.

“Thank you.”

Phil’s eyes twinkled in reply as the corners of his mouth spread wide in a smile. “Come again.” He said to Ana. But ditch the wet noodle.

The anger boiling inside at her best and long time friend for having set this up, settled to a slight heated flush of irritation. The urge she had to take it out on this innocent man in front of her died a quick death.

Suddenly fire flashed through her and she was burning up. Her eyes glazed over and she stared straight forward not blinking. Her eyes saw images of him superimposed over reality, like a double exposure of moving images. And then her mind wandered into dreams of carnal pleasure.

In her head, as if put there without her knowledge, Ana saw him lying in her bed with sheets covering only half of his body. The thin blue sheet created a perfect frame of color complimenting his pale skin. He looked like a model caught forever in an eye catching, head turning pose, candidly dosing between shoots. It was adorable, so scrumptious... he looked good enough to eat.

Her delicate, slightly tan hand touched the bare skin of his chest. His skin was soft, smooth and cold as ice. As she laid her hand upon his chest, something ran through her body. Giving her a jolt, like an electrical current.

She froze, and then looked up at his face. His eyes wide and face blank, unreadable but his eyes smiled back at her… Sparkling like jewels and a mischievous grin stretched across his face. He picked up a hand and gently caressed her cheek with a light touch. His hand tickled along her jaw-line and down her neck.

Ana closed her eyes letting the coolness of his skin ignite her desire sitting just under the surface. It rose faster than she could have imagined. Her hand where it sat upon his chest shook with a fine tremor as she felt his silken lips press to hers, greedily, as if he would eat her up in an instant. His hands upon her shoulders… so cold… slid down over her arms, pulling the straps of her pale pink gown with them.

He kissed her chest, his lips lightly touching her skin, tickling. Something touched her, cold and wet. Soft as a bird’s feather and drew chilly lines on her warm skin. Urgently he laid her back on the bed, and then his tongue drew MANY cold, wet lines down her chest and abdomen.

She shivered as though chilled through but she was actually warm. Ana threw her head back in exultation, as goose-flesh popped up all over her body.

Desire had risen to new heights within her and burned like an addiction.

Her eyes regained their sight when he raised his head up. Looking directly at her, his eyes seemed a contradiction to the old adages that say, “The eyes are the windows to the soul”, and “A person’s eyes tell you everything.” His eyes told her nothing and were rather empty of emotion.

She continued to stare at him, unable to tear her eyes from his. Suddenly she was no longer in the restaurant with her blind date, Nick.

She stood in a semi-dark room,          surrounded by candles all aglow. They filled the room with a soft yellowish glow that reflected off the dark bed clothes and hanging over the bed post was a white gown. The material was thin and nearly transparent but soft, as if it had been worn a thousand times. She slipped out of her clothes and into the gown, without knowing why. It fell nearly to the floor flaring out just under her breast-line.

She was comfortable here. Suddenly she felt drained and a bit drowsy. She sat on the edge of the bed. It was soft, not hard like she thought. She lay back on it putting her head on the amazingly comfortable pillow and dozed off.

Ana came back to real world briefly then her eyes glazed over, blind and sightless… Images appeared as if magically conjured out of the air. She saw herself bathed in the thin yellowish glow of the candles, lying on the bed in this strange room, asleep while he stood gazing upon her posed like “Sleeping Beauty”.

The image was not hers. It came from him… How? Had he gotten in her head somehow? Her mind buzzed with questions.

Then as if out of the blue, someone whispered, “Ana”.

She looked around her in surprise. “What?”  She asked in a silent whisper, as her eyes settled upon his again.

She sank into darkness… An endless sea of black stretched out before her.
The lack of sight blinded her. But she sensed movement in the vast pitch expanse, writhing movement and her ears heard the sound of muted screams echoing, as if from a great distance. Horror struck her and she trembled with fright.

IT’S ALIVE! Ana gasped in mute horror as she sensed the seething movement. She couldn’t tell whether there was any danger or not and where it may come from. Ana had no advance warning. It was terrifying and her stomach knotted in fear, preparing for some type of onslaught. It felt like a thousand tiny wings began fluttering all at once within the minute confines of her stomach.

Just then, he took her hand in his. A sense of peace fluttered inside her as she felt his cold skin. A wave of calmness settled upon her, like these thousand tiny wings suddenly stilled. She felt desire raging inside her like a wildfire out of control, peace also burned within her, as cold as the heat of her desire. It felt like she was in several places at once. Confusion overwhelmed her and she thought to herself... Where am I? Instinctually her fear response was raised and she cringed, shrinking away from the feelings that overwhelmed her. But in that instant, calmness settled upon her, deadening the urgency of flight, soothing her. The fear and confusion took a backseat to the calm that took over her body, creating lethargy. Her limbs felt like lead and she could not move.

Against the blue of the sheets, his skin pale, looking lily white and beautiful. His short brown/black hair, a mass of tangles, stood on end, going in all directions. 

Then the darkness suddenly flared into brilliant white light, blinding her as she beheld his beauty…

© Copyright 2009 Korath Mindsthrall (UN: vivienthompson at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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