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Rated: 18+ · Book · Other · #1407297
These are my rambles, my thinking as I grow younger and younger.
#576652 added March 31, 2008 at 2:14am
Restrictions: None
Second Entry at 10: 00 p.m.
SECOND ENTRY - Hey, I made it past one day. I feel like when I've tried to quit smoking. You know, you count the days..."Oh, wow, I made it one day...oh wow..". Like a fruitcake actually. Everybody else in the REAL WORLD thinks you're a nutcase anyway, and your "happy hopping" over making it one lousy day without puffin' on a little rolled up piece of turtle poop is not that important to them. You know that, come on. They just look at you waxy-eyed, and think..."Holy, Moly, now I gotta put up with this guy trying to quit smoking.....what a pain in the butt HE'S gonna be...".

THEY DON'T CARE, PEOPLE......get it into your heads. So, me writing a second entry onto this Blog thingy isn't really earth shattering, and nobody gives a Howdy-Do about it anyway. (OH, by the way - I DID stop smoking for five (5) count 'em days in a row (YES, in a row - do ya you think I'm a cheater??? grabbing a day here and a day there.....puttin' 'em together so they'd equal 5 days? Man, how suspicious and cynical can folks be.) Anyway, I went 5 days.........Oh, I was so proud, and I wasn't coughing, having headaches or smelling my hair in bed, wondering where that stink came from. What happened? I know you're asking that. I'm not really sure....I think the little non-smoking/craving patches hit the wall and did a skid into "Not Working", "Not communicating with brain cells in frontal lobe" etc.

I had one sorry, pathetic, massive craving........and just hopped in the car and breezed down to the Circle K and I KNEW the first puff was gonna taste like crapola - and it did. I took my four puffs and put it out. You see, the other aspect is the money thing. I don't smoke an entire cigarette - only the top half. So, that's maybe 5 puffs. Then I'm done with it. I don't like the bottom half, it starts tasting gross as it gets nearer the filter.

So, let's see, smokes are about $5.50 right now.......so my taking 5 puffs a smoke isn't very economical. My sole purpose for quitting was to save that darn $40.00 per week.. Alas, it was not to be.......BUT, I KNOW I can make it five days, therefore, logic would tell me...I can make it six days, seven days.

Reminds me of when I was "INTO" running and would run 5K's. Sweat pouring, stomach pucky, eyeballs all cross-eyed, kneecaps about to dis-member themselves etc........I always would say......"Come on, if you can make it one mile, then you can make it two miles.....I KNOW you can make it three miles....etc. Just DON'T BE LAST, Nancy....whatever, don't come in last." And by golly, I never won a race, but I sure as heck never came in last. Next to last, maybe...but not last. And I didn't mind the one race when I hit the finish line, puked my guts out right into the arms of the firemen waiting there, and letting them help me over to the aid station for oranges and re-hydration. I was a little ashamed, throwing up RIGHT at the finish line - but with cute, strongman firemen there to catch me - why I would do it all over again.

Gosh I need to put an entry into this blog just about firemen......like WHERE do they find these guys, and why are all of them so cute? Like it's part of the application..."No UGLY men wanted, only handsome, cute, women-wowing guys accepted".

But, I'll leave that opinion piece for another day. I forgot what this whole entry was about, to tell you the truth. I hope it was profound enough for someone - because I've already lost the memory of it - obviously I didn't think it was very interesting....or else, maybe all my brain cells are shot, and it's only a matter of time,  See you folks again (if you ever come back).......it's been fun.

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