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Rated: 13+ · Book · Fantasy · #1384117
The beginning, before time, known history and the final days of evil in the earth.
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#566043 added February 10, 2008 at 8:30pm
Restrictions: None
    At 11:34 A.M., in the frigidly cold reaches of the Arctic Circle, two hundred kilometers
north of the small Russian village of Pusklava, several high ranking dignitaries and
military personnel of the Soviet red army gathered to witness an experiment of monumental
importance for the communist nation. It had been the culmination of scientific experimentation
and military obsession to obtain the power that would equalize their standing with the
western capitalistic world.
    Beneath the depths of Mount Skytyvkar the first attempt to produce a major controlled
atomic reaction from nuclear fission would occur. Within the Anyluskiy Khrebet range, the
temporary Kytvak Military station had been built for this one purpose. It had taken
eighteen months to complete the facility thirty kilometers from the blast area, and to complete the two hundred meter mine shaft beneath the mountain where the reaction would
    Feeling secure within the meter thick stainless steel and cement bunker the spectators
waited in silence, listening in apprehension as the final seconds of the countdown were
called out.
    In stunned awe the viewers stood transfixed, as the explosive ignition seemed to rent
the world about them. It was as if the entire earth were beginning to collapse inward upon
itself, and as suddenly attempting to expel a planet size belch deep from within its bowels.
    The sucking gasps of air permeated the protective bunker when small mountains
expelled by the force of the blast rose skyward, followed by hills, boulders, rocks, sand,
and finally dust. As one the onlookers stepped back from the viewing portals, seeing the
approaching shockwave reverberate against the protective glass polymer, their minds
reacting instinctively to the sight. No reasoning at that point could hold them in place,
emotional fear getting the better of everyone, as the self survival of flight told them to
instinctively move, that nothing could stop the force they saw approaching.
    For the next ten minutes wide eyed stares peered outward from the bunker in total
silence. The attendees to the event still locked in their positions, none having stepped
forward from the earlier retreat, contented to remain where they were, waiting for the
slow settling dirt and snow to clear from view.
    When images outside began to take definition, relieved sighs and muted whispers could
be heard amongst the gathered. As the final small particles settled back to the ground, they
came to rest in a large flat volcanic looking cone where once mighty Mount Skytyvkar
had reached toward the heavens.

    On many faces within the dimly lit structure a variety of expressions could be seen. They
ran the gamut from joyous smiles to disbelieving shock. Some were wide eyed and stone
faced, disillusionment registering upon their features considering the consequences of such
a weapon were they ever to be used in war. Many understood the ramifications. Not yet
even recovered from the second Great War, many losing large portions of their families and
friends to Germany. The idea of another such conflict with this type of weapon, did not have
a large appeal. Nevertheless, it was a necessity for them to protect themselves from the
threat of the west, especially the Americans.
    The dignitaries were revived from their contemplations by the sudden and loud clearing
of the throat by Premiere Chosknov.
    "Comrades", the premiere began, "Today marks a most monumental occasion for what
will one day be called the Day of Deliverance for the Soviet peoples. The day when we,
through our intelligence, strength and perseverance, laid the foundation for the protection
of the Soviet people against the evil and destruction of Western Imperialism".
    "We see here today that there is no obstacle that we cannot overcome, no burden
we cannot bear to see to the safety of the people of this nation. Comrade's my
congratulations to all who made this project a success".
    With his rehearsed recital finished the Premiere clapped his hands, and a couple
of soldiers standing in the tunnel leading to the bunker brought in a table, several glasses,
and two bottles of vodka. When those in the room had received a glass, the premiere
raised his drink and toasted to the health and longevity of the Soviet people and their
leader. Receiving several echoing voices of support to the toast and heartfelt
congratulations, the glasses were emptied quickly.
    With the toast concluded, the premiere smiled broadly and addressed the group again.
    "With the deepest regrets comrades, I must take leave now. Stalin awaits patiently for
the news of our success, and I do not wish to keep him in suspense of this most
glorious achievement".
    "Captain Moval", the premiere said, looking toward the professional looking soldier
from Military Intelligence.
    "See to the safety protocols for our guests and have my airplane ready to depart".
    The Captain with a click of boot heels saluted and turned sharply, leaving the viewing
room to carry out his orders.
    The Premiere started after him, then paused noticing several of the rooms occupants
staring out the view ports, a troubled questioning expression plainly displayed on their
faces. He turned to look out of the portal closest to him and smiled knowingly as to the
thoughts of his comrades, speaking up once more.

    "Comrades, we can thank the ruthless imperialists for the safety precautions we have
in place here today. If not for the vial cowardice acts of their leaders, exposing their own
soldiers to the contaminants of this type of weapon, we ourselves might have suffered
a most hideous fate. But we are fully aware of the radiation effects this weapon produces.
That is why we chose this barren tundra, far from any of the peoples. We will use caution
and wisdom in our path, and protect those in whom is our charge".
    The greenish-yellow particles sifting lazily through th air outside the viewing portals
appeared unearthly and ominous to those inside. The colorful reflective minute dust bode
something unsettling and sinister.
    "Be at ease", the premiere continued, speaking with genuine concern and conviction.
"All safety precautions have been arranged for you comrades. The Military personnel have
made arrangements for all of you to have protective clothing and transport from the area".
    Once again the premiere turned heading for the tunnel. Reaching the door leading
from the room he paused once more.
    "Comrades"! Chosknov stated, clear and serious inflection in his tone. "Remember
as previously instructed, this is a most guarded event. There will be no mention of your
attendance at today's function to anyone, for any reason. Our leader will address the nation
in the proper time, and as he sees fit".
    The nods of understanding from the rooms residents was all Chosknov needed, and
he left the room seeing many inside still staring out at the destructive scene, and the
lazily drifting particles which slowly settled on the disheveled landscape.
    Proceeding down the tunneled entry leading to the bunker area, Chosknov entered an
adjoining room near the tunnels exit. Within the room were several lead-lined suits
hanging head high on labeled wooden pegs, with full respirators and head covers.
    Captain Moval occupied the room, and assisted the premiere with donning the protective
clothing on which his name had been placed. The Captain had previously put on his
protective gear and found it somewhat challenging to dress the bloated overweight
politician, but eventually succeeded in getting the apparel on him.
    Before he could place the protective head covering over him, the premiere addressed
the Captain.
    "Have all preparations been made", Chosknov asked, speaking quite low for the usually
over boisterous premiere.
    "Yes Premiere", the Captain responded, "As were your instructions upon the list sent
to General Danko's office, so have they been carried out. The suits have been identified
for those not requiring fully protective clothing".
    A wicked grin stole over Chosknov's face as he slipped the covering over his head.
    The two men exited the room and proceeded out of the hatch that had been built
over the tunnel exit. Walking a short distance to an awaiting car, the two entered and
were driven around a complex of low hills, arriving at another hill that had been tunneled
out, to house several aircraft. Exiting the vehicle they entered the enclosed structure.

    Stepping inside the doorway to the hillside complex, the two entered into a sealed
chamber with fans situated above and below them.
    Holding onto the straps descending from the ceiling of the chamber, Captain Moval
pushed a red button on a covered panel inside, causing the entrance door to slide shut.
A sucking sound issued from the closing door, as the fans engaged creating a downward
tornado-like suction against the men, removing all dust particles they had gathered on
there exposure from leaving the viewing complex. When the process was completed
they exited the decontamination room, and Captain Moval assisted the fat politician
out of his suit.
  Boarding his plane the premiere saluted the Captain and expressed his appreciation
for all that he had done, again with an evil smile on his lips. The Captain saluted and
watched as the plane approached the retractable hangar door. He continued to watch
after the door closed and the Premiere's plane began to taxi out on the recently
cleared permafrost runway.
    When the plane took to the sky it circled over the area of destruction caused earlier
by the atomic blast. Chosknov had been astounded at the destructive scene from the
bunker, but it simply could not compare to the view he saw now. It seemed
incomprehensible that man could ever develop such an incredible power of this magnitude.
With unconsidered pride he instructed the pilot to circle the area and take photographs of
the remnants of what once had been a large snow covered mountain. A fine day had shed
its light on the Soviet people, that would one day change the world and bring him, Chosknov
to rememberance among the people.
    As his aircraft circled over the area, the Premiere saw the tiny figures of the individuals
who had shared his bunker leaving the tunnel for the aircraft hangar.
His chuckle of evil nonchalance turned into a harsh cough as he thought of the
members below who would no longer be a problem for him in the Duma.
He chuckled again and felt a slight burning in the back of his throat, deciding he
must be coming down with a cold.
    He ordered the pilot to return to Moscow, taking a last look back at the devastation of
Mount Skytyvkar. Indeed, today was a fine day.
    On the ground Captain Moval watched as the airplane took a final swing over the area
of destruction and changed its course heading. A wicked smile, reflective of the one
Chosknov had used earlier, crossed the Captain's lips.
    "Yes Premiere" he said to the plane disappearing in the distance, "all who were on
General Danko's list".   
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