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This will show our fight with Fibromyalgia, so others can learn that it's real. |
Hopefully I'll find out soon. The last 24-48 hours have been extremely painful with a type of backache I've never had before. Right on the left end of my waistline in the back there's a muscle that, according to my chiropractor, is knotted up and pressing on a nerve. She's worked on it twice in the past week, and another session is scheduled for Monday afternoon. The longer I walk at one time with this thing hurting, the more it hurts. Just bending over to pull up my slacks is extremely painful, and every step with the left foot sends sharp pains through that pressured nerve, both up the left side of my back and down the inside front of my left leg. And today, getting ready to go to church, a new wrinkle hit. That pain spread directly across my back, right at the waistline. Heating pad has it feeling better as long as I'm laying on it, but as soon as I get up, all the pain is back. And the pain has gotten bad enough at times that I've felt like throwing up. Needless to say, this crazy pain has stolen my appetite; the only thing I've tried eating today is the ever-excellent solution from generations ago, the tried and true chicken noodle soup. I'll be having a second bowl later on. ![]() And this crazy pain has also made it a bit difficult to breathe when it's at its worst as well, making me not want to inhale deepy since that can press on the stupid thing too. I'm not sure about going to work tomorrow at this point since it hurts to walk more than 15 feet or so at a time. We shall have to see. Obviously, more to come. |