After spending an entire night dreaming that I’d overslept my alarm and missed both my shuttle and flight, my alarm did in fact go off as scheduled, at the ungodly hour of 4:30 AM. The shuttle showed up on time, despite the fact that my idiotic brain somehow transposed two numbers when inputting my street address during the scheduling process. My shuttle driver spent the entire ride sharing with me the premise of the book he’s trying to write – his theory of education, the failure of the current system, and the paradigm shift that needs to take place in order for our children to reach their potential. Fascinating, and definitely with merit . . . but a bit too out there to be accepted in the mainstream.
I spent more time waiting in the airport than I actually did sitting on the plane. The flight actually left EARLY, and when we landed and I called Brandiwyn🎶  , she hadn’t even arrived at the airport, yet! The timing ended up being absolutely perfect; my luggage tumbled down the baggage claim belt just as she was pulling up in front of the door!
A short drive, and we reached our first destination. Starbucks, of course!  arrived soon after we did . . . and then we were three! I could scarcely believe that I was sitting there with 2 of Storm Machine  's Gutter gals! We wandered over to Barnes and Noble, where we spent an hour checking out books . . . and found a stuffed penguin that reminded us of ⭐Princette♥PengthuluWrites  , and a moose that reminded us of Jedi Moose  . Then to an adorable sandwich shop called Potbelly, where Seisa and I listened to Brandi sing and play guitar for the next two hours. We didn’t heckle her too much . . . Lunch at Potbelly, and then we headed to Brandi’s house . . . where we all sat down in the living room, with our laptops, and spent the next several hours laughing our asses off while chatting together, in scroll! (Hey, it’s great fun when we’re sitting separately – it’s hysterical when we’re next to each other!) (Please see "Invalid Item" ) A scrollie pollie determined that we’d have Greek food for dinner. So back to the car we went, and off to Seisa’s house . . . where we picked up George, and walked to a wonderful restaurant called The Happy Greek. (Opa!) AMAZING tzatziki – after tasting it, I changed my mind about what to order for my meal, so I could have something that came with more tzatziki! And I did something I hadn’t done in too too many years . . . I dipped my fries in tzatziki! That, and a glass of Kouras Medea, and suddenly I felt as though I’d been transported back 15 years, to a taverna in Athens! Thanks to Eliot  for the round of drinks! I so enjoyed meeting George! He’s just as Seisa described him. His dry wit cracked me up! 
After dinner we headed back to Brandi’s house, where we all booted up, and sat down with our laptops again! And then . . . and THEN!!! We watched Across the Universe!!! And I think they even liked it . . . I could barely keep my eyes open, and yet I couldn’t close them . . . by the time the movie was over, I’d been awake for 20 hours! Needless to say, I slept VERY well. AND I didn’t wake up until after 9! Wow – THAT was a treat! 
As I write this, I’m sitting in Potbelly again, listening to Brandi play. Later we’ll meet up with Seisa, again. There will probably be some shopping involved, and then Seisa and I will meet George for Indian food, while Brandi goes to a rehearsal. After that . . . who knows!? I’m sure we’ll end up back in scroll at some point! 
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